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Amount of homeless children in the UK rises by 11% - NIMBY success!

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Too many people are having children that they cannot afford.


Birth rates have been below replacement rate for over 40 years.


We are in the longest baby bust in the history of our nation.


We are supposedly wealthier than we ever have been. We are not havng enough children, and people are supposedly in a position to have 10+ each!

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Birth rates have been below replacement rate for over 40 years.


We are in the longest baby bust in the history of our nation.


We are supposedly wealthier than we ever have been. We are not havng enough children, and people are supposedly in a position to have 10+ each!


If you are longterm unemployed, having children is an act of cruelty. It shouldn't be allowed. Yet they do.


And to those who think house prices are going to drop, think again, they will rise now. I've planned my entire strategy around house prices rising 40% in the next 12 years. it's not hard to see I'll be right. House prices have risen steadily since the dawn of time, patterns like that don't change. They rise they drop but they always rise higher again. Lovely jubbley bottle of bubbly

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Homelessness continues to rise. Building remains low. Demand for housing continues to exceed supply.


Due to a lack of housing to meet demand, housing costs are forced upwards, and the poorest are no longer able to access housing.


This is brilliant news for homeowners, but bad news for the poor. Increasing amounts of children, along with adults are being made homeless.


NIMBYs oppose new housing development, they often oppose it because they fear it could reduce housing prices and rents and in turn lead to people being able to access housing. This would substantially reduce the price of their property.


Increasing amounts of homelessness show that NIMBYs are winning the war. With a lack of housing, they can command a premium for their properties.


So whilst increasing amounts of British children are having a terrible time, having their lives and future prospects ruined, it isn't all bad news. For some wealthy homeowners are financially better off. These people might already be rich, but now they are even richer. They have nothing extra to show for it, but they can brag about their house and it's new higher worth.


The recent budget offered nothing to the poor, it will not reduce child homelessness. It did however offer a big subsidy to home-owners. The government is going to guarantee mortgages and push house prices even higher.


So whilst young children are made homeless, old people who could access affordable housing in their youth, can rejoice, that such housing will now increase in value further. And let's face it, homeless children don't vote, whilst old homeowners do.


And whilst I personally despise NIMBY homeowners who having managed to secure a roof over their head, now actively campaign to stop others being able to do so. I must acknowledge that they are winning the battle.


Well done NIMBYs! You are winning! Pat yourselves on the back!


Sorry homeless children, you are losing! Unfortunately the state does not deem you to be of value. Increasing house prices is a greater priority. This is the UK, and you were not born into property wealth, your life chances are poor and your future is bleak, you have my sympathy. :(




But none of these people are actually homeless they are just classed as homeless ie no fixed abode, they instantly get put in accommodation and onto temporary accommodation before being relocated into council housing, and if I'm wrong where are all these homeless children ? Where are all the shanty huts like under the motorways in Paris and India ?, the only people who are actually homeless in this country are their because they either want to be or cannot manage their lives correctly so cannot keep a home.

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When in history have we ever had so many single adults occupying a house?

How many kids have two homes as a consequence?

How many people are working away from home, so have two homes too?


No wonder we have a housing crisis


Single people households have contributed to the shortage of homes. Family breakdown often creates homelessness too, hence the increase in numbers of homeless children.


A household who come to the end of their private tenancy agreement can present as homeless. In some cases there is really no reason for them not to move to another private rented home, but if they are accepted as statutorily homeless, their likelihood of getting a council house is greater.

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And whilst I personally despise NIMBY homeowners who having managed to secure a roof over their head, now actively campaign to stop others being able to do so. I must acknowledge that they are winning the battle.


Well done NIMBYs! You are winning! Pat yourselves on the back!



I do agree with that, but as Tomtom66 say, none of the children are actually homeless. They just need to be classed as homeless in order to get to top of the council housing list.

Anyone without money will get their rent paid by the state, so the poor cannot be homeless.


So perhaps the state is encouraging homelessness, by giving people(families) a guaranteed home?

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Single people households have contributed to the shortage of homes. Family breakdown often creates homelessness too, hence the increase in numbers of homeless children.


A household who come to the end of their private tenancy agreement can present as homeless. In some cases there is really no reason for them not to move to another private rented home, but if they are accepted as statutorily homeless, their likelihood of getting a council house is greater.


Are there still council houses?I thought all council estates had been offered to management firms such as housing associations.

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Are there still council houses?I thought all council estates had been offered to management firms such as housing associations.


In answer to your question, some councils do still own properties.


Locally, Sheffield council still own over 40000 council homes. Sheffield Homes ALMO (Arms Length Management Organisation) has been managing them, but the contract finishes today. The tenants voted to return the management to the council. Some info here: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/in-your-area/initiatives/futureplan.html

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Maybe council housing should not be provided to persons under 25 as it used to be.

If you look at the one council one bedroom housing, ie Brookhill flats, low edges and Gleadless valley to name a few, the majority are all rented to youths on no income. ( before anyone has a go, yes I know there are others that work)

It seems that if a child does not like the rules of their parents house/ get pregnant then they can apply for a council flat and we the taxpayer will fund it.

Make families responsible for their children's housing until they can afford to pay their own way.

Now chem will come back and say there are no jobs for the youth/greedy landlords are to blame/it's all down to the lack of allotments/or anything else that fits in with his crooked view on life.

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