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IDS reckons he could live on £53 a week. Currently on £1581 a week.

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I think you're on shaky ground by referring to the party that MP's belong to...they are all as bad as each other when it comes to expenses..or have you forgotten people like Elliot Morley amd Margaret Moran?


I agree, what am I to do, can't vote tory AGAIN, can't vote Lib dem. Labour put us in the Mire to start with? - Something needs to be done with the political state of OUR country, these politicians get elected, then please their self's as to how they vote (or at least follow the party line) irrespective as to what their electorate wanted. A party of total integrity is what we need. Great Yorkshire Grit - tell it like it is.

Spin Doctors are the scum of the earth as far as I'm concerned. the worse type of politician.


---------- Post added 02-04-2013 at 16:04 ----------


I personally agree with the cuts when it comes to people who just wont work who can. The culture needs to be that you will be better off working! Regardless. I have Crohns disease, and do struggle with full time work, I trained as a teacher, so I teach but only part time doing cover as my health does not physically allow me to work more, and my flare ups are unpredictable. If it wasn't for my husband this would not be enough money to live on! (He earns a lot more). If I was alone though, I would not be eligible for support for rent from the government (or so I was told last time I went to talk to them, I do hope this has changed but I doubt it), so would be better off quitting my job and claiming benefit. It is a stupid system that is killing Britain's work ethic!


My husband is Dutch and from what I have seen from their culture, it is so much better in terms of work ethic. Those who are out of work get enough to live, but not if they want to buy alcohol, ciggs and luxuries on top. It encourages everyone to find work and sharpish! They also have programs where they put those out of work into jobs like construction, or bar work if they need extra.


I am also disabled, and I sympathise with you, But you are still being led by the nose, listening to the politicians and gutter press - if every one who is claiming unemployment benefit got a job tomorrow it would only save 5 billion pounds out of the total of about £150 billion - come off it stop blaming the unemployed and Thatcher for everything - use your own brain, while were fighting amongst ourselves the politicians can get away with anything.

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Gas and electric should be less than £10 a week for one adult; £20 buys enough food for one adult for one week, which that leaves £23 a week for luxuries, and an incentive to find a job.


What planet do you live on, £20 per week will not cover both gas and electricity. You need to get off your soap box and start living in the real world :loopy:

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I had to laugh this morning - BBC news, Bowel cancer is on the increase in men more than woman, though even woman has gone up by 6% - It may be due to eating RED MEAT said the "Expert" - they haven't lived on my benefits have they - BEEF, STEAK, heard of it but don't know what it is.

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I am also disabled, and I sympathise with you, But you are still being led by the nose, listening to the politicians and gutter press - if every one who is claiming unemployment benefit got a job tomorrow it would only save 5 billion pounds out of the total of about £150 billion - come off it stop blaming the unemployed and Thatcher for everything - use your own brain, while were fighting amongst ourselves the politicians can get away with anything.


That is not what I am saying at all! I am just finding it hard to comprehend that, when I did call the job centre once, I was told the only way to get any support if I was struggling with money, was to move out and not live with my spouse. Despite the fact at that point the pair of us were on 80 a week between us. It should never be the case that because you work, even part time, you are refused help. That was my point. Give less but give that little to those who need it. Rather than handing it out constantly to those who refuse to work and are still on 4 times as much.

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That is not what I am saying at all! I am just finding it hard to comprehend that, when I did call the job centre once, I was told the only way to get any support if I was struggling with money, was to move out and not live with my spouse. Despite the fact at that point the pair of us were on 80 a week between us. It should never be the case that because you work, even part time, you are refused help. That was my point. Give less but give that little to those who need it. Rather than handing it out constantly to those who refuse to work and are still on 4 times as much.


60 odd billion in taken up by those WORKING but not earning enough, as opposed to the unemployed which cost 5 billion - so you deserve the 60 billon because your working, but those without any money don't deserve the 5 billion it costs - A bit like " Pull the ladder up jack, I'm all right"


---------- Post added 02-04-2013 at 16:50 ----------


Two single people will always get more than a couple

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Interesting how Iain Duncan Smith's strategy has backfired.


All the newspaper columnists, and the Tory high command thought that Iain Duncan Smith was on a winner with the benefit cuts, that the majority of people supported the Tory line.


Their welfare policies were less than a day old, and have spectacularly backfired when an unemployed person put a question to Duncan Smith on a radio phone in.

It's given the smug pundits something to think about

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Fair enough but my point still stands..if he could do it on 40 quid a week should the payment be reduced to that?..


Why not? If IDS is willing to spend a year living on his own with only £2000 to spend on food and utilities, let him have a go. If he manages it then I think he's proved that £40 a week is 'sufficient'.

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