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For those people who drive everywhere at 20mph

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Its not them causing the accident, if thry are doing 25 in a 30 a somrone gets 'frustrated' as you said and overtakes and hits an innocent motorists then there is one 1 idiot to blame and its not the person driving 5 under the speed limit!


Your wrong! the slow driver has caused the accident as mentioned before, he is impeding traffic, just stick to the appropriate speed limits, it's not hard.

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I have only very rarely encountered cars being driven at such low speeds for any great distance. However, I quite often find myself behind someone who is obviously lost or is looking for somewhere specific & consequently drives slowly. I make a point of keeping my distance so as to give such drivers a bit of room for manoeouvre.

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They can stop and question all they want. Unless a law has been broken they can do sod all about it.


Driving without due care and attention covers a multitude of sins.


Driving inappropriately slowly could be charged under that.


If it would get you a minor or major point on a driving test, then it's probably wrong, and failing to make good progress is a minor.


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 11:54 ----------


You shouldn't. Nobody can be responsible by proxy. I'm not responsible for the choices that other drivers make. End of. Simple.


The law certainly recognises that your behaviour can affect other people.

They're still responsible for how they react, but (for example) if you provoke someone into an assault then the provocation would be a mitigating factor.


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 11:55 ----------


I don't. It'd be subjective. One man's annoying is another man's sensible - hence we have this thread.


I draw the line at legal and illegal. If someone is not breaking a law, and following all the guidelines in the Highway Code - they're not doing anything wrong.


Failing to make good progress would be breaking the highway code, although not the law.


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 11:57 ----------


So, would you slow down for a pedestrian on a crossing then if they hadn't pressed the button or would you expect the pedestrian to wait for you to pass?


You're obviously in a hurry but seem to think that pedestrians may not be.


More often than not when I cross a pedestrian crossing without pressing the button with an approaching car, the driver of the car will invariably accelerate towards the crossing rather than maintaining their speed and allowing me to cross safely. Obviously, it could just be a universal vendetta that car drivers have against me but I don't think so.


As a pedestrian I often cross without pressing the button, sometimes that just means waiting 10 seconds, sometimes it means speeding up to a bit of a jog for a few seconds.

As a car driver you often see people walk up and push the button, before looking and then crossing... The lights change and you then have to stop, the pedestrian is already across and walking away, brain presumably still at home in the safe place they leave it.


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 11:58 ----------




Ask a silly question get a silly answer. :)


It's only "silly" because it proves that your assertion that as long as it's legal it's acceptable is itself silly.

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I have only very rarely encountered cars being driven at such low speeds for any great distance. However, I quite often find myself behind someone who is obviously lost or is looking for somewhere specific & consequently drives slowly. I make a point of keeping my distance so as to give such drivers a bit of room for manoeouvre.




It's very rare (to the point of not requiring a rant directed to the good people of Sheffield), but when it is observed there's a reason so the temporary patience of those behind seems sensible.


What isn't very rare, in fact it's all too common, is cars being driven too fast and too close. I wouldn't be at all surprised if such drivers might rationalise their own impatience when they have to decelerate behind a car travelling at 5mph below the speed limit with some nonsense ranting. "Gettouta my way you useless idiot driving at 20mph, can't you drive, use your right foot dammit, you shouldn't be allowed on the road, I'm gonna be 2 mins late for my tea, I'm fed up with people like you, there's just too many of you getting in my way etc etc".



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I think threads like this just boil down to the same old "there are some people that look/act different to me, and I don't like it"


I think it boils down to a slightly different statement.


"There are some people who can't drive competently and they cause problems, delays and annoyance, and I don't like it".


Not liking bad driving is quite reasonable isn't it?


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 12:04 ----------


Sensible debate back on track.


Would people suggest a Required Speed Limit?

It should be illegal to drive too slow?


No. You'd be breaking the law if you slowed down because of snow, or traffic lights, or pedestrians, or to park.


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 12:07 ----------


I said driving too slow wasn't an offence in and of itself. It isn't, thus I am correct. When I start my car at a traffic lights from 0mph upwards, I am not breaking a law, even though I am driving slow. If I am slowing down for traffic lights I am not breaking a law, even though I am driving slow. Driving slow is not an offence in and of itself.


You've not contradicted anything I've said, or proven me wrong.


Do you think the OP was talking about people who were stopping for traffic lights or just setting off? You're being disingenuous now that Obelix has shown that driving inappropriately slowly is an offence.


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 12:11 ----------


The speed limit is a maximum not a recommendation,hence no-one will ever be prosecuted for driving within the limit.The impatient drivers need to address their own issues as they have the problem,and ought to leave a little earlier.If I drove I would decide my speed and would not be dictated to by others.


They will and have been, didn't you see the links earlier?


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 12:14 ----------


A road isn't a roundabout-you slow down on a roundabout and presumably a faster road will have a bigger roundabout so they aren't comparable. I never have trouble with trees on a roundabout. I find no trees more distracting actually.


You get distracted when there aren't trees in your view???


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 12:17 ----------


Last week I was stopped in a side road, in town, waiting to turn right onto the main road and my exit was clear.

A cyclist who looked about 18 was coming from my left, loads of time to turn and I started to move out, no soon had I done so he pulls over to the middle of the road and signals right.

Quick stop and he turns into the side road and gives me a look.

These coppers look younger each day:gag:


If you had time to pull out then why couldn't you continue to do so? You were turning to go the same way as the cyclist right?


If him moving to the middle meant you had to stop, then you probably never had time to pull out in the first place.


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 12:19 ----------


I'm not exaggerating at all.


I encounter people driving at 20mph several times every day, obviously mostly in 30/40mph speed zones.


Sometimes when say I pull up alongside them at lights they appear to be gripping the steering wheel for dear life.


That or still busy talking to their passenger not noticing the lights have changed to green.


I think they should stick to public transport.


The ones that annoy me more drive at 40mph in the NSL (60) zone. And then continue at 40mph when you enter a 30 zone. Perhaps they're SUV can only travel at 40mph...

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I think it boils down to a slightly different statement.


"There are some people who can't drive competently and they cause problems, delays and annoyance, and I don't like it".


Not liking bad driving is quite reasonable isn't it?


Of course it's reasonable, and I trust you are not suggesting that I think otherwise.


But do you really think that 20 mph drivers on 30/40 mph roads is a problem that we have to contend with on a daily basis? I just don't think so.

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Of course it's reasonable, and I trust you are not suggesting that I think otherwise.


But do you really think that 20 mph drivers on 30/40 mph roads is a problem that we have to contend with on a daily basis? I just don't think so.


Maybe you're one of them if you don't notice it?


I know loads of people that say the same. One of my staff drives down the M1 to work every morning and often says they see people driving at 50mph during normal conditions.

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Maybe you're one of them if you don't notice it?


Not even a smiley? :suspect:


I know loads of people that say the same. One of my staff drives down the M1 to work every morning and often says they see people driving at 50mph during normal conditions.


Well, if you now want to widen the discussion to 50mph slow drivers on the motorway, then I assume that you've conceded my point in your mind that 20mph slow drivers isn't worth discussing because they don't exist.


On 30/40mph roads driving inappropriately at 20mph is really painfully slow, and yes it would amount to bad driving, but it just doesn't happen.


What does happen is that some drivers thinks that everybody else is driving too slow, everybody else is in the wrong lane, etc

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Not even a smiley? :suspect:




Well, if you now want to widen the discussion to 50mph slow drivers on the motorway, then I assume that you've conceded my point in your mind that 20mph slow drivers isn't worth discussing because they don't exist.


On 30/40mph roads driving inappropriately at 20mph is really painfully slow, and yes it would amount to bad driving, but it just doesn't happen.


What does happen is that some drivers thinks that everybody else is driving too slow, everybody else is in the wrong lane, etc


They don't exist?!? I can only assume you don't drive?

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