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David milliband

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Im not a labour voter but David Milliband is a far better speaker than his brother. What a shame Ed sounds like a horse chewing gum when he speaks.:gag:


You're right Pattricia Ed does sound nasal and bunged up; and he has also been mocked for looking geeky. And while his brother may have been a clearer speaker, I'd opt for the candidate who says things which resonate with me, rather that the one who simply relies on targetting a certain voter.


I think the danger is people fall for the candidate who has greater presentational skills but no soul.


It is said that Ed is politically to 'the left' of his brother, that may be true but it is only noticeable because he has occasionally challenged the gross neo liberal thought which has dominated politics for so long. For this he is labelled 'Red Ed' - I wished he was a bit more red to be honest. Politicians always go on about how people want choice, but id there are 3 parties all vying for who can serve the interests of business best, where's the choice for the voter in that?


---------- Post added 28-03-2013 at 18:55 ----------


Considering some of the views expressed on this topic, I can't wait for the day that Thatcher dies. There's no way such a thread, if it was to exist, can be locked on this forum. To do so would be agendaist.


I agree that the views expressed on here about the Millibands are personal rather than political.

But politics can personal. Ed Milliband sounds nasal & is laughed at, Gordon Brown has one eye, scrawly handwriting, and described as 'autistic' by George Osborne; Ed Balls is regularly mocked for his speech impediment; even Anne Begg the wheelchair using MP was reported to be 'relieved' to being heckled for the first time by the Tories, as she didn't want to be patronised.

Though when Paul Maynard a Tory MP with cerebral palsy was speaking it was said that a few Labour MPs 'pulled funny faces' at him, and he put in a complaint a few months later. Some MPs can take the rough and tumble some can't.

Voters often complain that politics should be about personalities rather than politics, but then sometimes it's just part of life to dig at someone. You have to have a thick skin.

Edited by Mister M
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you'll be surprised how much effect the way you say something has on the person listening to what you say.


Yes it is rather worrying and cost Richard Nixon the 1960 election.This must be why stars like Johnny Vegas are used a voice over in perfume adverts.

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Yes it is rather worrying and cost Richard Nixon the 1960 election.This must be why stars like Johnny Vegas are used a voice over in perfume adverts.


actually, it was not how Nixon sounded that allegedly cost him the 1960 election, but the way he looked. Just about every commentator that wasn't watching it on television, but listening to it on the radio believed he had easily won the debate.


also what probably cost Nixon the election was not that he lost the tv debate, but the fact that his opponent's father managed to steal the state of Ilinois on his son's behalf.

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actually, it was not how Nixon sounded that allegedly cost him the 1960 election, but the way he looked. Just about every commentator that wasn't watching it on television, but listening to it on the radio believed he had easily won the debate.


also what probably cost Nixon the election was not that he lost the tv debate, but the fact that his opponent's father managed to steal the state of Ilinois on his son's behalf.


Yes you are right of course but the case was cited as a triumph of style over content.Did someone actually steal half of Illinois-must have been hard to hide?

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david milliband is off to a very well paid job with execellant package for rent/taxis/health also his payoff from westminster, and he could come back in a few years and become an mp again.

bet gordon brown is knashing hi teeth

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david milliband is off to a very well paid job with execellant package for rent/taxis/health also his payoff from westminster, and he could come back in a few years and become an mp again.

bet gordon brown is knashing hi teeth


GB could not care less as he is not bothered about money,which I respect.I did not realise that David M.was promised taxis in the deal,but it wont harm to be driven round.

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david milliband is off to a very well paid job with execellant package for rent/taxis/health also his payoff from westminster, and he could come back in a few years and become an mp again.

bet gordon brown is knashing hi teeth


And poss PM when his dopey brother resigns.

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