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Malt and codliver oil

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The stuff I remember came in large, brown , glass jars with the top large enough to get a big spoon in. Yes, I liked it.


Malt and yeast extract. I remember it well and quite liked it. Mum used to put in on the hearth next to the coal fire to soften and then we all got a spoonful of the stuff - from the same spoon of course !

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used to get our cod L, oil ang orange J, from firth park welrare ,i still take a swig of cod L oil first thing in the morning ,i am nearly 74 ,not done me no harm,


Do you suffer from any ailments like Arthritis?


Just wondered with you having taken Cod Liver Oil for most of your life.


I have had c.l.o for the last 30 years every day and have tennis elbow and a fused pelvis. I don't think taking c.l.o would have prevented these two problems but I sometimes wonder what a state i would be in if I didn't take c.l.o?

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