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Why the Media blackout?

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We are to blame. Every third world product we buy puts a British worker out of a job.


Can you elaborate on "third world products".


Because when I think of "third world" I think of Africa.


Yet most products come from the far East, which isn't the third world.

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The title says scroungers, not the advert. If you want to get into an argument about semantics, be my guest...


But more importantly, I said originally 'Who blames benefit scroungers for the mess we're in?'. This advert doesn't blame 'scroungers' or 'people who won't work' for the mess the country is in. So it doesn't answer my earlier point.


---------- Post added 03-04-2013 at 01:09 ----------



Are you not able to think for yourself and require press to influence you?


Indeed I am able to think for myself which is why I am often in a position of having to argue with people on Sheffield forum.


Are you saying there is no such thing as propoganda?


It undoubtedly exists and its sole purpose is to influence people.


It is proven to work.

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It's revolting - Interesting that they didn't show that benefit fraud is dwarfed by the amount that goes unclaimed by those that are entitled; and that the amount that goes unclaimed is miniscule in comparison to tax that goes unclaimed / dodged.


Still what can we expect from the nazty party?


Hopefully, in those marginal constituencies where these ads are placed people will come to the conclusion that the poster says more about the organisation that is sponsoring it, than it does about the people it demonises.

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more socialist insults eh:suspect: anyone would think others couldnt have a different view to you! what makes you so overflowing with the grey matter.

you would call anyone a troll that doesnt agree with your "la la land" politics:o


I would rate my understanding of the current employment situation, plus having had 50 years experience of employment, self employment and running my own business leaves me streets ahead of your narrow minded 'parochial' mentality. I would hazard a guess my education went a little higher than yours.

I don't throw 'socialist insults', its the right wingers with their 'tiny island' mentality who insult my intelligence. We are now Europeans, like it or lump it.

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is this true.? i didnt realise that, any links?


The £1200 fee for a Tribunal case was announced in the latest issue of the GMB union magazine. I'm sure if you google tribunals it will come up. [providing they are up to date]

Its just something else which was 'slipped in' under the smokescreen of the bedroom tax.


---------- Post added 03-04-2013 at 21:55 ----------


What's the issue with 'bedroom tax'?


Social housing should be for those who need it - social leeches who live in house with more bedrooms than they need should be penalised.


Oh dear, another member of the 'Hard of Thinking Society'. Apply a little thought please, its not THAT difficult..................

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Same old faces saying the same old things and trying to persaude public opinion to support the slash and burn mentality of this government


It's also the same old faces saying the same old things and trying to persuade public opinion to be anti-tory.


in which they see, cannot do wrong, despite the growing dislike of its policies. The government and their supporters are desperate and trying to grasp an increasing amount of straws. It's guaranteed they'll try and bribe people with tax cuts in the 2015 election.


My tax band goes up next week. And again next year same. Labour had 13 years to increase it to get low earners out of ITax, but instead opted for a complicating tax credit system. If they increase it a bit more before the next election, I'll almost be out of paying income tax.


Indeed I am able to think for myself which is why I am often in a position of having to argue with people on Sheffield forum.


Are you saying there is no such thing as propoganda?


Was it really worth the effort required to type that question?


It undoubtedly exists and its sole purpose is to influence people.


It is proven to work.


You agreed that the media blames benefit scroungers for the mess we're in. I don't think they do. Certainly not to the extent that they blame banks/bankers, and the Tories. That's why I said they have short memories, because my memory puts the banks chaos as happening during the last government. And many other things with it - like cocking up with their migration figures; continuing with ridiculous PFI hospitals after criticizing Major for it. I could go on, but I don't want Mecky to have brain-overload in disgust at my post :hihi:

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Oh dear, another member of the 'Hard of Thinking Society'. Apply a little thought please, its not THAT difficult..................


Instead of being insulting, why don't you address Wynkle's point about people being in houses with more bedrooms than they need?

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