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Breadline Britain.

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Poverty is an attention grabbing tool IMO, I honestly think that people who cry they are in poverty in this country don't have a clue about what hard times and real poverty are, me and my wife both work part time on minimum wage and we have 3 children to care for, no I haven't got loads to spend, we understand that money isn't as easy to come by as it use to be so we have cut back spending but I believe we are not in any poverty at all we can pay our bills and keep the roof over our head and our children are fed and happy, what more does anyone really need ?, people are to blinded by the need to have material things, the latest phone isn't important sky tv isn't important having a big tv isn't important, I think most people in this country need a reality check and need to see that money cannot buy happiness, if you are struggling for money time to cut back on the spending, if you have debts ring them and tell them you have to put them on hold for a while because you can not eat if your paying them so tough luck.


It's a wise tool to learn how to stretch your money and buy better, learn how to cook better, supermarkets seem cheap and easy but who really wants to eat that garbage ?, £20 worth of meat from the butchers if known how to spread it out properly will last 2 weeks, and £10 worth of veg from the markets accompany's those meals, the main problem I notice is people buy so much crap now it's ridiculous and then they all waddle around complaining about getting fat, yes you do need the Internet nowadays for most things but is it really necessary, is it more important than the roof over your head or food on the table ?

Do the kids need a new toy or would it be better getting them a colouring book and some pencils, or better yet do some baking with them which in turn is your food, cooking books from charity shops cost next to nothing and teach a lot, people need to learn how to live again I think.


I agree, some people define envy as poverty, I haven't got as much as you so I must be poor.

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When I was younger I was in the army and I traveled to a lot of different country's,and I saw some real poverty starving people begging in the streets people living in mud huts dressed in rag's there is nothing like that here and never could be,maybe some people might be having a bad time now but there is always some help there for you in this country,the problem is people just don't realize how lucky they are to live in this country it is still the best country in the world in my opinion.

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I've listed examples of sectors where we should be focusing. Do you think we should be competing to manufacture cheap goods? If so have you written to your MP to question why this government is not creating an environment for infrastructure and investment to help us compete?


You didn't list anything. You just made a few snide remarks which isn't quite the same.

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You didn't list anything. You just made a few snide remarks which isn't quite the same.


Rubbish. What snide comments?


Why not just engage in a discussion about my post. Particularly this bit ;)


2. Or do we concentrate on our core strengths in industries where people can enjoy high wages in industries and sectors where we have comparative advantage. For example R&D, scientific industries, engineering, services etc...

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Rubbish. What snide comments?


Why not just engage in a discussion about my post. Particularly this bit ;)


2. Or do we concentrate on our core strengths in industries where people can enjoy high wages in industries and sectors where we have comparative advantage. For example R&D, scientific industries, engineering, services etc...


Nice words, but hardly job creating. Rather than just blurting out non specific industries why not name a few that will pick up the slack from companies like Ford, Dyson & Toshiba moving their high tech businesses overseas.

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Rubbish. What snide comments?


Why not just engage in a discussion about my post. Particularly this bit ;)


2. Or do we concentrate on our core strengths in industries where people can enjoy high wages in industries and sectors where we have comparative advantage. For example R&D, scientific industries, engineering, services etc...


We have moved on from being a mass production country let the Chinese make things for us, we are leagues in front of the rest of the world when it comes to brains and scientific industries, let the Polish do the hard work digging spuds up in the fields we can be doing the better money making jobs and management,the problem is if you have not kept up with things and you have not studied you will get left behind.

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We have moved on from being a mass production country let the Chinese make things for us, we are leagues in front of the rest of the world when it comes to brains and scientific industries, let the Polish do the hard work digging spuds up in the fields we can be doing the better money making jobs and management,the problem is if you have not kept up with things and you have not studied you will get left behind.


You've touched on an interesting point. In labours drive (ably assisted by the media) to get every man and his dog a degree no thought at all was given to those who didn't want to go or weren't bright enough. Further education in this country has been left to rot for years hence the glut of polish plumbers etc. couple that with a load of graduates in this country with a degree and no idea what to do with it it's hard to find evidence that either labour or the conservatives have any idea what to do with the unemployed and the economy as a whole.

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Nice words, but hardly job creating. Rather than just blurting out non specific industries why not name a few that will pick up the slack from companies like Ford, Dyson & Toshiba moving their high tech businesses overseas.


Are you arguing that we can't create jobs in those sectors/industries? I think we can. If we invest in them and give them the infrastructure they need.


As you point out some businesses are moving overseas. What do you think we can do to make them stay? Do you think they should stay? Why do you think they are leaving? And aren't these the types of businesses that you seem to be pinning your hopes on for a low-wage manufacturing workforce? Or are you saying we should exchange our high tech for low tech and mass manufacture here in order to compete with the Chinese etc...? And if you want that low-wage workforce how is the government helping to build it? What should they be doing to build it?


I'm confused about what your proposal is.


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 15:10 ----------


We have moved on from being a mass production country let the Chinese make things for us, we are leagues in front of the rest of the world when it comes to brains and scientific industries, let the Polish do the hard work digging spuds up in the fields we can be doing the better money making jobs and management,the problem is if you have not kept up with things and you have not studied you will get left behind.


This is what I am arguing. We should focus on the niche and high value things that we are very good at, rather than trying to dumb the economy down in order to compete in cheap manufacturing.

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