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Tb and immigrants

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quote "TIME BOMB SUN INVESTIGATION: THE DEADLY DISEASE WILL SWEEP UK WHEN WE LET IN ROMANIANS." I dont know how true this is but, I find it increasingly worrying that not only are we an over crowded country but, we are also being subjected to this kind of situation. Not only is the nhs under strain from the cost that it incurs already , we who are born and bread british citizens, have to fight for life saving treatment.ie postcode health lottery.surely the time has come for britain to say "Enough is enough and close the gate to this country, so those already here can recieve treatment from the nhs, without it having to cater and try to control diseases being brought into the country" Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Welcome to the website of the Relief Fund for Romania.



TB is the biggest infectious killer disease in the world and it is on the increase. We are facing a global emergency which seldom hits the headlines.

Romania has the highest tuberculosis rate in Europe.


Its chief victims are young adults many of whom are men who are usually the breadwinners for their extended Romanian families.


So it doesn't just affect its immediate victims. TB also threatens the well being of thousands of children.


Despite this, we seem to be the only aid group seriously funding the fight against TB in Romania.


Romania has the worst incidence of TB in Europe. It has 30,000 active cases a year. (Albania has 600...)


We are working with the WHO to improve cure rates, especially in the poorest rural areas, by ensuring local doctors are adequately trained and motivated to fight the spread of this terrible disease.


If you would like to make a quick secure donation to help those in need in Romania please click here

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TB is a horrendous disease. My mom had it when I was born ( City General Hospital 1955 ) and it not only affects the patient but the whole family and extended family too. We all had to be vaccinated, I had the BCG when I was born and my mom couldn't come into contact with anybody without protection.

She was in an isolation ward for ages and for the first 5 years of my life I was virtually brought up by my aunty and uncle. She has suffered with a bad chest

ever since 1955, but she's still alive and is now 86 years old.

TB is a killer disease, my mom was one of the 'lucky ones' who survived.

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Its in The Sun, the lowest tabloid there is. That should give you the answer.
It's fair cop that the Sun hardly shines as a beacon of journalistic prowess and integrity...


That said, the increase in TB cases in Western Europe attributable to east european immigrants has long (1), (2) been ascertained as a medical fact, regrettably.


As is the recent increase in MDR-resistant cases (1), (2), still more regrettably.


Anecdotally, I recall being told by an Irish practitionner that TB cases of EE origins were very much, and consistently, increasing in the Republic in the mid to late nougties, but were 'hushed' for politico-social reasons. I had no reason to doubt her, as she was (still is) a good family friend and an eminently smart and reasonable person, and moreover after the local authorities similarly 'hushed' (misreported in paperwork and stats) our daughter's case of an extremely rare and highly contagious disease (not TB).

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