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Same Sex Marriage

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The link has very little information, looks like its results are not ready yet.


Click on the link to Interim Report, which takes you to a large (which is why I didn't link it directly) PDF report.


Alternatively read some quality newspapers. It's been widely reported recently, as have other studies which show that children brought up by same-sex parents are just as happy and healthy as children brought up by heterosexual parents.

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Click on the link to Interim Report, which takes you to a large (which is why I didn't link it directly) PDF report.



I did start to read it but it seemed unfinished, it said 97% were still in a relationship, so I would guess the study has not been going long?


It was also rather vague, "general health and family cohesion". Shouldnt it be measureing things in more detail? Maybe emotional health or academic attainment.

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I did start to read it but it seemed unfinished, it said 97% were still in a relationship, so I would guess the study has not been going long?


You were making the claims.


I would hope that somebody who is prepared to make some pretty definite statements about the risks of same-sex marriage would be prepared to actually consider the evidence.


An admittance of some half-arsed effort to start reading, and then giving up, is very disappointing.


There have been many studies that show that children brought up by same-sex parents are just as happy and healthy as children brought up by heterosexual parents, this is just the latest.


If you couldn't really be bothered at least read the highlights and conclusions where you might have read:


"On measures of general health and family cohesion children aged 5 to 17 years with samesex attracted parents showed a significantly better score when compared to Australian children from all backgrounds and family contexts. For all other health measures there were no statistically significant differences."

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There have been many studies that show that children brought up by same-sex parents are just as happy and healthy as children brought up by heterosexual parents, this is just the latest.


If you couldn't really be bothered at least read the highlights and conclusions where you might have read:


"On measures of general health and family cohesion children aged 5 to 17 years with samesex attracted parents showed a significantly better score when compared to Australian children from all backgrounds and family contexts. For all other health measures there were no statistically significant differences."


The "family cohesion" I asssume means that the parents stay together for longer, the information that I have seen says that is not true.


The "general health" issue is a very broad statement that one would think would only be affected by very major things.


Why link the two together?

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'A parent of both sexes' would be a hermaphrodite.

Did you mean 'two parents, of opposite sexes'?


One parent that may have good communications skills, and another parent that might have good practicle skills :)

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Because its not about being gay or lesbian.


Its about the ideal partnership for bring up children being a man and a women.


Many people in the news agree with that.




Will not allowing gay people to marry somehow create more ideal partnerships between men and women? Obviously not.


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 22:44 ----------


It is better to have both biological parents, because they are likey to have a better bond and so be better parents, than people of the same 'quality'.


How do you imagine that this is related to gay marriage? Will there be less straight marriages with children because some gay people got married?


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 22:45 ----------


The "family cohesion" I asssume means that the parents stay together for longer, the information that I have seen says that is not true.


The "general health" issue is a very broad statement that one would think would only be affected by very major things.


Why link the two together?


Can you share this information that you've seen?


Can you explain how it relates gay marriage to children and parents?

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the point I was making is either sexuality is an issue or it is not.

If it is, then there has to be an equivalent of consummation/adultery for same sex couples.

If it is not, and sex has NOTHING to do with marriage, then there is no logical (which is not the same as saying that there are calls for it) reason to deny it to any pair of consenting adults (marriage to animals/inanimate objects/children is obviously crap as these things cannot give valid consent) : be they brother and brother, sister and sister etc.


If sex has nothing to do with marriage (which, in the broadest and most common definition of marriage,it doesn't) then there is no straightforward reason why brothers and sisters should be prohibited from wedding. If siblings are going to have children together, prohibiting their marriage will not prevent this.


However, there is the opinion that gay marriage is a direct promotion of homosexual activity. If this is true (which it's not) then sibling marriage would be a direct promotion of incestuous sexual activity. So...


A) A same sex couple get married and have sex. Who is affected? The same sex couple, nobody else.


B) A sibling couple (brother and sister) get married and have sex. Who is affected? The sibling couple and any children they may have


Personally I have no argument against brothers and sisters marrying, but that's a whole other thread. If you'd like to start one feel free, I won't be discussing it on this one and contribute to it going further off topic.


---------- Post added 11-06-2013 at 13:32 ----------


Because its not about being gay or lesbian.


Its about the ideal partnership for bring up children being a man and a women.


Many people in the news agree with that.



You appear to be mistaking marriage for parenthood

Do you agree that the ideal set up for marriage is one where the children have a parent of both sexes?

I disagree. The "ideal set up for marriage" when children are included would be the two best possible parents, regardless of gender.


Two lesbian women who are good people would make better parents than an alcoholic mother and an abusive father. Do you disagree?


---------- Post added 11-06-2013 at 13:33 ----------


One parent that may have good communications skills, and another parent that might have good practicle skills :)


And what makes you think that they would have to be of opposite sex to have those qualities?

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