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Why the Media blackout?

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Barmy health and safety rulings ??? I think these are designed to keep us alive and healthy. [building sites are now far safer instead of being death traps].

H&S covers alot more than building sites, its the many other areas that are barmy.

Working time directives and employment laws ??? Don't these stop companys from imposing 14 hour shifts and paying pittance wages ??

They also provided a little job security [Gradually being eroded away by the Torys]

If you want to work 14 hr shifts good on you, nobody is forced to or if you dont like the wages and terms find another job! ah job security?? no such thing as job security nowadays.......ah you hate Torys i see now:suspect:


Without Europe the British employee will be in a sorry state. Just ask anyone currently working for one of the agencies. The Best Connection [agency] is a poor example of an employer. [And used by British Blue Chip Companys]


The British employee is in a sorry state because of europe!! again agencies you take your choice nobody is forcing you to work for the agency!

Its the ultra right wing Torys, Cameron, Clegg,IDS and Co who need stifling.

If slavery and poverty becomes the norm, who cares about growth ???

growth will never happen while there are people like you with your airey fairy ideals:roll:

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H&S covers alot more than building sites, its the many other areas that are barmy.



If you want to work 14 hr shifts good on you, nobody is forced to or if you dont like the wages and terms find another job! ah job security?? no such thing as job security nowadays.......ah you hate Torys i see now


The British employee is in a sorry state because of europe!! again agencies you take your choice nobody is forcing you to work for the agency!



Again you criticise health and safety legislation. Can you make a case that it does more harm than good?


Ditto working time directives and employment laws. Can you make a case that they do more harm than good?


"The British employee is in a sorry state because of europe!!" What evidence can you present to support this statement?


growth will never happen while there are people like you with your airey fairy ideals:roll:


Again you call people names? Why?

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What name?


Saying you have airy fairy ideals isn't accurate, but it's not name calling.


It wasn't actually directed at me, but I take your point. I probably should have called it a disparaging remark. Unfortunately it is one of several across a couple of threads and, in my opinion it adds nothing to any debate.

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growth will never happen while there are people like you with your airey fairy ideals:roll:


If you had a brain you would be dangerous....................now go away and stop trolling. It has to be trolling, nobody could constantly post right wing rubbish like you do.:rolleyes:

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Again you criticise health and safety legislation. Can you make a case that it does more harm than good?


Ditto working time directives and employment laws. Can you make a case that they do more harm than good?


"The British employee is in a sorry state because of europe!!" What evidence can you present to support this statement?


They all cost business money, which the consumer has to pay for. But the consumer doesn't, they buy stuff from China and India that don't have all these regulations and cost buttons. So British businesses close and we buy everything from cheap third worlders.


You can only have all these regulations if tarrifs reflect the lack of regulation in importing nations.

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Watching the news last night, it was listing all the cuts that were coming in on April 1st.


A lot more than just the bedroom tax and having to pay towards council tax, including less money for legal aid etc. All of which will impact more on the poor. It then added that corportion tax was being reduced and top rate of tax was coming down.


These handouts weren't mentioned on the BBC.


Strange that this jarring contrast in treatment for rich (handouts) and poor (penalised) wasn't highlighted on the BBC.


They did also include in the report that the low income tax band is increased. Why did you miss that out?


The top tax rate argument is used every single day by Labour politicians because it's all they've got; and on the rare occasions where they are questioned what the top rate was during their term, they side track.


We all know how biased towards the rich the Torys are, BUT I worry about Ed Milliband............he's about as effective in opposition as a damp squib. There's more energy in a Junior aspirin. Ol' Puncher Prescott would be more effective.

Have we nobody with any bottle ???????????

Labour should be laying into the media, even putting out their own statements, not just sucking their thumbs.


... Prescot was one of them. Someone caught him on out on QT, and he used shouting to get out of answering it.


Suits me with Milliband in. He'll never win an election.


---------- Post added 02-04-2013 at 22:03 ----------


They all cost business money, which the consumer has to pay for. But the consumer doesn't, they buy stuff from China and India that don't have all these regulations and cost buttons. So British businesses close and we buy everything from cheap third worlders.


You can only have all these regulations if tarrifs reflect the lack of regulation in importing nations.


Not only that, if you ever see how Mentor works, it's wonder anyone in this country takes any staff on.

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