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Weight Loss Tips

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All of my gfs have been happy with my appearance. I'm not slim and I'm bald. I'm not especially tall either (5ft10) but they loved me for who I was inside, and they did think I was attractive (maybe they were partially sighted? Lol).


I'm going to the gym for me to get healthier as I need to do it, but I'm doing it for me, no one else.


If you don't like your appearance, and it's clear that you don't, you'll need to do more than just stopping eating unhealthy food. Yes it helps, but you need to do other stuff as well.


If you want to meet someone, then go out and do it.


---------- Post added 01-04-2013 at 21:50 ----------



I wouldn't recommend this. I used to drink alot of diet coke and became addicted to it.


Drink water, it's far more healthier


It's personality that counts!


To the OP, yes you could just stop eating. But you will plateau with the weight loss, lose lots of muscle (muscle canabalises fat, muscle is your best fat burner) and will generally be unhealthy and lacking in energy.


---------- Post added 07-04-2013 at 17:07 ----------


Decent black coffee is good, spuds and bread are bad, swop them for rice.


The saying is no amount of exercise will correct a bad diet.


True. It's all about diet. You don't get that right, unless you've got great genetics you probably won't get the results desired.

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I've never met a fat person who ran 3 miles at least 4 times a week. Forget diets and all that nonsense and get jogging.


Thats usually because people with the willpower to run also eat well.


BBC programme showed it took an hours steady state exercise to burn the equivalent of one banana.

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Thats usually because people with the willpower to run also eat well.


BBC programme showed it took an hours steady state exercise to burn the equivalent of one banana.


I don't think you even have to eat well. Just don't eat rubbish and go running or cycling.

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I don't think you even have to eat well. Just don't eat rubbish .




same thing, more often than not people are kidding themselves on just how clean (or dirty) their diet is, an app like myfitnesspal that logs the food and breaks it down into proteins/fats/carbs is always an eye opener.

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same thing, more often than not people are kidding themselves on just how clean (or dirty) their diet is, an app like myfitnesspal that logs the food and breaks it down into proteins/fats/carbs is always an eye opener.


that app sounds interesting, might take a look.

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Remember! Fat chicks can,t fly!


As mentioned skimmed milk, eggs, rice, fish and loads of fruit and veg. Exercise and start slow by walking round the block and then a bit further as time goes by.


No junk food at all and watch what you eat.


I have done the above but joined a gym being the start of Winter (october). As I was told my weight would at first go up before coming down and now 6 months later 5kg lighter and fitter.

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  • 2 months later...
Drink lots of diet coke (it fills you and is cheap) just one thing though.... Think teeth.


It's also extremely addictive due to the caffeine, and, if you drink lots, will very likely make you ill due to the noxious chemicals it contains.


---------- Post added 03-07-2013 at 10:42 ----------


Can you lose weight by just stopping eating and how many days or weeks can you go by just living on water?


I'd suggest cutting processed carbs to alomost zero- then eat as much salad as you want, and as much protein and fat as you want (meat, eggs, butter, natural yoghurt etc).


The root of your problem is not excess calories- eating excess calories is a symptom of your real problem, which is cravings causing you to eat too much processed carbs (bread/biscuits/crisps/potatoes etc).


You won't overeat on meat/fat as long as you're not mixing them with processed carbs. For example- people can binge on a macdonalds burger in a bread bun, but not on a plate of beef.


And, if you can start having a big plate of leaves (salad) every day, not only will it help you lose weight, it's very, very good for your health as well.


Would be worth you googling 'glycemic index' to understand why this works, and how processed carbs trigger off cravings that make you over eat.


Finally- never buy 'low fat' produce: it's a myth that eating fat makes you fat, so, when buying your natural yoghurt for example, buy the unadulterated full fat version- the 'low fat' has had it's fat removed and replaced by, guess what? Processed carbs.


Probably why obesity has gone through the roof since supermarkets started pushing 'low fat' foods.


Be patient- when you cut out processed carbs you'll get a gradual weight loss of maybe a couple of pounds a week- there are ways to lose more per week, but generally they are extreme, involve losing muscle (very bad) and will not be permanent.


Good luck.

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