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For those people who drive everywhere at 20mph

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And there lies the problem a crap driver cant see how someone could be better than them so they combat it with bags of attitude and you can see it every day.


If it was up to me i would retest ALL drivers every ten years and grade them but not with the farce of a test we have now a proper test that actually tests more than 2 random excercises.Its a joke and thats why there is so many driving round at half the posted speeds,but at the same time making excuses for it name calling anyone else with some ability.

If you grade drivers at least that way the crap drivers would know they are crap and because they would be loaded on insurance,have some incentive to improve.No doubt they would still try and blame the examiners but some will never take responsibility.

I recon at least 20% would never attempt another test and another chunk would never pass a proper one never mind get anything but a low grade.


Well said. :thumbsup:

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And there lies the problem a crap driver cant see how someone could be better than them so they combat it with bags of attitude and you can see it every day.


If it was up to me i would retest ALL drivers every ten years and grade them but not with the farce of a test we have now a proper test that actually tests more than 2 random excercises.Its a joke and thats why there is so many driving round at half the posted speeds,but at the same time making excuses for it name calling anyone else with some ability.

If you grade drivers at least that way the crap drivers would know they are crap and because they would be loaded on insurance,have some incentive to improve.No doubt they would still try and blame the examiners but some will never take responsibility.

I recon at least 20% would never attempt another test and another chunk would never pass a proper one never mind get anything but a low grade.


That's the most coherent post I've seen, upon the subject of motoring, for a long time.

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As a HGV driver myself with our vehicles set at 56mph, the person i dread most is the 54/55 mph whaller because it takes an eternity to pass


Why do you feel you have to pass someone who is only doing 1mph less than you can..? Is elephant racing obligatory?

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I'm pretty good up to about 190 mph.


I was trained and tested as a stunt driver. I can usually be seen driving in reverse up the M1, on the opposite carriageway, against the flow of traffic. I'm pretty unstoppable up to about 217mph! I also have a letter from God that permits me to moonwalk on the hard shoulder of any motorway, in the WORLD!


I'm just such a good driver that I don't even need a car!

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I was trained and tested as a stunt driver. I can usually be seen driving in reverse up the M1, on the opposite carriageway, against the flow of traffic. I'm pretty unstoppable up to about 217mph! I also have a letter from God that permits me to moonwalk on the hard shoulder of any motorway, in the WORLD!


I'm just such a good driver that I don't even need a car!


It's the people who don't realise that there are drivers as good as you that are the problem though.

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It's the people who don't realise that there are drivers as good as you that are the problem though.


I'm only good up to 217mph, though. At 218mph, I'm pretty reckless and consider myself a danger to other road users!

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Why do you feel you have to pass someone who is only doing 1mph less than you can..? Is elephant racing obligatory?


Its not that simple.Slower drivers tend to not hold a set speed which has the vehicles behind them all doing the same.That rules out the cruise control and ups stress levels and risk needlessly .

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Why do you feel you have to pass someone who is only doing 1mph less than you can..? Is elephant racing obligatory?


So what happens if i decide to reduce my speed instead of overtaking?... In the direct scheme of things.. not much. But then another HGV comes up behind and the 'bunching' effect starts to take place. Before long, the road is congested with groups of HGV's and then an incline comes up and the road becomes blocked by crawling trucks struggling to maintain any kind of speed or momentum. Then, the following car drivers eventually get home, log into their favourite forum and start complaining about trucks cluttering up the roads.


Trucks are generally fairly slow moving things, weighing many many tonnes. The drivers for a variety of reasons want to maintain speed and momentum... even if they are paid by the hour on triple time, maintaining speed and momentum is beneficial to all road users and not just the truck driver.

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So what happens if i decide to reduce my speed instead of overtaking?... In the direct scheme of things.. not much. But then another HGV comes up behind and the 'bunching' effect starts to take place. Before long, the road is congested with groups of HGV's and then an incline comes up and the road becomes blocked by crawling trucks struggling to maintain any kind of speed or momentum. Then, the following car drivers eventually get home, log into their favourite forum and start complaining about trucks cluttering up the roads.


Trucks are generally fairly slow moving things, weighing many many tonnes. The drivers for a variety of reasons want to maintain speed and momentum... even if they are paid by the hour on triple time, maintaining speed and momentum is beneficial to all road users and not just the truck driver.


All for the sake of 1mph?..I spend a lot of time driving on the motorways and lose count of the number of HGV drivers taking miles and miles to pass one another at a speed difference of about 1 yard every 2 mins.. you don't need cars to create a road block..you can do it all by yourselves.. :)

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All for the sake of 1mph?..I spend a lot of time driving on the motorways and lose count of the number of HGV drivers taking miles and miles to pass one another at a speed difference of about 1 yard every 2 mins.. you don't need cars to create a road block..you can do it all by yourselves.. :)


While that is true.. its not behaviour that i condone. If another truck is passing me at a speed just over mine, i ease off a little until he is most of the way past and then get back on the gas once im in the slipstream. It dosent make that much difference on my time and it dosent hold the other guy up in the process.

It does annoy me when i am passing another truck and they just sit there letting you struggle. It dosent achieve anything whatsoever and if they have watched you in their mirrors, gradually creeping up on them over several miles, what harm does it to to ease off a bit? Selfish ignorance is all it is.

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