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IDS reckons he could live on £53 a week. Currently on £1581 a week.

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I was talking to a pensioner who uses bottled gas to heat his home because his home does not have piped gas. and he was telling me over this winter it has used one bottle a week at a cost of £50, how can people on benefits afford that?

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I know, it’s the few lazy whinging ungrateful layabouts that are the problem.


Like your neighbours whom you admit to befriending.One minute you are having a chat and next thing you are slating them behind their back.Some people,not myself,would consider this duplicitous and cowardly.

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Is this the Guildford and Dorking Forum? Or have I strayed onto tunbridgewellsforum.co.uk?


I'm sure any tory mp who read these threads of ours would two-step around their well appointed Knightsbridge apartments with unrestrained glee to see the ordinary people of Sheffield turn against each other whilst those corporates are offshoring one hundred thousand million pounds each year right under our noses.


Ignore it, but it happening, and we are all losing as a result.

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I get around 59 pounds a week from the UK as its share of my OAP. I get about the same from Canada. Our US pension for my wife and I amounts to just under $2000 a month, mortgage $800, heating $90, phone and internet $110, cable $105, car and house insurance $114. With a small job, and a couple of small company benefits we're able to live well on about $250 a week for gasoline and groceries and about one night out for dinner. My most recent experiences with Europe have been a yearly visit to Ireland which we were forced to suspend a few years ago on my doctor's advice. We found the cost of food very high compared with here, and this was before Ireland got hit with the Euro disaster.

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Like your neighbours whom you admit to befriending.One minute you are having a chat and next thing you are slating them behind their back.Some people,not myself,would consider this duplicitous and cowardly.


No I slate them to their face.

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IDS -- even if he does think like this -- really should learn that it is really better not to say these things out loud if you're a politician.


insisted he could live on £53 a week after a 51-year-old market trader told the BBC that he gets by on the meagre sum


If I were IDS I'd do a wee bit more research than listening to one market trader.


Does he count taxi drivers among his political advisers?

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