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Same Sex Marriage

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Can you answer my questions?


Why are you ignoring me?


post after post of the same neurotic demand:huh: I don't know about same sex marriage but I pity the woman married to you .you must nag her to death . :gag:


you are the forum buddhist for gods sake man get a grip !!


in the words of the buddha

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell' ,straight or gay,el cid or the berber's,, ladyboy or chuck norris

ff's sake grasshopper get it together.

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Why are you doing the name calling, I thought we were just having a nice discussion.


Bigot isn't name calling, it's a description of a set of attitudes.


---------- Post added 31-05-2013 at 07:22 ----------


There is no point, because you are not listening; and you are not responding to my questions.


That would be because you make assertions and then when questioned about them you answer with more questions. It's a dishonest debate tactic as you refuse to justify or explain the assertions you make.

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I'm not trying to win any battles, I'm on a discussion forum trying to have a discussion. That is not easy when on certain issues the people im trying to discuss with have no argument beyond the most shallow one.


Were I not to push I might as well not be here.


In fact of late I'm wondering why I am, it's becoming blatantly evident to me that those on this forum who are particularly prone to prejudices have no arguments to make. It seems they just want to push their views rather than have a discussion.


As I've said before if I want to listen to rhetoric I'll read a blog or watch YouTube. As I'm here to have a discussion that's what I intend to do.


And before you lecture me on Buddhism maybe you should familiarize yourself with the scriptures, because the Buddha was quite happy to go into debate with those that opposed his opinions, he was not one to sit and accept excuses as arguments either.

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In fact of late I'm wondering why I am, it's becoming blatantly evident to me that those on this forum who are particularly prone to prejudices have no arguments to make.


Pretty much.

You'll be lucky to get anything constructive out of Johncocker either, as history has shown he tends to be one of the people you're talking about. He'll quite happily try to belittle you though or, if pushed enough, have a text-tantrum.

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Pretty much.

You'll be lucky to get anything constructive out of Johncocker either, as history has shown he tends to be one of the people you're talking about. He'll quite happily try to belittle you though or, if pushed enough, have a text-tantrum.


Yes I know, I have first hand experience of John's hit and run style of debating.


If he is against same sex marriage maybe he would like to stop my 'neurotic demands' if he is that concerned about them and take up the baton of actually trying to provide us with a reason, then debate it (without avoiding the questions or using cheap diversionary tactics) for the anti gay marriage position.


---------- Post added 31-05-2013 at 15:34 ----------


There is no point, because you are not listening; and you are not responding to my questions.




Are you going to continue using the criteria of my proposal?


Or is it that you can't bring yourself to actually abide by rules that will mean you can't sidestep and avoid things because it will make your argument collapse like a house of cards?

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Perhaps we can have a partnership recognised in the tax system, that is for supporting couples with children?

Lets get rid of marriage, it is irrelevant.


I like being married, let's keep it and make it available to all

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I like being married, let's keep it and make it available to all


I dont know how much in tax breaks you used to get, but these days single parents get supported whilst married people with children just get forgotten.

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I dont know how much in tax breaks you used to get, but these days single parents get supported whilst married people with children just get forgotten.


What does that have to do with anything? I didn't get married for tax breaks

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