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Same Sex Marriage

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What does that have to do with anything? I didn't get married for tax breaks


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Just when marriage is becoming pointless for the majority of young people a whole new bunch want to join the wedding club, is it the frock?:suspect:

no fault divorce has rendered marriage a none enforcible contract with the state/law interfering with distribution of assets/income often to the disadvantage of one party, so why bother?


---------- Post added 05-06-2013 at 04:10 ----------


Of course they do, the law tells you that you can't marry another woman


---------- Post added 24-05-2013 at 07:28 ----------


What a crap attempt at a dodge.

Of course I don't think Christians get married NOT to have sex. I would think they get married to make a loving commitment to each other.

It's rather sad that you seem to think marriage and sex ARE the same thing.



no need to be abusive roots:and stop twisting my words I never said it was the same thing :roll:

the point I was making is either sexuality is an issue or it is not.

If it is, then there has to be an equivalent of consummation/adultery for same sex couples.

If it is not, and sex has NOTHING to do with marriage, then there is no logical (which is not the same as saying that there are calls for it) reason to deny it to any pair of consenting adults (marriage to animals/inanimate objects/children is obviously crap as these things cannot give valid consent) : be they brother and brother, sister and sister etc.


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I'm no god botherer, more of a earth worshipper if anything and i've witnessed many Pagan handfastings, so i don't get why gay couples wishing to marry have to have their union blessed by a god who has no love for them, if you believe the words of the bible according to most.


Just do your own thing, unless this is a political issue, where i'd support your right to equality. But church weddings for same sex couples ? that's just silly imo, but each to their own i guess.

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What I find funny is that some of those who have been telling us that marriage is sacred etc are now telling us that we might as well do away with it altogether because it is meaningless!


This is just a thought and I welcome debate on it (El Cid/Johncocker - debate is where two people swap ideas/answer each others questions in full and honest ways - not one person giving their opinion/criticising and when questioned avoiding those questions) but would we not benefit by making all marriage similar to the way Muslims in Britain do it?


That is that the religious element of it is conducted outside of law (basically it is not recognised by law but it means something to the participants) and there is a separate legal ceremony that is recognised in law?


Would that not make everyone happy?

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Marriage isn't just a religious ceremony, we can get married in this country with no religious elements whatsoever.


And that's what i don't get here, why would any gay couple want to join in union under a banner that preaches hate for them ?


It's silly beyond belief imo.

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And that's what i don't get here, why would any gay couple want to join in union under a banner that preaches hate for them ?


It's silly beyond belief imo.


Does it preach hate? I've not read my Bible recently but I don't remember it preaching hate against same sex couples - if my memory serves me correctly it mentions the union of a man and woman and condemns sodomy - but hate preaching?


I have to go to work now, I'll catch up later.

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