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Sharrow Lantern Carnival needs volunteers!

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The dazzling array of lanterns and fun will be happening this Sunday 7th April and we need people to help us steward the event and generally help set up during the day. can you help?


if so, please send us your:



what time you are available from and to

If you have a first aid qualification (not essential but we need four people)


We need people to support from 3pm anytime up to 11pm. Any support is welcome even just for a few hours.


email: creativeactionnetwork@gmail.com


The plan:

We will meet at The Old Junior School at 3.00pm- We will collect sand, bags, candles, rope and shepards crooks and lights


Prep buckets for collections


Then head up to the cemetery at 4pm- where we will meet put up gazebos and decorate the paths with bags and candles.2 stewards will need to stay up on site

5pm- we will head back to the Old Junior School for snacks

6pm- brief from me about safety and the parade.

7pm- we will take flags and spare lanterns to the park

7.30pm people gather at the park- everyone help light lanterns- Opor and samba to arrive

8pm we set off


Carnival itself:


2 at the front

2 at the back

10 along the route keeping people to the left hand side of the road

The remaining at each corner of the main roads keeping people on the left hand side

9pm- 10.30pm at the Cemetery- Everyone- collect rubbish and make sure everyone is safe

2 volunteers stand at either end of the shepards crooks and keep people away from the fire spinners

2 volunteers at the entrance collecting money as people leave (all to collect along the route and throughout the event)

6 volunteers at 10.20 to set lanterns off in fire spinning arena.

10.30- finish- pack up, flatten lanterns and clear up

11 the pub!!!

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