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Would you buy a suspended coffee?

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Good idea bassy about possibly having food as an option too. I will definitely add this into the mix and see if the businesses that express an interest would be willing to consider this option too. I have started a list on the Facebook group of businesses that could e interested in the scheme. So far we have Autumn's Piccolo sandwich bar as definitely interested and Tamper are considering it. The group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/suspendedcoffee/ if anyone is interested in joining/helping out


ill join that facebook page and add my support, perhaps another idea if viable might be people donating the odd hour to take whats been left on tap out of the shop and 'deliver it' to anyone nearby they feel might benefit from it, again im not a shop owner so dont know if my ideas are relevant or just fancy, im sure the shop owners can decide what suits them

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ill join that facebook page and add my support, perhaps another idea if viable might be people donating the odd hour to take whats been left on tap out of the shop and 'deliver it' to anyone nearby they feel might benefit from it, again im not a shop owner so dont know if my ideas are relevant or just fancy, im sure the shop owners can decide what suits them


I like that idea Bassy! I will add it to the list of ideas. Thanks for your input

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I like that idea Bassy! I will add it to the list of ideas. Thanks for your input


i thought that idea might in someway help the problem of people not wanting to sit in a cafe/coffee shop next to someone less fortunate, and not detrive from the shops reputation and or earnings etc, a kind of happy medium, id come along and do my hour happily as im sure a few others would

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It can be that simple...if you have the time. The problem is that whenever I want to give a homeless person a hot drink I always seem to have to be somewhere 5 minutes ago!

I know many people are reluctant to give homeless people money as many feel it would go on something like drink or drugs rather than food and any would rather help someone to eat or drink rather than get off their heads!

I thought the suspended coffee idea would have potential and the more people talk about it the more refined the idea is becoming!


Drink or drugs? rather than something really useful like coffee? (which by the way is also a drug).


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 11:34 ----------


By the way, I commend you for doing 'something'.

I'm an entrepreneur so see, hear and apply lot's of ideas so I like to think I have an understanding of what might work.


My thoughts are I think the concept needs some thinking through because at the moment it solves a non-existant problem and it could easily be misconstrued as for people who donate at arms length because they don't want to deal with the homeless, or an idea which means well but is turned into a commercial opportunity.


Coffee, I'm sure doesn't help the homeless. It won't save lives. If your going to do something like this, why not make it shoes for instance? shoes are needed by the homeless.


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 11:37 ----------


As a cup of coffee costs the shop about 15p to make they could give one free with every full price cup


good point. Coffee shops can do it at cost. Why should members of the public shell out 2.50 to line the pockets of a commercial business?

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and they might not wanna sit next to you either, your attitude stinks far worse


if you think charity starts at home................stay home


Actually I don't think charity starts at home, no. I'd rather give £3 to a starving African than a £3 coffee to a tramp, when they can go down to Church street whenever they want and get one for free. Do they need actual full bean coffee now? The homeless? Instant no good for them anymore?


And no, I'm not trolling. How could anybody think such a stupid idea would work? So what, you just walk into a coffee shop and say "Do you have any suspended coffees?" Great, who decides if this man looks sufficiently homeless enough to get one? Is the coffee company really going to want streams of homeless coming through the door to check is there's a coffee? Or is there a sign up outside?


This is literally one of the most stupid ideas I have ever heard.


And I also can't believe I'm getting called up on not wanting a homeless who hasn't bathed for months to come and sit next to me when I'm trying to enjoy a coffee? Yeah, whatever. Have a go all you like but I know none of you would want that.

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Actually I don't think charity starts at home, no. I'd rather give £3 to a starving African than a £3 coffee to a tramp, when they can go down to Church street whenever they want and get one for free. Do they need actual full bean coffee now? The homeless? Instant no good for them anymore?


And no, I'm not trolling. How could anybody think such a stupid idea would work? So what, you just walk into a coffee shop and say "Do you have any suspended coffees?" Great, who decides if this man looks sufficiently homeless enough to get one? Is the coffee company really going to want streams of homeless coming through the door to check is there's a coffee? Or is there a sign up outside?


This is literally one of the most stupid ideas I have ever heard.


And I also can't believe I'm getting called up on not wanting a homeless who hasn't bathed for months to come and sit next to me when I'm trying to enjoy a coffee? Yeah, whatever. Have a go all you like but I know none of you would want that.


Yep, I agree with all of this. For most people stepping over a tramp in the street is an inconvenience let alone being bothered while your trying to drink a latte in peace.

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Actually I don't think charity starts at home, no. I'd rather give £3 to a starving African than a £3 coffee to a tramp, when they can go down to Church street whenever they want and get one for free. Do they need actual full bean coffee now? The homeless? Instant no good for them anymore?


And no, I'm not trolling. How could anybody think such a stupid idea would work? So what, you just walk into a coffee shop and say "Do you have any suspended coffees?" Great, who decides if this man looks sufficiently homeless enough to get one? Is the coffee company really going to want streams of homeless coming through the door to check is there's a coffee? Or is there a sign up outside?


This is literally one of the most stupid ideas I have ever heard.


And I also can't believe I'm getting called up on not wanting a homeless who hasn't bathed for months to come and sit next to me when I'm trying to enjoy a coffee? Yeah, whatever. Have a go all you like but I know none of you would want that.


Quite agree....its a crazy idea. if people want to help the homeless, let them man the soup kitchens, if i wanted to enjoy a nice coffee down town i dont want to be sat by the side of a filthy tramp, there was one came into the library for a warm and you could smell him from about 30meters away, when he went the staff went round spraying air freshener....

Do you really want to be sat next to one enjoying your Mocha whatever...?

i certainly dont...

Like i said, if you want to help the homeless, do it properly or not at all...

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Actually I don't think charity starts at home, no. I'd rather give £3 to a starving African than a £3 coffee to a tramp, when they can go down to Church street whenever they want and get one for free. Do they need actual full bean coffee now? The homeless? Instant no good for them anymore?


And no, I'm not trolling. How could anybody think such a stupid idea would work? So what, you just walk into a coffee shop and say "Do you have any suspended coffees?" Great, who decides if this man looks sufficiently homeless enough to get one? Is the coffee company really going to want streams of homeless coming through the door to check is there's a coffee? Or is there a sign up outside?


This is literally one of the most stupid ideas I have ever heard.


And I also can't believe I'm getting called up on not wanting a homeless who hasn't bathed for months to come and sit next to me when I'm trying to enjoy a coffee? Yeah, whatever. Have a go all you like but I know none of you would want that.


Great post fully agree with your comments. I too don't understand why a homeless person would so desperately need a cup of coffee! There are much more important things they probably need and all these £2.50's could add up to get them something they need more.

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Great post fully agree with your comments. I too don't understand why a homeless person would so desperately need a cup of coffee! There are much more important things they probably need and all these £2.50's could add up to get them something they need more.


Like a sturdy pair of shoes.


Infact, I saw a hobo the other day on west st with a brand new pair of airmax on - maybe someone already had that idea!

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I am not against the idea in principle, but I just dont think it's the best way to go about helping anyone. I think the majority of homeless & poor people would find just the idea of stepping into the realms of a middle class coffee establishment an intimidating experience to start with. Then to have to ask at the service counter if they have any free coffees left on credit? That doesn't sound very nice either. Then imagine how humiliating it would be to be told 'sorry mate....no free coffees available today'.

Surely it's kinder to notice these people in the first place & either ask them if they would like a hot drink, or if you are worried about approaching & talking to them, just buy a drink & give it to them with a polite 'There you go, thought you might like this'.

Also....what if the person asking for a suspended drink wants more than a standard coffee? Will he be asked to make up the difference in price? The idea just seems too fraught with complications to ever to get to go ahead.

The thought of an 'I am poor & deserve a free drink' verification process which will be required at the time of drink request also sounds very offputting.

Edited by spats
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