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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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Do you have any recommends for a good one Dave? I've tried Elites and they're "ok" but very hit and miss quality wise and the draw degrades hugely after the first few drags. I'm determined to quit the evil weed and was hoping e cigs would be the way forward but not been that impressed with the ones I've tried (also tried 10 motives, which tasted like fekcing sugar)


just got a reply from my friend, which I've copied and pasted below- I thinks it's pretty obvious that he's well into this stuff and some of it is a bit technical, but there's plenty of links for anyone interested to check out:


There's so many tailorable options out there and different requirements but I can heartily recommend the ego variable voltage or similar devices. The ability to turn the voltage up or down a little bit for different flavours/throat hit is worth the extra few quid 10 times over. Safety cut offs, button lock. Direct dripping is the most hassle but easily the best flavour, tank systems have compromises but find the right one and you can get close.


Liberty flights is my favourite place, excellent service, good prices, points system and they have really well priced, great tasting mixing stuff too. This is also a perfect battery to start with. The normal batteries use PWM sop are more efficient but the ego twist at least uses a buck boost style converter so gives plenty of power but lasts less. I get a week, you'd be hard pressed to nail it in a single day if the larger 100mah version


Get a 510 connection and stick with it, most options by far. I'd grab a 5 pack of 3 ohm cartomizers with the 510 fitting by either boge or smoketech to go on that battery. Try one dual coil cartomizer too, again some hate em, I love the extra vapour and warmth, small drag gets dense vapour like a cig experience. Depends on whether you like long or short drags. The variable voltage battery and 3 ohm cartoz give you a big range to try. Don't forget to get the fast usb charger.



Lisa @ Cloud 9 has always been great for me but not the cheapest. They have a juice calculator that makes the mixing totally math free and I use it every time. Basic but really simple and easy to follow.



Read this about mixing and do it first. You do not have to mix your own but it is so much cheaper and you get the chance to tailor every little part of the experience. Some hate it, some only mix their own. Tastes and nic needs change so the ability to add a bit more or slowly ween off is unrivaled. Want more throat hit or vapour production or flavor and you can do just that, mix 5ml at a time. The same juice will taste different in different devices.



While your head is reeling with all the options and feeling lost, ask daft questions here. He has some AWESOME review videos with fantastic up close detailed reviews too. Check the excellent discount codes for all the shops too, really great.



Lastly, bookmark this place. I have tried over a hundred concentrates and at least as many juices and over 80 percent of them are from here whether I bought the, swapped them or tastes my bros. Apple pie mixed 50/50 with ry5 or even ry4 or ry6 with 70% vegetable glyceryne, 30% propyl glycol is my go to at 4v, very satisfying indeed.



For interest, I use the same batteries as above with the bulli repairable atomizer with ego tank (both sizes) and mix my own juice so I can tweak and control everything, even the resistance of the kanthal wire and how many turns. Outlay is not exactly cheap but my running costs are less than 5 quid a month, usually nothing. Changing a atomizer costs less than 10p rather than 3- 6 quid for a standard 510 atty. Only negative is this tank system strips a bit of flavour, I just add about 5% more. I vape less than 3ml of 8-12mg per ml of juice on a heavy day and usually less than 1/2mm, really not very much.


My bro uses standard 3.7v, 510 batteries but low resistance cartomizers in a tank for large reservoir and buys juice only. He is a monster and can vape up to 30ml of juice in a long weekend but usually less.


That should be good for starters but there's some youtube channels and even vape tv if they want to go deeper :)


Leave out my name but your welcome to copy and paste the lot.

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just got a reply from my friend, which I've copied and pasted below- I thinks it's pretty obvious that he's well into this stuff and some of it is a bit technical, but there's plenty of links for anyone interested to check out:


There's so many tailorable options out there and different requirements but I can heartily recommend the ego variable voltage or similar devices. The ability to turn the voltage up or down a little bit for different flavours/throat hit is worth the extra few quid 10 times over. Safety cut offs, button lock. Direct dripping is the most hassle but easily the best flavour, tank systems have compromises but find the right one and you can get close.


Liberty flights is my favourite place, excellent service, good prices, points system and they have really well priced, great tasting mixing stuff too. This is also a perfect battery to start with. The normal batteries use PWM sop are more efficient but the ego twist at least uses a buck boost style converter so gives plenty of power but lasts less. I get a week, you'd be hard pressed to nail it in a single day if the larger 100mah version


Get a 510 connection and stick with it, most options by far. I'd grab a 5 pack of 3 ohm cartomizers with the 510 fitting by either boge or smoketech to go on that battery. Try one dual coil cartomizer too, again some hate em, I love the extra vapour and warmth, small drag gets dense vapour like a cig experience. Depends on whether you like long or short drags. The variable voltage battery and 3 ohm cartoz give you a big range to try. Don't forget to get the fast usb charger.



Lisa @ Cloud 9 has always been great for me but not the cheapest. They have a juice calculator that makes the mixing totally math free and I use it every time. Basic but really simple and easy to follow.



Read this about mixing and do it first. You do not have to mix your own but it is so much cheaper and you get the chance to tailor every little part of the experience. Some hate it, some only mix their own. Tastes and nic needs change so the ability to add a bit more or slowly ween off is unrivaled. Want more throat hit or vapour production or flavor and you can do just that, mix 5ml at a time. The same juice will taste different in different devices.



While your head is reeling with all the options and feeling lost, ask daft questions here. He has some AWESOME review videos with fantastic up close detailed reviews too. Check the excellent discount codes for all the shops too, really great.



Lastly, bookmark this place. I have tried over a hundred concentrates and at least as many juices and over 80 percent of them are from here whether I bought the, swapped them or tastes my bros. Apple pie mixed 50/50 with ry5 or even ry4 or ry6 with 70% vegetable glyceryne, 30% propyl glycol is my go to at 4v, very satisfying indeed.



For interest, I use the same batteries as above with the bulli repairable atomizer with ego tank (both sizes) and mix my own juice so I can tweak and control everything, even the resistance of the kanthal wire and how many turns. Outlay is not exactly cheap but my running costs are less than 5 quid a month, usually nothing. Changing a atomizer costs less than 10p rather than 3- 6 quid for a standard 510 atty. Only negative is this tank system strips a bit of flavour, I just add about 5% more. I vape less than 3ml of 8-12mg per ml of juice on a heavy day and usually less than 1/2mm, really not very much.


My bro uses standard 3.7v, 510 batteries but low resistance cartomizers in a tank for large reservoir and buys juice only. He is a monster and can vape up to 30ml of juice in a long weekend but usually less.


That should be good for starters but there's some youtube channels and even vape tv if they want to go deeper :)


Leave out my name but your welcome to copy and paste the lot.


That's brilliant Dave, lots of reading to do! Really appreciate that and please pass on my thanks to your mate for the detailed info! :)

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I think the main problem is that they are not regulated like other nicotine replacement products such as patches. Whilst I can accept that tar is the main unhealthy element of standard cigarettes surely not having a known and controlled measure of nicotine could cause a high dependency on nicotine if the user was taking more nicotine into their system from e-cigs.


I've read that most of the big e-cig companies would welcome regulation.

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I use my E-cig a lot ... so far as I know, it gives off no toxic vapours as someone else (related to wallpaper) mentioned. It's much healthier than smoking tobacco too ... I've noticed the difference. I still smoke roll-ups because, having thought about it, I just like the tactile element of rolling one ... just like I prefer reading a book, as opposed to my Kindle. I like physically turning the pages.


There's no danger with E-cigs. The reason why they're thinking of banning them is because there's much less tax revenue. The government would prefer you to carry on smoking as it props up the very corrupt health system ... £8 for a packet of leafs for God's sake! Bet they're trying to figure out how to put a tax on autumn.


Show me anything which proves E-cigs are bad for you and I'll eat my words. I know about the bloke who blew his teeth and jaw off because he tried lighting (what's ostensibly a ni-cad battery) in his mouth up.


So far as 'smoking' them in public places, it's no worse than using a mobile phone. My G/F who doesn't smoke, is more than happy for me to 'smoke' them in her car and house ... there's no smell and no bad taste. It's a Kindle ciggy.


Or you could simply check your facts and post truthful information.




Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals, according to a new analysis by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). One sample even included diethylene glycol, a toxic ingredient found in antifreeze.


---------- Post added 13-02-2013 at 11:36 ----------



Show me anything which proves E-cigs are bad for you and I'll eat my words.






For Immediate Release: July 22, 2009


Media Inquiries: Siobhan DeLancey, 301-796-4668, siobhan.delancey@fda.hhs.gov

Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA

FDA and Public Health Experts Warn About Electronic Cigarettes


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that a laboratory analysis of electronic cigarette samples has found that they contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze.


Electronic cigarettes, also called “e-cigarettes,” are battery-operated devices that generally contain cartridges filled with nicotine, flavor and other chemicals. The electronic cigarette turns nicotine, which is highly addictive, and other chemicals into a vapor that is inhaled by the user.


These products are marketed and sold to young people and are readily available online and in shopping malls. In addition, these products do not contain any health warnings comparable to FDA-approved nicotine replacement products or conventional cigarettes. They are also available in different flavors, such as chocolate and mint, which may appeal to young people.


Public health experts expressed concern that electronic cigarettes could increase nicotine addiction and tobacco use in young people. Jonathan Winickoff, M.D., chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Consortium and Jonathan Samet, M.D., director of the Institute for Global Health at the University of Southern California, joined Joshua Sharfstein, M.D., principal deputy commissioner of the FDA, and Matthew McKenna, M.D., director of the Office of Smoking and Health for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to discuss the potential risks associated with the use of electronic cigarettes.


“The FDA is concerned about the safety of these products and how they are marketed to the public,” said Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., commissioner of food and drugs.


Because these products have not been submitted to the FDA for evaluation or approval, at this time the agency has no way of knowing, except for the limited testing it has performed, the levels of nicotine or the amounts or kinds of other chemicals that the various brands of these products deliver to the user.


The FDA’s Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis analyzed the ingredients in a small sample of cartridges from two leading brands of electronic cigarettes. In one sample, the FDA’s analyses detected diethylene glycol, a chemical used in antifreeze that is toxic to humans, and in several other samples, the FDA analyses detected carcinogens, including nitrosamines. These tests indicate that these products contained detectable levels of known carcinogens and toxic chemicals to which users could potentially be exposed.


The FDA has been examining and detaining shipments of e-cigarettes at the border and the products it has examined thus far meet the definition of a combination drug-device product under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The FDA has been challenged regarding its jurisdiction over certain e-cigarettes in a case currently pending in federal district court. The agency is also planning additional activities to address its concerns about these products.


Health care professionals and consumers may report serious adverse events (side effects) or product quality problems with the use of e-cigarettes to the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program either online, by regular mail, fax or phone.

Edited by Anna Glypta
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Soon to be 1,000,000 people using them in the UK, 1,000,001 if I knew what exactly to buy, I'm not risking £47.00 on what might not suit me, but I'd love to give them a try.


Hi there, we are the Sheffield based company mentioned above in the thread, with stores at Manor Top and Archer Road (off Abbeydale Rd) with a store soon to be opened in Hillsborough; and this is exactly the reason why we are opening more retail stores. Come down, have a chat and try a couple of the different models and one of our staff members will try and find the best product for you, and take you through the setup/costs/best practice etc.


Regarding the FDA report posted above, Diethylene Glycol contamination (amongst other things) can be a concern with some of the untested and cheaper e-liquid available on the market. As mentioned previously, the more established and trusted vendors in the e-cig industry welcome regulation and the thorough testing of our products for overall safety and for the good of the industry.


Mirage has been trading e-cigs for over 5 years, and is a founder member of the ECITA trade association that already rigorously self-regulates. ECITA companies ensure that ALL of our e-liquid is batch tested (at considerable cost) in the UK to ensure that the nicotine content is ABSOLUTELY correct and that there are ZERO contaminates such as the ones mentioned in the report. All of our electrical components are also thoroughly tested and meet statutory requirements such as CE & RoHS etc.


Electronic Cigarettes are an important and successul product, and for the legitimate, regulated companies reports such as the one above do not refer to our products and are welcomed (if a little scaremongering).


So Itrytoplease, come down if possible, have a chinwag, try the products and see what you think - we look forward to having you.


All the best,



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Hi there, we are the Sheffield based company mentioned above in the thread, with stores at Manor Top and Archer Road (off Abbeydale Rd) with a store soon to be opened in Hillsborough; and this is exactly the reason why we are opening more retail stores. Come down, have a chat and try a couple of the different models and one of our staff members will try and find the best product for you, and take you through the setup/costs/best practice etc.


Regarding the FDA report posted above, Diethylene Glycol contamination (amongst other things) can be a concern with some of the untested and cheaper e-liquid available on the market. As mentioned previously, the more established and trusted vendors in the e-cig industry welcome regulation and the thorough testing of our products for overall safety and for the good of the industry.


Mirage has been trading e-cigs for over 5 years, and is a founder member of the ECITA trade association that already rigorously self-regulates. ECITA companies ensure that ALL of our e-liquid is batch tested (at considerable cost) in the UK to ensure that the nicotine content is ABSOLUTELY correct and that there are ZERO contaminates such as the ones mentioned in the report. All of our electrical components are also thoroughly tested and meet statutory requirements such as CE & RoHS etc.


Electronic Cigarettes are an important and successul product, and for the legitimate, regulated companies reports such as the one above do not refer to our products and are welcomed (if a little scaremongering).


So Itrytoplease, come down if possible, have a chinwag, try the products and see what you think - we look forward to having you.


All the best,




I have been looking at the tank kits, wish they werent so expensive....

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I have been looking at the tank kits, wish they werent so expensive....


Tobacco Cigarettes - (avg. @20 a day) £7 x 365 days a year = £2555


Same smoking rate with electronic cigarettes - £5-15 per week = (top estimate, very conservative) £780


initial outlay = £16.99 - £50


£2555 - £830 = £1725 saved over a year.


Pretty cheap really, with very conservative estimates!

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Or you could simply check your facts and post truthful information.




Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals, according to a new analysis by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). One sample even included diethylene glycol, a toxic ingredient found in antifreeze.


---------- Post added 13-02-2013 at 11:36 ----------







For Immediate Release: July 22, 2009


Media Inquiries: Siobhan DeLancey, 301-796-4668, siobhan.delancey@fda.hhs.gov

Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA

FDA and Public Health Experts Warn About Electronic Cigarettes


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that a laboratory analysis of electronic cigarette samples has found that they contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze.


Electronic cigarettes, also called “e-cigarettes,” are battery-operated devices that generally contain cartridges filled with nicotine, flavor and other chemicals. The electronic cigarette turns nicotine, which is highly addictive, and other chemicals into a vapor that is inhaled by the user.


These products are marketed and sold to young people and are readily available online and in shopping malls. In addition, these products do not contain any health warnings comparable to FDA-approved nicotine replacement products or conventional cigarettes. They are also available in different flavors, such as chocolate and mint, which may appeal to young people.


Public health experts expressed concern that electronic cigarettes could increase nicotine addiction and tobacco use in young people. Jonathan Winickoff, M.D., chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Consortium and Jonathan Samet, M.D., director of the Institute for Global Health at the University of Southern California, joined Joshua Sharfstein, M.D., principal deputy commissioner of the FDA, and Matthew McKenna, M.D., director of the Office of Smoking and Health for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to discuss the potential risks associated with the use of electronic cigarettes.


“The FDA is concerned about the safety of these products and how they are marketed to the public,” said Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., commissioner of food and drugs.


Because these products have not been submitted to the FDA for evaluation or approval, at this time the agency has no way of knowing, except for the limited testing it has performed, the levels of nicotine or the amounts or kinds of other chemicals that the various brands of these products deliver to the user.


The FDA’s Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis analyzed the ingredients in a small sample of cartridges from two leading brands of electronic cigarettes. In one sample, the FDA’s analyses detected diethylene glycol, a chemical used in antifreeze that is toxic to humans, and in several other samples, the FDA analyses detected carcinogens, including nitrosamines. These tests indicate that these products contained detectable levels of known carcinogens and toxic chemicals to which users could potentially be exposed.


The FDA has been examining and detaining shipments of e-cigarettes at the border and the products it has examined thus far meet the definition of a combination drug-device product under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The FDA has been challenged regarding its jurisdiction over certain e-cigarettes in a case currently pending in federal district court. The agency is also planning additional activities to address its concerns about these products.


Health care professionals and consumers may report serious adverse events (side effects) or product quality problems with the use of e-cigarettes to the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program either online, by regular mail, fax or phone.

Oh ... OK then, I'll just carry on smoking thanks to your advice. I didn't realise that e-cigs were so detrimental! Thanks for alerting me to the potential hazard of something that's (to my understanding) far less hazardous than tobacco ... when I'm trying to stop!

I've tried Zyban (now zybanned) ... it worked for a while. Patches are useless and a rip off. What am I reasonably expected to do? If you're addicted to something, you're addicted to it. You just can't stop.

So far as I'm concerned (and pretty much all the people wanting to give up smoking), e-cigs are the way to go. I definitely feel much healthier. Certainly, it''d be best to not have started smoking in the first place ... I did.

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