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IDS reckons he could live on £53 a week. Currently on £1581 a week.

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Hard work and physical effort are not synonyms but I'd rather be a bank manager than a bricklayer at 65.


It is true that a minority of people on benefits don't put any effort in to find work; however recent research from the DWP shows that the overwhelming majority of people do not recieve income support for a long time (i.e. over 2 years), most are back into work within months.

The research was not widely publicised by ministers as it contradicts their efforts to demonise the poor.


Which has been done quite effectively,if you was going by some of the ignorant comments made on SF of late.Its amazing how people pass judgments based on the headline of a story,rather than reading the full story first.

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I doubt whether he could live on £53:00, but even if he tried for a week, he would still have the security of knowing he could go back to his very rich wife & nice life.

There's a difference between doing a gesture and facing the months of desperation hope slowly sliding away


Recently Iain Duncan Smith spent over £40 on a breakfast FOR ONE DAY!!! ffs. He then claimed that money bach from the taxpayer as expenses. If someojne on the dole did that, can you imagine what he'd say?


---------- Post added 01-04-2013 at 18:30 ----------


As has been pointed out on one documentary, food banks are being abused by people making out they are poorer then they actually are.


Why go to Tesco when someone will do that for you and give you the shopping for free?


Yes and the expenses scandal shows that MPs are abusing their expenses. EG As for Employment Minister Mark Hoban, we seem to be paying him to sit at home all day on his silk cushions and watch his tax payer funded plasma TV. What a shirker.

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£ 100 Billion (that's £100,000,000,000) per year tax avoidance by multinationals, corporate sector operators, finance institutions.,,


A 10% tax cut for those UK citizens with an annual income in excess of £150,000...


The regressive 2011 VAT rate increase..,


Cuts in council tax benefits and below inflation jobseeker's allowance?


I'm sure we can all see what is really going on here courtesy of our political elite?

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The petition linked to in the OP, is now up to 40 000 signatures. Please sign and share.


It makes no difference at all,I could live in a jungle for 3 weeks,knowing I was coming back.But could I survive their for a year?that would be the true challenge.

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It makes no difference at all,I could live in a jungle for 3 weeks,knowing I was coming back.But could I survive their for a year?that would be the true challenge.


The petition is for him to live on £53 a week for a year :)

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The petition is for him to live on £53 a week for a year :)


I have signed it then,he would have no chance over a year.I know it wont happen,but all MP's should be made to back up such bold claims.

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I believe most people could live on £53 a week FOR A SHORT TIME. Not easy

but can be done. It's when things start to break down and you can't replace them, clothes and shoes wear out or children outgrow them, that's when you can't manage. I don't think even the thriftiest of people could live on this amount for long.


The £53 a week is for one person, no children involved.


OK take the word children out of my post, it makes no difference.

If IDS thinks he could live on this amount, he should be made to do it and not only for a short time. He'd soon have to eat his own words.


Signed it.

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