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Why the Media blackout?

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Why is the BBC avoiding any mention of protests against the government?


Yesterday there were over 50 large demonstrations in major towns and cities across the country, against the 'bedroom' tax. But none of this got a single mention on the BBC news. And it's far from the first time.


Ordinary people need a voice to counteract all the prpoganda eminating from the rich and powerful, but it seems to be being denied. Is this why demonstrations sometimes become violent? It seems to be the only way to attract attention to a point of view these days.


I thought the BBC was supposed to be an independent body? It seems the news is becoming more about what they don't say than what they do these days. I never used to trust the internet, but it now seems to be a more informative source about what's happening than the BBC, and in a free country, that's scary...

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