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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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I thought the BMA wanted the things regulated and the dangerous types to be banned outright. Several have been found to contain toxic chemicals and carcinogens. Because they are unregulated many are being made in China with a total lack of quality control or concern whether they poison the users and people who breathe the toxins that come from them.

This is presumably why they are already banned in:

Brasil, Canada, Panama, Singapore, Lebanon, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, several states in the USA, and several states in Australia. Other countries are considering restrictions and bans on their sale or use.

Indeed folk are advised not to take them on holiday to some countries as you can end up on drugs charges if they are found in your possession.


So not only is the BMA advising a ban on their use in public places, it also seems to be recommending a ban on their sale and use unless they can be regulated and models approved for use in this country.

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The e-cigs that actually look like cigarettes aren't any good- very limited battery life etc: most users will quickly move on to a more advanced model, and those tend to not look anything like real cigarettes.


Using proper e-cigs that look nothing like cigarettes, will obviously not 'normalise smoking'- quite the opposite- they will make it apparent that more and more people are quitting cigarettes in droves.


Do you have any recommends for a good one Dave? I've tried Elites and they're "ok" but very hit and miss quality wise and the draw degrades hugely after the first few drags. I'm determined to quit the evil weed and was hoping e cigs would be the way forward but not been that impressed with the ones I've tried (also tried 10 motives, which tasted like fekcing sugar)

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Soon to be 1,000,000 people using them in the UK, 1,000,001 if I knew what exactly to buy, I'm not risking £47.00 on what might not suit me, but I'd love to give them a try.


You can get a version from any tesco superstore, about £6.99 will last equivalent to around 20 or 40 cigarettes. But in theory will last longer as with a normal ciggie you smoke it till its gone, with these just till you have satisfied your craving.

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Do you have any recommends for a good one Dave? I've tried Elites and they're "ok" but very hit and miss quality wise and the draw degrades hugely after the first few drags. I'm determined to quit the evil weed and was hoping e cigs would be the way forward but not been that impressed with the ones I've tried (also tried 10 motives, which tasted like fekcing sugar)


I don't use them personally, but I've got a good friend who's very into them, and has used them to quit tobacco.


I know he's got a lot of info and advice from some ecig forums, so I'll ask him which boards he recommends and post them on here.

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I use my E-cig a lot ... so far as I know, it gives off no toxic vapours as someone else (related to wallpaper) mentioned. It's much healthier than smoking tobacco too ... I've noticed the difference. I still smoke roll-ups because, having thought about it, I just like the tactile element of rolling one ... just like I prefer reading a book, as opposed to my Kindle. I like physically turning the pages.


There's no danger with E-cigs. The reason why they're thinking of banning them is because there's much less tax revenue. The government would prefer you to carry on smoking as it props up the very corrupt health system ... £8 for a packet of leafs for God's sake! Bet they're trying to figure out how to put a tax on autumn.


Show me anything which proves E-cigs are bad for you and I'll eat my words. I know about the bloke who blew his teeth and jaw off because he tried lighting (what's ostensibly a ni-cad battery) in his mouth up.


So far as 'smoking' them in public places, it's no worse than using a mobile phone. My G/F who doesn't smoke, is more than happy for me to 'smoke' them in her car and house ... there's no smell and no bad taste. It's a Kindle ciggy.

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