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Selective Landlord licensing- Firvale & Page Hall

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Do you live in the Page Hall or Fir Vale areas of S4?


Have you ever lived next door to these Roma gypsies?


Yes I live next door but 1 and their landlord lets 3 or 4 families stay there which is about 9 adults and 7 kids.

Says he's not bothered as long as he gets his rent.

They are drunk nearly everyday and night they fight in the street and they drink and drive they have been reported several times but police do absolutely nothing.

So what's the point.


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The landlords should be required to live on the streets round here for a few months. Stiff penalties for overcrowding should be implememted (how many should be living in a two up two down?) .The problem is a property is let to one family,a couple of weeks later more move in with them the landlord is told they are just visiting.

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The landlords should be required to live on the streets round here for a few months. Stiff penalties for overcrowding should be implememted (how many should be living in a two up two down?) .The problem is a property is let to one family,a couple of weeks later more move in with them the landlord is told they are just visiting.


A few months? A week would be enough!


---------- Post added 24-07-2013 at 01:54 ----------


Good post!☺




I really feel sorry for you. However I would like to provide you some more information here as you may change your opinion on selective licencing. The scheme can do nothing about litter, fly tipping, gatherings of people on streets including kids. The scheme only deals with the rented home as its a housing scheme. Even overcrowding is difficult to deal with as it applies to how many people sleep in a property not how many visit a property.


The Rotherham Council looked at selective licencing in 2009 and rejected it some of the reasons are detailed below (the report is available on the internet Google it if you wish but it's a lengthy report.)


1) The scheme may stigmatise an area and be a barrier to new investment

2) May increase homelessness in the area and drive good landlords out of the area.

3) Unreasonable expectation that all issues can be resolved with Selective licencing


So what are the alternatives ???


1) Use The housing health and safety rating system (HHSRS) law enforcement to bring properties up to minimum standard. Councils are allowed to bill the landlords for the cost of this work and time spent doing paperwork.


2) Use the Antisocial behaviour , Crime and Policing bill of 2013 to evict troublesome tenants from an area by dissolving their tenancy agreement. Why try to use selective licencing laws of 2004 when updated more powerful laws have been provided by the Government ?


Both the above options allow for targeted precise responses to the issues you mentioned without punishing good landlords and tenants who we need to support.


Also just for info the selective licencing scheme ran for 5 years in Sunderland and resulted in a drop in house prices and when the residents were asked if antisocial behaviour had improved the majority who replied said there had been no improvement.


Similar negative feedback has been received in Manchester who also adopted the scheme.


If this was such a good scheme, every Council in England would adopt it.


Also be prepared for higher insurance premiums (car and home) as an area maybe deemed high risk following the adoption of selective licencing


I'll will stop here as my reply is getting too long. Apologies for the length of my reply.


I hope you found my reply useful.

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The landlords should be required to live on the streets round here for a few months. Stiff penalties for overcrowding should be implememted (how many should be living in a two up two down?) .The problem is a property is let to one family,a couple of weeks later more move in with them the landlord is told they are just visiting.


most of the landlords in eastwood DID live there .... now they have moved on, and i quote ..to better themself . we all know who the bad one's are . in eastwood eu people flit around the area at all hours, 12 am 1 am ...on prams . the police and council out of hours team spend more time in eastwood than anywhere else , and the problem still go's on .


---------- Post added 24-07-2013 at 14:57 ----------


as for the tenancy agreement ..... dont think tenants in eastwood have them if they do its on a bus ticket .

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So, where will the people who can't buy a house live exactly? I mean, not everyone will be able to raise a deposit have good enough credit and income to pay a mortgage no matter how cheap. Which probably fits most of the people currently housed in those properties. Where will they live now these cheaper properties won't be available as they are still on benefits and need housing.

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Page hall must be one of the worst areas to live in at the moment,I feel sorry for the families that have been there for years and cannot afford to move elsewhere.

Im not a racist but areas such as Pagehall ,Firvale even Earlmarshall have become run down and uninhabitable due to the slovakians that have moved in over the last year.

the whole of pagehall is littered and every corner has a group of slovakian people just hanging around !! (i dont understand why they dont actually sit inside the houses that they rent).

I have a family that have moved in next door a few months ago and slowly but surely another 3 have moved in on the same road,every morning the guys fix the cars on the roads and the woman stand outside screaming at their children ( dressed very inappropriately) can someone please advise me will this new landlord tax solve all these problems? and can we possibly request some of these families to be housed towards Hunters bar? Milhouses maybe ?

I can then fill in the survey and agree with the council.


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add into the mix the lovely local shops where the owners were keeping goats and slaughtering them in the back yard over an open sewer until recently ! ;-)


The shop in question has rightly lost a lot of its business through this revelation although I fail to see what that has to do with the issues down page hall.

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