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Weight Loss Tips

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Easily a month by which time you'd have shed stones and be as light as you want.


Add vitamin supplements, a little fruit and some veg plus some protein - chicken or fish, and you'll be fine.


Break that 'diet' into very small portions [ a spoon full ] that you eat throughout the day. Eat nothing after 4 p.m. and go to bed early. make sure you drink 5 litres of water a day, fully hydrated.


If you crack - try eating raisins or, if you must, porridge made with skimmed milk.


You can also add a glass of milk and even have one day a week of nothing other than milk.


I weigh 8 stone 4 pound. I weighed that when I was 16 and have maintained it for over 30 years. My waist line is 28 inches - comfortably. I take regular exercise, my stomach is flat and I've got good muscle definition.


The overall key to it all is to avoid any junk food, fat fried food, fizzy drinks, excessive salt or sugar.


Finally, there is no better food than bananas.


Good Luck.



bananas are the work of the devil



Q -8 stone with a 28" waist, how tall are you?

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Careful...don't dispense any advice on here without checking first on the individual in questions medical history or a certain personal trainer will bring you to task and try to gain a new client!

It is a sad fact that most people want to avoid exercise while trying to lose weight. Exercise does so much more than lose you a few pounds, It improves your ability to move your body with ease in everday life. Running for the bus, going for a long walk on a nice afternoon, sorting out the garden without feeling like you've just been in the ring with Mike Tyson and many more activities.

You also don't have to go to a gym and commit to either a membership or set times to exercise. Running on the streets, a few push-ups and squats in a morning before breakfast, anything which gets you moving through the day will help.

There is a wealth of information on the internet regarding any form of exercise which takes your interest. If you enjoy it, you will stick with it.

Starving yourself is not the answer.

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Its true starving yourself is no good for weight loss,its what you eat and exercise that makes you lose weight nothing else no fancy diets no silly tablets,you have to increase your metabolism and the only way to do that is exercise,when you starve your self you deny your body the necessary vitamins and proteins your body must have to function properly and your body will start to dissolve your muscles before the fat,I was always tort that eat carbohydrates and exercise is the best way to lose weight and I was in the army for years,if you are not very fit or you are getting on a bit just a bit of walking fast on and off and a few sit ups to start with will help,you don't have to be Linford Christie just take your time and you will start to lose weight if you stick to it,just remember the hole in your face is a lot bigger than the hole in your backside...

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Well I am Just under 12stone with a 28" waist, I'm 5'11", I was wondering the same. :confused:


I`m guessing 4`8


---------- Post added 07-04-2013 at 15:32 ----------


Its true starving yourself is no good for weight loss,its what you eat and exercise that makes you lose weight nothing else no fancy diets no silly tablets,you have to increase your metabolism and the only way to do that is exercise,when you starve your self you deny your body the necessary vitamins and proteins your body must have to function properly and your body will start to dissolve your muscles before the fat,


no it wont - bit of a myth that one


I was always tort that eat carbohydrates and exercise is the best way to lose weight


carbs are energy, energy is calories, calories are weight gain - NO CARBS!


you need to look at the composition of your food - carbs/fats/protein

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There is always this if you want to lose weight quick. It's supposed to be endorsed by the BHF (British Heart Foundation) but it isn't. It does work but I can't guarantee the safety of it. http://suebailey.hubpages.com/hub/Lose-10lbs-in-10-days


5 crackers for breakfast,a slice of cheddar washed down with black coffee.

1 boiled egg on dry toast for dinner and another black coffee.


If this is healthy living,then I don't want to be healthy lol.

I would say smaller portions and more excersise,and don't expect fast results.

I have been on crash diets,and the hardest part was coping mentally.

In fact,I would even go so far as to say,I coped better mentally when I quit smoking than crash dieting.

Just to add....

I also know someone that totally cut out bread from his usual diet(he said he had bread with just about every teatime meal)and the lbs just dropped of him.

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I`m guessing 4`8


---------- Post added 07-04-2013 at 15:32 ----------



no it wont - bit of a myth that one




carbs are energy, energy is calories, calories are weight gain - NO CARBS!


you need to look at the composition of your food - carbs/fats/protein


Not sure if I have to name right but I always eat things like spuds pasta rice fruit and vegetables lean meat like fish and chicken,I always advised people to do the same in the past and it worked. main thing is exercise,when I was in charge of getting new recruits into shape that diet always worked fast see the one above says drink coffee I was told coffee was full of nasty chemicals and things that do you no good.

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Not sure if I have to name right but I always eat things like spuds pasta rice fruit and vegetables lean meat like fish and chicken,I always advised people to do the same in the past and it worked. main thing is exercise,when I was in charge of getting new recruits into shape that diet always worked fast see the one above says drink coffee I was told coffee was full of nasty chemicals and things that do you no good.


Decent black coffee is good, spuds and bread are bad, swop them for rice.


The saying is no amount of exercise will correct a bad diet.

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