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IDS reckons he could live on £53 a week. Currently on £1581 a week.

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There’s nothing wrong with claiming when there’s a need, but there’s plenty wrong when it’s a life style choice and you complain that you aren’t given enough. If you want more then you should work for it and not expect it for free.


Good post, I fail to see how any right minded person could disagree with this statement.

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Good post, I fail to see how any right minded person could disagree with this statement.


That's all very well but since he himself cannot tell us who these people are or how many there are, it is, to say the very least, an utterly fatuous point!

All it suggests to me is that you have both swallowed, hook, line and sinker the garbage shovelled down people's throats by Tory and some Lib Dem ministers and MPs. Demonising benefit claimants in the way that we have all witnessed is beneath contempt and none of it stands up to scrutiny.

Maybe you would like to help him out here and tell us who or how many there are instead of boosting the ego of a troll!

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That's all very well but since he himself cannot tell us who these people are or how many there are, it is, to say the very least, an utterly fatuous point!

All it suggests to me is that you have both swallowed, hook, line and sinker the garbage shovelled down people's throats by Tory and some Lib Dem ministers and MPs. Demonising benefit claimants in the way that we have all witnessed is beneath contempt and none of it stands up to scrutiny.



Or that you are fortunate enough to live in a nice area in which everyone works and pays there way and you swallowed, hook, line and sinker the garbage shovelled down your throat by Labour;.

Or that you are one of the very people we are talking about and you are trying desperately to claim that you and your ilk are entitled to a good standard of living for free.



d like to help him out here and tell us who or how many there are instead of boosting the ego of a troll!


For me to right I only need to know one person that is a scrounging, lazy layabout with no intension of ever working, for you to be right, you have to know the personal circumstance of everyone in the UK.

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That's all very well but since he himself cannot tell us who these people are or how many there are, it is, to say the very least, an utterly fatuous point!

All it suggests to me is that you have both swallowed, hook, line and sinker the garbage shovelled down people's throats by Tory and some Lib Dem ministers and MPs. Demonising benefit claimants in the way that we have all witnessed is beneath contempt and none of it stands up to scrutiny.

Maybe you would like to help him out here and tell us who or how many there are instead of boosting the ego of a troll!


It's already been defined who they are....the work shy who have no intention of working, who exploit the welfare state not for its actual purpose as a safety net, but to actively avoid work as a lifestyle choice. Are you denying these sort of people exist? The Philpot case is just happens to be a good example in the media spot light.

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