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Have You Ever Visited Gibraltar


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The football pitch at HMS Rooke was a killer, red gravel and very unforgiving to the knees and elbows. Rooke has now gone sadly but I had many happy hours in the Senior Rates mess on afternoon sesh's. I was also tempted to climb the sheerlegs in Gib Dockyard but on sobering up and looking at the height of them, I'm glad I didn't.

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My first three ships when I went to sea were all being refitted in Gibraltar when I joined them. We had to get the first one out in a hurry owing to a small skirmish called the Falklands War. Thankfully we weren't quick enough and got down to the Falklands just after the ceasefire. First trip to sea!!


I stayed each time in the Bristol Hotel while we got the ships ready for living onboard. Had some absolute hoots, got horrendously drunk most of the time. Went across the border into Spain when it opened fully on my third trip, also trips across by ferry to Tangier, marvellous I felt like Humphrey Bogart.


I loved it then but imagine so much of the enjoyment stemmed from the job and the people that it would be totally different if I went back.

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Go there quite alot, get baccy and booze for friends and fill-up the car with cheap petrol at Morrisons/safeways.

if it's a nice day i'll take lunch in Casement square and sit and watch the world

and the tourist go by.

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Go there quite alot, get baccy and booze for friends and fill-up the car with cheap petrol at Morrisons/safeways.

if it's a nice day i'll take lunch in Casement square and sit and watch the world

and the tourist go by.

:Looks like you've got it sussed. Casemates I remember it well when i lived there It wasn't that nice but when i went to Gib in 98 ish it was going under a lot of improvement and suspect it's quite nice now...............do you live in La Linea?????????????

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Greetings Double,

La Linea is under going a massive building programme, but still retains some of it's old charm. I don't live there but visit quite alot.

It's still a bit of a bind crossing the border and i think it's time they sorted it out.

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i used to live in gib in 1992, my dad's a royal engineer! the RAF's private beach was by far the best one there, and i have vivid memories of the red gravel athletics/sports field that i used to play rugby/shred my skin on!!!


i used to live at the point near the lighthouse... had some good times watching Winston runners out in the bay being chased by spanish gunboats!

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  • 2 months later...

Posted there in 1948,Royal Northumberland Fusaliers,Casemates and Moorish Castle. Went back when the border opened mid 80s and then lived on my boat in Shepperds Marina for months at a time between trips in the Med.Nice place and the Gibraltarians are easy to get along with. The Spaniards are a pain at the border,deliberately causing long queues.

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