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Community Libraries under threat: Setting up a campaign

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Hello everyone


I am part of the Walkley Against Library Closures Commitee and would just like to spread the word that 14 of the city’s 27 community libraries will either have to close, be taken over by private companies or run by voluntary organisations.


In Walkley we have started a campaign trying to stop this from happening and we are hoping that other areas in Sheffield will also start making some noise to save our library services.


Whilst out collecting signatures we have realised just how many people do not realise that our libraries are in danger of disappearing so this threat is purely meant to pass the word on and offer our support if someone wants to set up a camapign for their local library. We are working to save all 27 community libraries.


If anyone would like some help, ideas etc please get in touch on either walkleyagainstlibraryclosures@gmail.com or via Sheffield Communities Against Library Privatisation - SCALP on facebook.


Here is also a link to an online petition. Please sign and tell people about it.





Thank you


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Wouldn't your energies be better spent on setting up a community group to take over and run the library?


I just don't think publicly funded libraries beyond city/town centres have a future - thanks to Amazon, as much as public sector cuts.


If your community really values it, you are being given a once in a lifetime opportunity to just go and take it over.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Annette, I'm a student journalist from the university doing an article on the possible impact of library closures on the local community. If you could do a quick email interview with me (no more than 10 minutes!) that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!




Hello everyone


I am part of the Walkley Against Library Closures Commitee and would just like to spread the word that 14 of the city’s 27 community libraries will either have to close, be taken over by private companies or run by voluntary organisations.


In Walkley we have started a campaign trying to stop this from happening and we are hoping that other areas in Sheffield will also start making some noise to save our library services.


Whilst out collecting signatures we have realised just how many people do not realise that our libraries are in danger of disappearing so this threat is purely meant to pass the word on and offer our support if someone wants to set up a camapign for their local library. We are working to save all 27 community libraries.


If anyone would like some help, ideas etc please get in touch on either wallkeyagainstlibraryclosures@gmail.com or via Sheffield Communities Against Library Privatisation - SCALP on facebook.



W.A.L.C. next public meeting is taking place on the 29th April at 7pm at Wesley Ebenzener, Greenhow Street.


Thank you


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Wouldn't your energies be better spent on setting up a community group to take over and run the library?


I just don't think publicly funded libraries beyond city/town centres have a future - thanks to Amazon, as much as public sector cuts.


If your community really values it, you are being given a once in a lifetime opportunity to just go and take it over.


Good morning Dan


we have talked about the option of taking on the running of our library but the majority of people in our community (of the ones that have come to the meeting to discuss the future of our library) agree that such an option is not realistic. A library is about so much more than just taking out a book and we feel that this service should not be left to the good will of volunteers. Apart from what we the users get out of it, we also said that we will not be the ones that help this current government (local and national) to make people unemployed. We value our librarians and the library support staff and recognise that the work they do for the community is professional and cannot simply be replaced by a group of well meaning people.

On a personal level I have started using my local library a lot more frequently after the birth of my daughter (approaching 2 years now). I take her to story time followed by some activities. We go to borrow books and she loves it there. The staff are brilliant and the number of books she is being exposed to is vast. I would not be able to afford to buy her that many books and I think my husband and I are still in the fortunate position of having some disposable income but certainly not that much that would allow us to buy 10+ books a week. Buying the books from Amazon is for me not the answer because Amazon in my mind fuels the problems we are having. And like I said. A library is about more than books.

An eldery lady was very sad to hear what may be happening and she asked where else she is going to go to meet up with others in the community once a week for a chat and a cup of coffee (weekly coffee morning arranged in the library).

The library has a homework zone after school, gives people access to the internet, coffee mornings, baby & toddler groups, 3 local schools use it etc etc etc. The list is long.

I have spoken to a local shop across from the library who said they notice a huge difference in takings on the days the library is already closed. So should our library close shops on the local High Street will follow and this saddens me. South Road just seems to be picking itself up and a level of life and vibrancy has come back and with the best will in the world this will not stay. The number of times I have popped into the local shops on my way back home from the library is countless. Hand on heart I cannot say I would go quite as often because I wouldn't pass those shops anymore and having a child, a job, a house to run time is an issue. And yes I agree everyone who believes in a lifely vibrant local High Street should make an effort to support it but I am sure evryone knows that life isn't always that straight forward purely because of time commitments. An argument? Maybe not but a realistic comment nevertheless.


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 10:16 ----------


Its quite simple - use em or lose em.


They are used. A lot. The reason for closure is not linked to people not using the libraries.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The council will release a statement to the press tomorrow about the proposed changes to our library system. Tune in to BBC Radio Sheffield tomorrow morning for an update.


It would be great to hear from other neighbourhoods around Sheffield. Has anyone else started a campaign? Has a community group anywhere logged a registration of interest to take over the running of a library?


It be great if everyone could please mention to friends, colleagues, neighbours that 14 out of our 27 community libraries will either close or be taken over by a business, faith group, social enterprise, community group..... So many people don't know. If you don't care about it maybe your neighbour does. Please tell people and if anyone has any questions tell them to get in touch with W.A.L.C. (Walkley Against Library Closures) walkleyagainstlibraryclosures@gmail.com or with me on here.


Thank you

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The council will release a statement to the press tomorrow about the proposed changes to our library system. Tune in to BBC Radio Sheffield tomorrow morning for an update.


It would be great to hear from other neighbourhoods around Sheffield. Has anyone else started a campaign? Has a community group anywhere logged a registration of interest to take over the running of a library?


It be great if everyone could please mention to friends, colleagues, neighbours that 14 out of our 27 community libraries will either close or be taken over by a business, faith group, social enterprise, community group..... So many people don't know. If you don't care about it maybe your neighbour does. Please tell people and if anyone has any questions tell them to get in touch with W.A.L.C. (Walkley Against Library Closures) walkleyagainstlibraryclosures@gmail.com or with me on here.


Thank you


Is there any information in the public domain about which libraries are threatened? I use Hillsborough quite a lot, but I've seen nothing there to suggest its under threat.

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Is there any information in the public domain about which libraries are threatened? I use Hillsborough quite a lot, but I've seen nothing there to suggest its under threat.


Hi Ms Macbeth,

unfortunately not. It's all a bit cloak and dagger to say they are planning on changing our library service.

The statement tomorrow will only mention that 27 groups/ businesses/ face groups (no details on what or who) have registered an interest.


The library staff has been told by their employer (the council) not to talk about this.


If you want to start a campaign or join us please get in touch. The next city wide meeting is taking place on the 29th May at 6pm at the Library Theatre. Please come and tell people about it. We need to start building up the numbers to show the council people are bothered.





---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 09:23 ----------


The propsed changes to our library system have been talked about on the Toby Foster Show this morning. If anyone comes across anything about this in the Sheffield Star could you please let me know. Not seen anything yet.



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