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For those people who drive everywhere at 20mph

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I do this too. I HATE people driving bumper to bumper. Especially as I'm not a slow driver. I always drive on the limit; 30 in a 30, 40 in a 40 etc.


I like to slow to about 15/20, then pull away. If they end up up my backside again, I slow to 15 and don't speed up......unless they try and overtake me.


---------- Post added 28-03-2013 at 12:29 ----------



All of what you are saying is true. But you do realise that driving excessively slow, is just as dangerous as driving fast. You should drive to the limit, unless their is a need for you to go slower, i.e a reduced clearance or you are in a very urban area with narrow roads, like an average housing estate.


If you are on a busy A or B road with no traffic & you decide that you are going to drive at 20mph, you will cause an accident at some point.



NO i wont.


the accident will be caused by who ever decides to overtake unsafely. t

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Was that meant as a joke?...Not sure..


I presume so.

He said he slows down as a result of tailgaters.

There'd be no reason to prevent someone overtaking unless your a dick who wants to cause an accident, the poster came across as a decent sort to me.

I could be wrong i suppose but i presumed he was joking, perhaps hell come along soon and tell us?

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Speeding drivers is a different discussion entirely. In the case of the OP, while not defending the 'exaggeration'.. i suspect that the figure of 20mph is merely a quick way of describing the kind of people who seem to just plod around everywhere oblivious to whats going on around them. I think we can all empathise with that.


I can emphasise with that, but the OP's exaggeration was like a red rag to a bull when I read it, and reading it again it makes it seem like there's loads of these people driving around at 20 mph when there isn't.


Thinking about this thread as I left work yesterday, I set off along our 30 mph with no traffic around and deliberately kept to 20 mph. It seemed painfully slow, and I could only keep it at that speed for a few seconds before I had to take it up to a more natural speedo 30 mph (actual 27 mph).


With the exception of industrial and agricultural vehicles I just don't see cars moving around at such slow speeds, 5 mph below the prevailing traffic speed but that's about it. They might be slightly irritating, but that's my problem.


If somebody was deliberately driving down the A61 at 20 mph as the OP claimed, which is a 40 mph road with limited overtaking, then that driver was being a nob. But this is driving that I cannot remember observing, it is so rare, yet the OP makes it sound commonplace.


What is commonplace is arrogant driving in general. People driving too fast, too close, in inappropriate lanes, cutting in aggressively, blocking junctions, running lights is behaviour that I observe every day. I'll put these in Group A for arrogant.


Most of us, the vast majority of us, are in Group B. We just want to get to where we're going as safely as possible and as quickly as reasonable, with consideration for others.


People in Group C that drive "too slow", whatever that is, seem to be invisible. I never observe such people.


Sure there are plenty of drivers moving at speeds less than me, and some of them might even irritate me, but they still belong in Group B.


Reading a thread about "those people" in Group C like it's a problem doesn't make sense, it doesn't match with my observations. I have to suspect that people complaining that such a group exists are actually Group A people, moaning about Group B people, who are clearly less important.

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I'm not exaggerating at all.


I encounter people driving at 20mph several times every day, obviously mostly in 30/40mph speed zones.


Sometimes when say I pull up alongside them at lights they appear to be gripping the steering wheel for dear life.


That or still busy talking to their passenger not noticing the lights have changed to green.


I think they should stick to public transport.

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but they could have indirectly caused road deaths by frustrating somebody into overtaking and hitting an innocent motorist coming the other way. Of course they will probably be oblivious to it and just tootle on at 25


No, they haven't. It is the responsibility of the person over taking to make sure that it is safe to do so. If it isn't, then be patient and wait until it is.

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I'm not exaggerating at all.


I encounter people driving at 20mph several times every day, obviously mostly in 30/40mph speed zones.


I've told you a million times to stop exaggerating.




If you encounter people driving at 20mph several times every day, and I don't encounter any at all, then one must conclude that either you're driving too fast or I'm driving too slow.


My money's on the former, particularly since my speed is always similar to everybody else.


I know what it must be like for you ... you want to drive at 45 mph whilst everybody else wants to stick to the speed limit, and those you meet several times a day that are more comfortable driving at 30/35 mph ... well it must seem like they're only doing 20 mph.

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I've told you a million times to stop exaggerating.




If you encounter people driving at 20mph several times every day, and I don't encounter any at all, then one must conclude that either you're driving too fast or I'm driving too slow.


My money's on the former, particularly since my speed is always similar to everybody else.


I know what it must be like for you ... you want to drive at 45 mph whilst everybody else wants to stick to the speed limit, and those you meet several times a day that are more comfortable driving at 30/35 mph ... well it must seem like they're only doing 20 mph.


most speedo's over read making 45 more like a true 40 but you wouldnt know that would you?

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What gets me is had they drove the same way on their test they would have failed yet they sit there with their bad attitudes thinking thay are the ones that are the good drivers who are safer than everyone else its far from the case

When did driving slowly lead to someone failing their test? I sat mine nearly 15 years ago, but I distinctly remember being told that if I'm nearing the speed limit then I'm going too fast.

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most speedo's over read making 45 more like a true 40 but you wouldnt know that would you?


Not only was your reply very condescending, but also very foolish given that I plainly stated that I did know just 4 posts before yours.

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