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Selective Landlord licensing- Firvale & Page Hall

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It's enriching our lives is it not??????Been down for meetingat p.a.c.a. cancelled.no wonder theres anger round here.


Wouldnt you have thought someone could have let residents know the meeting was cancelled, most likely the police and council couldnt face it as they know we know they are fighting a losing battle.

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Wouldnt you have thought someone could have let residents know the meeting was cancelled, most likely the police and council couldnt face it as they know we know they are fighting a losing battle.


you really believe the council are bothered? there will be a statement somewhere saying they told 400 residents it was cancelled, but they could not contact everybody :rant:

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Better tenants don't want to live in the area, I know quite a few people who have become landlords just to get out of the area and then waited months for these "better tenants" to come along and they havn't, the end result is either rent to the Slovaks or move back into the house themselves as they can't afford the mortgage on the new house.



You are not a warrior. Your words sound like those of a sheep. I know landlords that will not take fake references, they check them.

They will not let tenants in that will overcrowd the property.


You make it sound it is everybody's else fault because you are in too big a hurry to get your money quick and cannot wait more patiently for better people to come.


You need a license because you don't know how to select better tenants more patiently and check their background properly.

That is not the councils fault. The council does not say yes to the wrong tenants.

A lazy landlord tries again to use anti social laws too clean up his garbage. These laws are not to do the landlords job in getting rid of wrong tenants when the landlord let them in freely themselves in the first place.


Good landlords like good drivers will have a license as well but they will benefit from the program.

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Better tenants don't want to live in the area, I know quite a few people who have become landlords just to get out of the area and then waited months for these "better tenants" to come along and they havn't, the end result is either rent to the Slovaks or move back into the house themselves as they can't afford the mortgage on the new house.


Can i ask the question? Why don't you think the area has been "enriched" by your new ethnic neighbours? Surely now it's more "diverse" it's better?

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Can i ask the question? Why don't you think the area has been "enriched" by your new ethnic neighbours? Surely now it's more "diverse" it's better?


Its diverse alright it;s driving us nuts.I wish we could get out.I'm 64 and never been so stressed.

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Its diverse alright it;s driving us nuts.I wish we could get out.I'm 64 and never been so stressed.


I really feel for you lyndy, it's horrible but we seem powerless to stop these people coming here and until we get control back degenerates will pollute our cities it seems.

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Can i ask the question? Why don't you think the area has been "enriched" by your new ethnic neighbours? Surely now it's more "diverse" it's better?


Enriched with rubbish, enriched with hundreds of kids, enriched with alot of noise at all hours, enriched with foul language, alot of enrichment but none that anybody wants to see.


---------- Post added 02-08-2013 at 02:38 ----------


Its diverse alright it;s driving us nuts.I wish we could get out.I'm 64 and never been so stressed.




At around 11pm tonight whilst moving on about 40 noisy kids, along came a group Slovakian community wardens ( they looked more like bouncers), Apparantly they will be working every evening from 8pm - 3am, I've got a mobile number for the group leader who asked me to call him if I had any problems, I can pm you the number if you want.

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Better tenants don't want to live in the area, I know quite a few people who have become landlords just to get out of the area and then waited months for these "better tenants" to come along and they havn't, the end result is either rent to the Slovaks or move back into the house themselves as they can't afford the mortgage on the new house.


The end result is if you cannot find tenants or afford to keep the house, then admit you are not a capable landlord and don't have the capacity. You sell the house to someone who does.

Renting to (wrong) Slovaks* to get out of it easily makes matters even worse and is not an acceptable solution.

Either sell or wait two or three months, I know people there that go through qualified agencies, take up to four months, remove the for rent sign because the Slovaks ring and knock on the door every hour.

When these better tenants come after a while there are no problems.


If all the greedy landlord had reduced the rent to get better tenants instead of getting more from Slovaks this licensing plan would not have been needed.


* I have heard from friends that major criminals with serious antisocial history have gotten rental properties there in a 10 minute chat with the owner. That owner needs a license.


---------- Post added 02-08-2013 at 09:14 ----------


All that talk about stronger laws here?


Why do you need stronger laws when you have the strength to adjust rent prices so better tenants come. Instead of getting as much as possible from foreigners forcing them to live 10 people in a house.


The strength is in lowering the rent to get better tenants, if you cannot do that you are not a qualified landlord but a selfish incapable idiot that needs a license.


Strength and courage are your own qualities. The law or government are not going to give them to you when you are making big mistakes.

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If you rent lyndyloo, can't you just rent privately somewhere else?


We can't afford to rent else where we pay a low rent but look after the property and have done for 8 yrs.plus we have pets.Paks4 is it Miroslav he has helped us several times.He does his best but if they don't take notice of him what can he do.?

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