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Would you buy a suspended coffee?

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So you pay for two coffees...only have one in the philanthropic hope that the other one will be freely given to someone in need.......mmmm......do the coffee retailers view it in the same light....or do they just think hey we are getting paid twice for one coffee...as they pocket the amount you have lovingly donated.


For goodness sake....Starbuck can't even do the right thing and pay tax on it's profits...does anyone honestly think that your donated coffee would actually reach a person you bought it for??


Yes,and I'm sure they empty the charity collection tins into the till at closing time aswell:o

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But...would you want to sit in a coffee house with a tramp.?


Why? It wouldn't bother me a jot...


I try to buy hot drinks for the big issue vendors I know when I'm passing through town.


I usually say my hellos to them, and ask how they are, and say something like "Are you sorted for a cup of coffee? Would you like me to fetch you one across?"


I really like the idea of a suspended coffee, and I do hope that the owners of coffee shops or coffee stalls/ stands around the city would be willing to support such a scheme.


Yes, I can see there are a couple of wrinkles in the scheme, that will need ironing out, to make sure the coffees (or monies for these coffees) go to the people intended, rather than to scammers and not into the pockets of fatcats.


I'm sure with a bit of brain power, the wrinkles can be dealt with.


My main worry is the scenario of the genuinely cold and needy person having to go into the coffee shop, and asking if there is a suspended coffee available, only to be told "Sorry, no we haven't got any left!" or "No, no-one's been kind enough to buy any vouchers/ suspended coffees"


I think that would be horrible for the needy person. This is why I ask the Big-Ish vendors, directly, if they want a coffee (Or a cold drink in Summer) and then go to the shop and buy it for them, and then take it directly back to the vendor(s). That way I ascertain that they need/ want a cuppa, and can make sure they actually receive one. (and I often add a hot pasty or a sausage roll to the mix, if it's near lunchtime)


I like to think of it as "Paying the blessing forward".

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I don't think the idea is to leave an actual cup of coffee there..just a "voucher" for one..


Thats not the point. What I question is the whole idea of providing a coffee instead of some form of snack. As stated these coffee shops charge more for a coffee than it would be to buy a sandwich and I'm sure a sandwich would be healthier than an overpriced coffee.


Maybe its just a coffee shop ploy in marketing.;)

Edited by Dromedary
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There are some right pessimists on this forum. So what if not every cup of "suspended coffee" got to a homeless person! There are enough honest traders around to still make a difference. A nice hot cup of free coffee for someone living on the street, especially in this weather, would be a real treat!

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There are some right pessimists on this forum. So what if not every cup of "suspended coffee" got to a homeless person! There are enough honest traders around to still make a difference. A nice hot cup of free coffee for someone living on the street, especially in this weather, would be a real treat!


What if they are a just tea drinker?

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