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IDS reckons he could live on £53 a week. Currently on £1581 a week.

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What I find quite depressing from many of the previous posts is the envy. If someone is hard woking or fortunate enough to have wealth then they are subjected to quite horrible attacks "he married into money" Tory tosspots" etc.


The fact is that the previous government spent all your money (not mine I wasnt here). It borrowed so much that your grandchildren will still be paying this off in 50 years time.


Unless, a firm grip is taken on public spending and the benefits culture is brought to and end.


A mansion tax or taxes on second homes will only drive entrapanuers and business owners out of the country, top level tax should be 40p not 45 and certainly not 50. This will encourage international business to set up here.

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It's an incentive for people to get off there asses and find a job, Great Idea, here's another, stop all unemployment benefit - that would be a real incentive, and save 5 billion a year.

Or you could pay a decent wage to the people who are working for a pittance, and save over 60 billion.

The country's getting over crowded so stop child allowance for child number three upwards.

All ready voted down - a mansion tax on property's over £2 million.

A tax on second homes - rejected


It's nice to see the rich are helping to pay for the deficit - from yesterday it's costing me £15.00 a week,


Helen Grant (tory) claims an extra £1600 a month for her second home, even though her first is only 19 miles away. Her first house is valued at £1.8M


I think you're on shaky ground by referring to the party that MP's belong to...they are all as bad as each other when it comes to expenses..or have you forgotten people like Elliot Morley amd Margaret Moran?

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I personally agree with the cuts when it comes to people who just wont work who can. The culture needs to be that you will be better off working! Regardless. I have Crohns disease, and do struggle with full time work, I trained as a teacher, so I teach but only part time doing cover as my health does not physically allow me to work more, and my flare ups are unpredictable. If it wasn't for my husband this would not be enough money to live on! (He earns a lot more). If I was alone though, I would not be eligible for support for rent from the government (or so I was told last time I went to talk to them, I do hope this has changed but I doubt it), so would be better off quitting my job and claiming benefit. It is a stupid system that is killing Britain's work ethic!


My husband is Dutch and from what I have seen from their culture, it is so much better in terms of work ethic. Those who are out of work get enough to live, but not if they want to buy alcohol, ciggs and luxuries on top. It encourages everyone to find work and sharpish! They also have programs where they put those out of work into jobs like construction, or bar work if they need extra.

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What I find quite depressing from many of the previous posts is the envy. If someone is hard woking or fortunate enough to have wealth then they are subjected to quite horrible attacks "he married into money" Tory tosspots" etc.


The fact is that the previous government spent all your money (not mine I wasnt here). It borrowed so much that your grandchildren will still be paying this off in 50 years time.

Unless, a firm grip is taken on public spending and the benefits culture is brought to and end.


A mansion tax or taxes on second homes will only drive entrapanuers and business owners out of the country, top level tax should be 40p not 45 and certainly not 50. This will encourage international business to set up here.


The sad thing is the vast majority of that spending was to bail out the banks. Many of whose top brass are investment bankers who say we've got to keep lowering the top rate of tax not to disincentivise the rich; but also that we've got to lower benefit rates to incentivise the poor.

It's a sick world

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What I find quite depressing from many of the previous posts is the envy. If someone is hard woking or fortunate enough to have wealth then they are subjected to quite horrible attacks "he married into money" Tory tosspots" etc.


The fact is that the previous government spent all your money (not mine I wasnt here). It borrowed so much that your grandchildren will still be paying this off in 50 years time.


Unless, a firm grip is taken on public spending and the benefits culture is brought to and end.


A mansion tax or taxes on second homes will only drive entrapanuers and business owners out of the country, top level tax should be 40p not 45 and certainly not 50. This will encourage international business to set up here.


Sorry mate but I have no envy whatsoever, he's welcome to what his family have got in the bank, just dont preach idiotic statements.


I thought it was a worldwide recession that caused the problem not just the previous (equally morally bankrupt) lot in power.


As for driving people out of the country, this is another myth perpetuated by the likes of bankers to justify their obscene bonuses, let them leave, there are plenty more people to take their place.

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I personally agree with the cuts when it comes to people who just wont work who can. The culture needs to be that you will be better off working! Regardless. I have Crohns disease, and do struggle with full time work, I trained as a teacher, so I teach but only part time doing cover as my health does not physically allow me to work more, and my flare ups are unpredictable. If it wasn't for my husband this would not be enough money to live on! (He earns a lot more). If I was alone though, I would not be eligible for support for rent from the government (or so I was told last time I went to talk to them, I do hope this has changed but I doubt it), so would be better off quitting my job and claiming benefit. It is a stupid system that is killing Britain's work ethic!


I have sympathy for you as one of my work colleagues has just bee n diagnosed with Crohns.

But the vast majority of claimants are on in work benefits.

The government have deliberately talked up the workshy scrounger who idles their life away on the dole; what they have suppressed is reserach by the DWP itself which shows the vast majority of people at the bottom end go through periods of work then unemployment and so on.

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A fiver a week for each child?


You can't live on £53 a week (after your rent and a load of other things have been paid) but your kids are supposed to exist on a fiver? - Shame on you!


If you recieve jobseekers,and children live with your ex partner,your csa payments are deducted from your benefit at source,you pay the minimum amount,£5 per child.

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Gas and electric should be less than £10 a week for one adult; £20 buys enough food for one adult for one week, which that leaves £23 a week for luxuries, and an incentive to find a job.


Its not about what it should cost but how much it does cost.


I pay on average over the year around £10 pw gas, £10 pw Electric and almost £10 pw for water and I am a single adult. On top of that will be travel expenses to get to the shops to buy the food which is another £3.00 pw. Then the cost of travel to sign on £1.50 pw. The cost of a telephone line for calls and internet another £5.00 pw in order to be classed by the Jobcentre as Job Ready and not be thrown off.


That totals £39.50


None of the above are classed as luxuries but essentials.


If I received £53 then that would then leave £13.50 for food and other essential items.


As far as an incentive to find a job comes in then that's what the current system of Jobcentres and work providers get paid for. If you don't already have that incentive then you will receive no benefits.

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