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Selective Landlord licensing- Firvale & Page Hall

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If you have 3 families living in a 3bed house and council can't do nothing as they cant prove it and than you receive no rent than I'm sure a lot of people will decide to take matters into their own hands.


---------- Post added 13-07-2013 at 20:18 ----------




What and risk getting a fine of up to £20k?

which they did and were righly fined in a court. so they wernt bothered about overcrowding a house it was the loss of money they cared about?. maybe landlords like your cousin are part of the problem with whats happening in the area
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which they did and were righly fined in a court. so they wernt bothered about overcrowding a house it was the loss of money they cared about?. maybe landlords like your cousin are part of the problem with whats happening in the area


No he wanted them out and when council got involved they stopped paying rent and started playing silly buggers so no it wasn't about money at all.

Why would he get the council involved in the first place if he was just bothered about money?

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i had to call at a property the other week on popple street, the area has gone down hill over recent years, litter all over the road and paths, bins un emptied as they were over flowing with rubbish so people pile more bags by the side of the bins which will never get picked up by the bin men,

as i got out of my car a man came out of his house and kicked a glass bottle which had been left outside his front door and which smashed in the middle of the road.

i couldn't wait to get out of the place, feel sorry for the people who actually have pride in there area/house and have to watch as the area continues to go down hill.

errrrrrm arent bins and street cleaning in the street the responsibility of the council? so if theyre a mess surely its cos theyre not cleaning em?


as for the ops concerns, i agree, if a charge is incurred by the landlords then straight away the rents gonna go up to cover it




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No he wanted them out and when council got involved they stopped paying rent and started playing silly buggers so no it wasn't about money at all.

Why would he get the council involved in the first place if he was just bothered about money?

it seems it was the lack of money that he wernt getting from what you said in a earlier post :suspect:. some people use the council when it suits them to do something lawful.
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  • 2 weeks later...

hi all , reading these comments makes me think of eastwood . i live in rotherham we have the same problem , some areas of rotherham have become real hell holes private landlords making lots of money , doing very little to there house's . if you live in eastwood ,rotherham , this area is now full to the brim of eu people some nice people some shocking ....asb, playing music till 2am, young kids out all hours, human waste on the local field the list go's on if you speak to the landlords all they say is ....cant do owt , not my problem ... this landlord scheme may help a lot for the good people of fir vale a page hall . rotherham i belive is going to follow sheffield on this issue . NOT BEFORE TIME I SAY .

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hi all , reading these comments makes me think of eastwood . i live in rotherham we have the same problem , some areas of rotherham have become real hell holes private landlords making lots of money , doing very little to there house's . if you live in eastwood ,rotherham , this area is now full to the brim of eu people some nice people some shocking ....asb, playing music till 2am, young kids out all hours, human waste on the local field the list go's on if you speak to the landlords all they say is ....cant do owt , not my problem ... this landlord scheme may help a lot for the good people of fir vale a page hall . rotherham i belive is going to follow sheffield on this issue . NOT BEFORE TIME I SAY .


I really feel sorry for you. However I would like to provide you some more information here as you may change your opinion on selective licencing. The scheme can do nothing about litter, fly tipping, gatherings of people on streets including kids. The scheme only deals with the rented home as its a housing scheme. Even overcrowding is difficult to deal with as it applies to how many people sleep in a property not how many visit a property.


The Rotherham Council looked at selective licencing in 2009 and rejected it some of the reasons are detailed below (the report is available on the internet Google it if you wish but it's a lengthy report.)


1) The scheme may stigmatise an area and be a barrier to new investment

2) May increase homelessness in the area and drive good landlords out of the area.

3) Unreasonable expectation that all issues can be resolved with Selective licencing


So what are the alternatives ???


1) Use The housing health and safety rating system (HHSRS) law enforcement to bring properties up to minimum standard. Councils are allowed to bill the landlords for the cost of this work and time spent doing paperwork.


2) Use the Antisocial behaviour , Crime and Policing bill of 2013 to evict troublesome tenants from an area by dissolving their tenancy agreement. Why try to use selective licencing laws of 2004 when updated more powerful laws have been provided by the Government ?


Both the above options allow for targeted precise responses to the issues you mentioned without punishing good landlords and tenants who we need to support.


Also just for info the selective licencing scheme ran for 5 years in Sunderland and resulted in a drop in house prices and when the residents were asked if antisocial behaviour had improved the majority who replied said there had been no improvement.


Similar negative feedback has been received in Manchester who also adopted the scheme.


If this was such a good scheme, every Council in England would adopt it.


Also be prepared for higher insurance premiums (car and home) as an area maybe deemed high risk following the adoption of selective licencing


I'll will stop here as my reply is getting too long. Apologies for the length of my reply.


I hope you found my reply useful.

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I really feel sorry for you. However I would like to provide you some more information here as you may change your opinion on selective licencing. The scheme can do nothing about litter, fly tipping, gatherings of people on streets including kids. The scheme only deals with the rented home as its a housing scheme. Even overcrowding is difficult to deal with as it applies to how many people sleep in a property not how many visit a property.


The Rotherham Council looked at selective licencing in 2009 and rejected it some of the reasons are detailed below (the report is available on the internet Google it if you wish but it's a lengthy report.)


1) The scheme may stigmatise an area and be a barrier to new investment

2) May increase homelessness in the area and drive good landlords out of the area.

3) Unreasonable expectation that all issues can be resolved with Selective licencing


So what are the alternatives ???


1) Use The housing health and safety rating system (HHSRS) law enforcement to bring properties up to minimum standard. Councils are allowed to bill the landlords for the cost of this work and time spent doing paperwork.


2) Use the Antisocial behaviour , Crime and Policing bill of 2013 to evict troublesome tenants from an area by dissolving their tenancy agreement. Why try to use selective licencing laws of 2004 when updated more powerful laws have been provided by the Government ?


Both the above options allow for targeted precise responses to the issues you mentioned without punishing good landlords and tenants who we need to support.


Also just for info the selective licencing scheme ran for 5 years in Sunderland and resulted in a drop in house prices and when the residents were asked if antisocial behaviour had improved the majority who replied said there had been no improvement.


Similar negative feedback has been received in Manchester who also adopted the scheme.


If this was such a good scheme, every Council in England would adopt it.


Also be prepared for higher insurance premiums (car and home) as an area maybe deemed high risk following the adoption of selective licencing


I'll will stop here as my reply is getting too long. Apologies for the length of my reply.


I hope you found my reply useful.


the drop in house prices isn't due to the scheme! its due to certain people living there, not looking after and having respect for the house or area they live in!!

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I may not have been clear but the drop in house prices occurred after the scheme had run it's course of 5 years when compared to the house prices before the scheme was introduced.


Reasons house prices can drop, is buyers which included landlords no longer purchase property in the area where they require a licence. Landlords may also evict their tenants and keep the properties empty causing further eyesores in the area resulting in fewer people wanting to live there.


However it's not all bad news , if house prices drop significantly more younger people can get onto the property ladder but the losers are the residents that then enter negative equity where the mortgage on their home is more than their home is worth.


To summarise all I am saying is that there is better more up to date legislation that can more precisely target the issues people face without having as many disadvantages as a selective licencing scheme.

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hi all , reading these comments makes me think of eastwood . i live in rotherham we have the same problem , some areas of rotherham have become real hell holes private landlords making lots of money , doing very little to there house's . if you live in eastwood ,rotherham , this area is now full to the brim of eu people some nice people some shocking ....asb, playing music till 2am, young kids out all hours, human waste on the local field the list go's on if you speak to the landlords all they say is ....cant do owt , not my problem ... this landlord scheme may help a lot for the good people of fir vale a page hall . rotherham i belive is going to follow sheffield on this issue . NOT BEFORE TIME I SAY .


I used to live on Lindley street, Eastwood, and now live off scott road s4,

i got on with the some Slovakians, i learned a few words probly about 80, 10 or so where swear words ( you always learn them first )

i must admit, that dumping rubbish on the back garden was 1 of my personal hates about them,

and 1 house, they used to carry organ and speakers from house to house, afew days at each and playing some god awful noise ( you would complain, but when they eventually went to see them, it would be at next house )


also they seemed not to care about the mess on front of there house,

the other problem was an a few English lads that used to rip the scrap out of tv's and frigde/freezers or anything else and used to dump the unwated crap in that top grassed area with bench in it, or the street/path at back of houses,

the other issue with there is theres a bloody lot of dealers on there,

alot more than the norm, and thats why Eastwood is a mess ( old part of Eastwood, with the old terraced house not the main council part )

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