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Wasting my life away

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Does anyone on this thread actually enjoy being married - apart from Smithy -

and do couples go out together any more?


My chance to join in cressida, I am married to my perfect woman I love her dearly and tell her at least 4 times a day. We go out together, we go away together, she's my best friend she is my absolute world.


We do go out separately, we are not joined at the hip and we have a beautiful family & grandkids, yes all in all I can say without fear of contradiction we are extremely happy.


We don't go out very often now, due to my poor health but when we do we have a great time with friends, and enjoy it more as its so far and few between now that we get out.

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As a man, you need to ask yourself, if I get married to this Doris, what are the odds that we'll end up in old age together, holding hands and looking back fondly over a long happy loving life filled with beautiful memories?


Now, the odds of that happening are less than 50%, in reality, in this day and age, you've got less than 15% chance of making it to old age in a happy loving marriage. So, you are about to bet away your entire life on a gamble that has an 85% chance of kicking you square in the nether regions which you will almost certainly never be able to come back from financially, maybe even emotionally. That's why I always say, show me a married loser and I'll show you a loser. I'm never wrong.


When the odds are that bad, only a complete idiot would get married. Am I right? I'm not wrong!

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As a man, you need to ask yourself, if I get married to this Doris, what are the odds that we'll end up in old age together, holding hands and looking back fondly over a long happy loving life filled with beautiful memories?


Now, the odds of that happening are less than 50%, in reality, in this day and age, you've got less than 15% chance of making it to old age in a happy loving marriage. So, you are about to bet away your entire life on a gamble that has an 85% chance of kicking you square in the nether regions which you will almost certainly never be able to come back from financially, maybe even emotionally. That's why I always say, show me a married loser and I'll show you a loser. I'm never wrong.


When the odds are that bad, only a complete idiot would get married. Am I right? I'm not wrong!


Ah bless nobody wants or loves you eh sweetie? :D

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Ah bless nobody wants or loves you eh sweetie? :D


I'd marry you in a flash if it wasn't for that bloody Denis :love: But to your credit, you and Denis do seem to be going the distance. Rare these days, future generations will not have the same success.


---------- Post added 18-04-2013 at 20:11 ----------



:hihi: Very funny, I'd be stunned if that were actually true. I'm barred for being too sexy.

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We go out together, and separately. We share each others interests, and have our own. If we go to the pub, we share the driving, I drive there, she drives home!


What you actually mean is you get drunk and she stays sober. Logical thinking. :hihi:

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I work 12 hour shifts, on my days off I do housework and shopping, my partner goes to the pub every weekend with his friends,, I stay in and watch tv,, this goes on, week in week out,,, surely I should have other things in my life OR am I expecting too much,, any serious suggestions???:help::help::help:


hey sweetheart, it doesn't seem as if you are expecting too much otherwise you wouldn't have posted that question but it does seem that what you have is not fulfilling you on any level. does this man add anything to your life or is it just the thought of being on your own that is scary and keeping you with him?

remember, we're dead a long time so enjoy this life whilst you can, as a couple or single. i answer to no one and no one answers to me - it can be lonely sometimes, but its a lot of fun a lot of the time :hihi:

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but it does seem that what you have is not fulfilling you on any level. does this man add anything to your life




So it's not enough I go out and work from 6am until 6pm I've now got to come home and fulfil you as well? :rant: You make my blood boil!


Does he add anything to your life? How about paying the bills so she has a roof over her head! I'm going to explode with RAGE!!!!!! :rant::gag::rant:

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