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The date of Easter

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Yes, it's early this year; yes, it's much later next year.

But why?


Let's start with the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750- really. It says this, with my underlining:


3. Easter and the other moveable feasts to be observed according to the new calendar, tables and rules. Feast and fasts, etc. to be according to the new calendar.


And whereas according to the rule prefixed to the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England Easter-Day is always the first Sunday after the first full moon which happens next after the one and twentieth day of March, and if the full moon happens upon a Sunday Easter-Day is the Sunday after, which rule was made in conformity to the decree of the said general Council of Nice for the celebration of the said feast of Easter: And whereas the method of computing the full moons now used in the Church of England, and according to which the table to find Easter for ever, prefixed to the said Book of Common Prayer is formed, is by process of time become considerably erroneous: And whereas a calendar, and also certain tables and rules for the fixing the true time of the celebration of the said feast of Easter, and the finding the times of the full moons on which the same dependeth, so as the same shall agree as nearly as may be with the decree of the said general council and also with the practice of foreign countries, have been prepared, and are hereunto annexed: the said feast of Easter or any of the moveable feasts thereon depending, shall from and after the said second day of September be no longer kept or observed in England, or in any other the dominions or countries subject or belonging to the crown of Great Britain, according to the said method of supputation now used, or the said table prefixed to the said Book of Common Prayer; and that the said table, and also the column of golden numbers as they are now prefixed to the respective days of the month in the said calendar, shall be left out in all future editions of the said Book of Common Prayer; and that the said new calendar, tables, and rules hereunto annexed shall be prefixed to all such future editions of the said book, in the room and stead thereof; and that from and after the said second day of September all and every the fixed feast-days, holy days, and fast-days which are now kept and observed by the Church of England, and also the several solemn days of thanksgiving, and of fasting and humiliation, which by virtue of any Act of Parliament now in being are from time to time to be kept and observed shall be kept and observed on the respective days marked for the celebration of the same in the said new calendar, that is to say, on the same respective nominal days on which the same are now kept and observed, but which, according to the alteration by this Act intended to be made as aforesaid, will happen eleven days sooner than the same now do; and that the said feast of Easter, and all other moveable feasts thereon depending, shall from time to time be observed and celebrated according to the said new calendar, tables, and rules hereunto annexed, in England, and in all the dominions and countries aforesaid wherein the liturgy of the Church of England now is or hereafter shall be used; and that the two moveable terms of Easter and Trinity, and all courts, of what nature or kind soever, and all meetings and assemblies of any bodies politick or corporate, and all markets, fairs, and marts, and courts thereunto belonging, which, by any law statute, charter, custom, or usage are appointed, used, or accustomed to be holden and kept at any moveable time or times depending upon the time of Easter, or any other such moveable feast as aforesaid, shall from time to time, from and after the said second day of September, be holden and kept on such days and times whereon the same shall respectively happen or fall, according to the happening or falling of the said feast of Easter or such other moveable feasts as aforesaid, to be computed according to the said new calendar, tables, and rules.


Got that? But then we have the Easter Act 1928 which says this (with my underlining):


1. Date of Easter-day.


Easter-day shall, in the calendar year next but one after the commencement of this Act and in all subsequent years, be the first Sunday after the second Saturday in April, and section three of the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750, the new calendar, tables and rules annexed to that Act, and section two of the Calendar Act 1751, are hereby amended and shall be read and construed accordingly.


2. Short title , commencement and extent


(1) This Act may be cited as the Easter Act 1928.


(2) This Act shall commence and come into operation on such date as may be fixed by Order of His Majesty in Council, provided that, before any such Order in Council is made, a draft thereof shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament, and the Order shall not be made unless both Houses by resolution approve the draft either without modification or with modifications to which both Houses agree, but upon such approval being given the order may be made in the form in which it has been so approved: Provided further that, before making such draft order, regard shall be had to any opinion officially expressed by any Church or other Christian body...


And, for the last 85 years, the 1928 Act has sat there uncommenced due to the Church not agreeing. So what's the point, eh?

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I thought it moved about because it was linked to the jewish festival of the passover.....

and again that is all related to Lunar cycles so

that means its the first sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox..

if you use the gregorian ca;ender.which we do.....


might not be a legal explanation....but it makes sense :hihi:

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Got to the 6th line and gave up.


Really needs some paragraphs


It is hard reading

True; but I cited it precisely as it appears: see http://www.legislation.gov.uk/apgb/Geo2/24/23/section/3


---------- Post added 31-03-2013 at 00:02 ----------


All it says is that in 1928 an Act was placed on The Statutes to fix the date of Easter Sunday to within the same week every April.


However, it has never been implemented by any government.

Yes- but oughtn't it to be? Or, if not, why not just repeal it?


---------- Post added 31-03-2013 at 00:05 ----------


I thought it moved about because it was linked to the jewish festival of the passover.

No. Passover (Pesach) is fixed, halfway through the first of the Jewish months (Nisan), aligned with the full moon then or thereabouts.


---------- Post added 31-03-2013 at 00:10 ----------


Got to the 6th line and gave up.


Really needs some paragraphs


It is hard reading

OK- here's my re-write of the first bit!


1. The rules in the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England define Easter.

2. Easter is the first Sunday after the full moon first after 21st March.

3. But if the full moon is itself on a Sunday, Easter is the following Sunday.

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No. Passover (Pesach) is fixed, halfway through the first of the Jewish months (Nisan), aligned with the full moon then or thereabouts.........


The relationship of Easter with Passover may be fixed, but Passover is also lunar based and as such is not fixed.

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For the love of the Goddess ,Why are we hearing that the festival pinched from Pagans is moved from what ever date to another ? I am so not bothered . I am all for live & let live but PLEASE


If you are not bothered why did you bother to post here?

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