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Same Sex Marriage

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That's good.


Ignoring all my questions then asking me counter questions, I've never come across that exceptionally poor avoidance tactic before :suspect:


I've told you what the difference is.


Marriage has always been modernized, but it's definition remains the same - which is part of the reason why it's so important to gay people that they are allowed to marry.


There is no difference at all to the accepted understanding of the word, it's merely the latest in many, many changes that have taken place to the institution of marriage since it became part of English law.


Which 'marriage' from history do you consider to be the correct one? and why don't you accept the changes before that period or the changes since as part of marriage?


---------- Post added 29-05-2013 at 19:02 ----------



You did start debating with me, you only seemed to stop when the subject matter started looking shakey for you, you're still arguing, but just avoiding actually tackling the questions asked.


El Cid did exactly the same thing, which suggests to me that the anti gay marriage brigade know full well they can't argue on equal footing and have to avoid, or blatantly ignore certain questions that they know will make their arguments collapse.

Sorry but you will not tempt me back with your accusations.

By the way I have been arguing all afternoon and not avoided any questions put to me during that time.

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Sorry but you will not tempt me back with your accusations.

By the way I have been arguing all afternoon and not avoided any questions put to me during that time.


You've avoided mine, and I've not accused you of anything. I have pointed out the fact that you're avoiding my questions and posing counter questions to try to detract from the original question.


I thought you were going?


---------- Post added 29-05-2013 at 19:26 ----------


Alas I am going to have to go now.


I hope you two manage to actually attempt to answer my questions before I return - I live in hope.

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Gay marriage shouldn't happen because the Churches don't want it, but as a consequence of this there should be a complete separation of church and state, and civil partnerships be made equal in law in every way to marriage.

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Can you think of any reasons why gay people shouldn't be able, or won't be able to get married?





Many gay couples have children.



Most do not.


Many straight couples don't.



Most do.



Should those gay ones with children be allowed to marry and the straight ones have to have a civil partnership?



If I was deciding what the priorities of Parliament was, changing the marriage laws would not be a priortity, because most gay/lesbian relationships are not as long lasting as 'normal' marriages.


I did post a link earlier, if you spotted it. Or perhaps you can provide a credible source giving facts about the length of gay/lesbian relationships?

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That's not a reason why gay people shouldn't get married. Quite the opposite, it's actually a question as to why straight people feel they couldn't get married if marriage was to include gay couples.


Or let's look at it another way, if less straight people get married why does that concern you?


Most do not[/Quote]


Irrelevant to the question, some do.


Most do[/Quote]


Irrelevant to the question, some don't (and some can't)


If I was deciding what the priorities of Parliament was, changing the marriage laws would not be a priortity, because most gay/lesbian relationships are not as long lasting as 'normal' marriages[/Quote]


As has already been pointed out by another poster, you are taking different critieria and measuring it, how many straight relationships (excluding marriages - which you've already said yourself only have a 50% success rate) % wise last as long as gay ones?




I did post a link earlier, if you spotted it. Or perhaps you can provide a credible source giving facts about the length of gay/lesbian relationships?


It's not a credible link, it was from an organisation opposed to gay marriage, in a debate about gay marriage data from an anti gay marriage organization is not credible. Do you have any impartial research paper data conducted by a UK scientist?


I really am going now.


I'm looking forward to your further response, see you tomorrow.

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I didn't ask you how many people oppose gay marriage did I.


Look we can all throw numbers around to support our claims, that's easy, and not very clever.


I asked you


'Can you think of any reasons why gay people shouldn't be able, or won't be able to get married?'


All you've done is say 'x' % of people are opposed to it. That didn't answer the question, I asked for reasons why gay people shouldn't get married.


What are the reasons 'x' amount of people are against it. A % of people being against it (and as I've already shown, polls are somewhat subjective) isn't in and of itself a reason.


I also asked you


'Should those gay people with children be allowed to marry and the straight ones have to have a civil partnership?'


You replied that most gay people don't have children and most straight people do - that's totally irrelevant to the question - the important thing is presented in the question itself, I'll highlight it for you and perhaps you could have another go at answering it.


'Many gay couples have children.


Many straight couples don't.


Should those gay ones with children be allowed to marry and the straight ones have to have a civil partnership?'


So please try again, this time by actually answering the questions rather than trying to squirm out of them.

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