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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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A couple of problems with that report.


Diethylene Glycol is poisonous when drunk so unless the person drinks a fair bit of liquid there will be no danger. Nitrosamines are common in cosmetics and AFAIK not a banned substance.


Someone here is really scraping the barrel in trying to get these banned and a report that only takes a few samples from 2 makers is not worth the paper its written on. Its just another load of hype, if the USA was intent on doing something positive then it would restrict the growing and sale of tobacco knowing that it is carcinogenic.


It is also worth noting that diethylene glycol(DEG) is present in all cigarette tobacco along with the 4000 or so other harmful chemicals, it is used in the drying process which is probably how it needlessly found it's way into the flavouring of the said sample.

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to be honest, they dont realy smell as its just water vapour, im not into the nitty gritty of them, all i want to know is are there anywhere in sheffield that allow them I.E Weatherspoons ...............


they arnt hard to notice as it glows up bright green and not red, plus they are about 2 times thicker than normal fags

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to be honest, they dont realy smell as its just water vapour, im not into the nitty gritty of them, all i want to know is are there anywhere in sheffield that allow them I.E Weatherspoons ...............


they arnt hard to notice as it glows up bright green and not red, plus they are about 2 times thicker than normal fags


As I said way back ^^^^^ in the last 2 years I have never been asked to go outside or not to use my ecig in any pub or bar. Wetherspoons definitely allow them, as it was one of their managers who approached me for a look at mine told me so. I have used mine in lots of bars up town in Sheffield, no problems, so I haven't come across of any bars that don't yet.

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to be honest, they dont realy smell as its just water vapour, im not into the nitty gritty of them, all i want to know is are there anywhere in sheffield that allow them I.E Weatherspoons ...............


they arnt hard to notice as it glows up bright green and not red, plus they are about 2 times thicker than normal fags


Most places won't object, no one has ever asked me to not use mine to date and I use mine everywhere.

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What a crock of chit.


For you information, ecigs are no longer available on ebay either. As for stating as a fact that PayPal have suspended the accounts of every single company world wide - make sure you have your facts absolutely correct before you make statements as fact - just to check I've just made a purchase using PayPal.


Whether you are a smoker, ex smoker or a non smoker is completely relevant to a thread about smoking and smoking cessation and as for my bra size - if you want to know - just ask.


Still don't know what your big reluctance to say whether you smoke or not is such a big deal, but it obviously is.






There is this statement in the PP Help Center:




"PayPal generally prohibits transactions for all types of tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco due to legal requirements and industry regulations for online tobacco sales."

Any merchant selling these products and offering PP is either doing so without PP's knowledge or with written permission. That permission can be revoked by PP at any time, for any reason, without explanation, and without recourse by the merchant.

Edited by eckerslike
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You linked to a USA Forum a couple of years out of date but PayPal still "generally"

"PayPal generally prohibits transactions for all types of tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars and smokeless tobacco due to legal requirements and industry regulations for online tobacco sales."


This is for tobacco products and nothing to do with e-cigarettes.

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I understand this to be chewing tobacco.


Ahhh I see!


Just had a quick read over that Wiki article. The chemicals found in them are said to be a million times too low to damage human health, and the studies posted above have been said to be too narrow to draw conclusions from anyway. To be fair, the chemicals in a real cigarette are probably much too low to damage human health unless you smoke hundreds or thousands over time. It may well be that it is around the same level as was found in those tested cartridges. I bet the cartridges didn't have the whole 4000 harmful chemicals that cigrettes do though!

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