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Would you buy a suspended coffee?

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Looks like the idea of suspended coffee will live on! I have had 2 offers from lovely people, one who wants to put a lot of time into the idea and one who wants to help part time. Hopefully between the two of them things will move on nicely.


The idea of suspended coffee has been a real rollercoaster as has this thread.


I suppose the few things I will take away from this experience is that there are a lot of very lovely people in Sheffield who give a **** or are at least support of someone trying to something to help other people. For all those people in that category a huge thank you and keep your eyes peeled for Suspended Coffee near you in the not too distant future.


The unfortunate (and frankly unforeseen) downside of this project is that it has exposed me to a very small number of the type of people I never wish to hear from again. These are the people who push themselves up by pulling others down. They are the type who are very selfish and ignorant and think that any gesture of thoughtfulness or compassion (even as small as getting a hot cuppa on a cold day) is not something that should be attempted, let alone encouraged. It is these kinds of people who are what is wrong with this world in my opinion.


It is because of these kinds of people that I have seriously backed off from Sheffield Forum over the years and I know many others have done the same for the same reason. It used to be that this forum was something that I would recommend people get involved in and become a part of as it could be great for them. I don't do that any more.


I think that's a real shame.


On a lighter note though the fantastic new "owners" of the idea of suspended coffee in Sheffield will be getting stuck in very soon so those of you out there who give a monkeys can look forward to developments soon...just in time for the grotty weather hopefully!

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I think you've got me all wrong focused.


It's great to have a plan, but if that plan is flawed, do you continue on regardless or do you simply just change the plan to one that will actually work and help people? There's no honour in never giving up if you just flog a dead horse.


If you read back through some of my posts, I mention a number of reasons why this idea is flawed and can't be executed. They are valid reasons. I stand by them. As said previously, I admire your can do attitude to help the homeless. It genuinely makes me feel awful to think that some nice folk have to sleep rough through no fault of their own especially during the winter months.


But, I don't know why you are so stubborn and so hung up on this idea. Why this, why not something else that will have a far greater impact. For starters, you want a campaign where ALL the shops in an area are able to sign up to get involved, not just coffee shops.

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The plan works great Facebook. In Melbourne especially there are thousands of people involved on a regular basis and they are using the scheme as a starting point to involve people in further projects to support those in vulnerable situations.

For you to come along and decree that something will fail because you have examined it (from your perspective only) and because you say so is arrogant to say the least. So are you saying if something is difficult it shouldn't be attempted??

The only reason I have been unsuccessful with this scheme is because I have my business to run, my wife's business to get established, my children to be home educated and (fingers crossed) one or two moments where I can have a life of my own. It is too much for me so I am passing the idea on to people with more time.

There are fantastic companies that are willing to donate their time and resources for free and there are many people around Sheffield who thinks this is a great idea.

Thanks for all your input, such as it is. I'll be sure to let the new blood who are taking over to introduce themselves to you in due course!

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This isn't Melbourne Focus. It will never take off here in Sheffield, not to a level where it will have any impact. It will all be forgotten about before it even begins, much like has already occurred which I know is not what you want to hear. But hey, if 10, 20, or even as many as 25 homeless people get a free coffee out of it then who am I to call that a failure.


Yes I have examined it. My mind is like a super computer. I've tried telling you to do you a favour but you won't have any of it and now you're trying to get others involved to flog a dead duck. That's not arrogance, it's just calling a spade a spade. I'm a realist and I make no apologies for it. If you look at it logically you should come to the same conclusion. The fact that this idea will fail has nothing to do with time. You could have 100 people promoting it offline full time and it still wouldn't work.


Why are you trying so hard to reinvent the wheel. There are so many tried and tested highly successful ways to raise money for charity which would far outperform this. I know it's nice to be all happy clappy at good intention but I'm a results kind of guy.

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What a delight it is to hear back from you Facebook! Always the life and soul of the party aren't you??

If you want to be logical then lets apply some of that logic to the situation in trying to figure out if the idea has any potential by asking some logical questions....


Has this idea been used anywhere else? Yes

Has this idea been successful anywhere else? Yes

Is there the possibility that if the same idea was replicated in a very similar way here that the idea would succeed here too? Yes


Like I said, it is arrogance on your part that you have decided that this will fail. How about you try and suspend your disbelief for just a little while and see how this goes eh?


As for recruiting people, far from it. They are volunteers. People who have recognised the potential of the scheme and are willing to do something to help.


No need to reply Facebook, I think we are done here seeing as we just keep going round and round...and round!

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I can't believe you haven't asked me to come up with a better idea.


Some of your comments towards focusedhypno were very catty (esp #195), and especially unwelcome as he was trying to improve the lot of homeless people.


But what better idea have you got?

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Well well well. What do we have here. :D


If only someone with a little foresight had given you some exceptional advice, they could have probably saved you a lot of silly bother.


You can PM me your apology if you like, or on this thread, either is fine.


---------- Post added 17-10-2013 at 13:09 ----------



It's friends like you who tell their tone deaf best mate they really can sing and should definitely audition for the X factor. :hihi:


How little you know me. I don't blow smoke up people's arses.


I do however pay compliments where they are due. :)

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