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Same Sex Marriage

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Will equal rights extend to creating an IVF baby from two females or two males? Is it a lesbian/gay couples right to be equal?

It will become posible soon.


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Is that a yes or no?


Everyone should have the right to equality.


As a poster mentioned earlier the procedure isn't even available yet.


So I'm not sure what your point is.

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Because it's equality rather than inequality.


Assuming that you are heterosexual you could get married and and call it marriage.


Your homosexual neighbour couldn't, purely based on sexual orientation.


Take a minute to have a think if that's equal or not.


This is an argument put forward many times on here and I disagree with the basis of it.

The traditional and accepted meaning of marriage is the union between a man and woman.

The fact that a same sex couple are of the same sex disqualifies them from marriage.

The fact that they are of the same sex should not disqualify them from being joined in a loving union and having the same rights as a different sex couple.

This is not inequality it is simply maintaining the accepted meaning of the word.

As I said earlier why not have a new word to celebrate the change.

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In May, 2013 a group of scientists published a report of successful human cloning. The approach involved the somatic cell nuclear transfer from human fibroblasts to oocytes and resulted in viable embryos developing to the blastocyst stage.

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This is an argument put forward many times on here and I disagree with the basis of it.

The traditional and accepted meaning of marriage is the union between a man and woman.

The fact that a same sex couple are of the same sex disqualifies them from marriage.

The fact that they are of the same sex should not disqualify them from being joined in a loving union and having the same rights as a different sex couple.

This is not inequality it is simply maintaining the accepted meaning of the word.

As I said earlier why not have a new word to celebrate the change.


That's not fair. It's going to be changed though, tough luck.

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Everyone should have the right to equality.


As a poster mentioned earlier the procedure isn't even available yet.


So I'm not sure what your point is.


Does a lesbian/gay couple have the same rights to have a their own biological child, when it becomes available?

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In May, 2013 a group of scientists published a report of successful human cloning. The approach involved the somatic cell nuclear transfer from human fibroblasts to oocytes and resulted in viable embryos developing to the blastocyst stage.


How is that relevant to gay marriage at all?

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This is an argument put forward many times on here and I disagree with the basis of it.

The traditional and accepted meaning of marriage is the union between a man and woman.

The fact that a same sex couple are of the same sex disqualifies them from marriage.

The fact that they are of the same sex should not disqualify them from being joined in a loving union and having the same rights as a different sex couple.

This is not inequality it is simply maintaining the accepted meaning of the word.

As I said earlier why not have a new word to celebrate the change.


That view is old fashioned and discriminatory and because of that there's going to be a change in legislation.

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