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How would you know a person is honest?

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In my work I get lots of people calling me to join my team - I need to assess whether a person is suitable (within a 5 minute conversation) to invite to a meeting...


Imagine you had a conversation on the phone with a complete stranger... what would you ask if you wanted to gauge if that person is honest?


Any ideas???

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Have a look for some 'personality type' questionaires (eg google for 'epq personality questionnaires'). As well as as questions that attempt to assess your introvert/extrovert etc type traits they often also contain a 'lie' scale too. They are usually questions that people will lie on if they are trying to make a good impression.


'Do you always wash your hands before meals?'

'Do you ever tell lies?'

'Do you really get lots of people calling you'? ;)

That sort of thing.




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Originally posted by jackthedog

If it's a bloke, ask him how big his todger is. If he says its quite small, you know he's being honest...


Also ask them if they've ever worked in sales. If so, they are not honest.

Is that for any bloke Jack or just if YOU ring Brian?

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I'm trying to avoid the personality matrix type stuff - it needs to be more natural than that... and I'd spot a sales type a mile off so that doesn't even need a question :D :D :D


p.s. I doubt the todger question would work for the ladies :P - I'm not a P.I.M.P.!!!!

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It's a home business network - normal people (not pushy salesy types - yuck!) working as health coaches and personal business coaches... typically making about £50 per hour in their spare time once they know what they're doing.


Anyhow - I already know it's impossible to tell until you get face to face but was hoping for suggestions on how you might get an idea on the phone?

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Home business network - why does that fill me with fear? Not saying anything against you alert_bri because obviously I don't know what you do exactly but those three words bring images of pyramid schemes and other various dodgy business practices. Don't mean to cause offence but it's the first thing that popped into my head when I saw those three words :)

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