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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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Cold turkey and watching a video of what cancer and heart disease do to you is the answer, instead of all this precious palaver about e-fags, cutting down etc.


Plus, put £6.00 in a box every day that you would have spent it on fags.


If you have children, get them to tell you why they want you to stop.

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Cold turkey and watching a video of what cancer and heart disease do to you is the answer, instead of all this precious palaver about e-fags, cutting down etc.


Plus, put £6.00 in a box every day that you would have spent it on fags.


If you have children, get them to tell you why they want you to stop.


Yes it should do the trick,but it doesnt.Ive been a smoker for over thirty years and failed to stop many times.thing is smokers enjoy smoking[that may seem crazy to you,and it is]the e.cigs work,no doubt about it.

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Yes it should do the trick,but it doesnt.Ive been a smoker for over thirty years and failed to stop many times.thing is smokers enjoy smoking[that may seem crazy to you,and it is]the e.cigs work,no doubt about it.


I don't doubt that smokers enjoy smoking, or that they are addicted to it in the same way some people are addicted to eating grease or self-harming in other ways, but you could stop if you really wanted to, or if you were deprived of the means to acquire tobacco. Imagine for example that the govt. saw sense and made the stuff illegal, or so expensive (£1000 per packet) that it was just not possible for you to buy it. Or you were marooned on a desert island where there was no tobacco. It would be hell for a few days or weeks, but you'd get over it.


How long does it take to quit using e-fags?

Edited by aliceBB
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I don't doubt that smokers enjoy smoking, or that they are addicted to it, but you could stop if you really wanted to, or if you were deprived of the means to acquire tobacco. It would be hell for a few days or weeks, but you'd get over it.


How long does it take to quit using e-fags?


Thing is ,you dont actually stop smoking,you just smoke something that has the nicotine you need but without all the chemicals,tar etc.You could say you are swapping one adiction for another i suppose,maybe not the perfect solution but its the best one i have found.

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Thing is ,you dont actually stop smoking,you just smoke something that has the nicotine you need but without all the chemicals,tar etc.You could say you are swapping one adiction for another i suppose,maybe not the perfect solution but its the best one i have found.


So you would have to carry on puffing on e-fags for the rest of your (shortened) life? They sound faintly ridiculous and I agree with the BMA that they should be banned from public places - they just making 'smoking' look OK.

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So you would have to carry on puffing on e-fags for the rest of your (shortened) life? They sound faintly ridiculous and I agree with the BMA that they should be banned from public places - they just making 'smoking' look OK.


Possibly so,but why on earth would it be a shortened life::confused: Doubt very much they will be able to ban a harmless product[its not smoking,its vaping]

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Possibly so,but why on earth would it be a shortened life::confused:
Because of all the real fags you've smoked over the last 30 years.


Doubt very much they will be able to ban a harmless product[its not smoking,its vaping]
First, I doubt very much it is harmless. It's too new - we cannot know yet. Second, even if it were proven to be less physically harmful than tobacco, there's no reason why it couldn't be banned in public places purely on the grounds of the poor example it sets impressionable young minds.


Third, there must be precedents for banning things just because they are naff. Fox hunting, for example.

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Originally Posted by Gazza58


Possibly so,but why on earth would it be a shortened life:


Because of all the real fags you've smoked over the last 30 years.




Doubt very much they will be able to ban a harmless product[its not smoking,its vaping]


First, I doubt very much it is harmless. It's too new - we cannot know yet. Second, even if it were proven to be less physically harmful than tobacco, there's no reason why it couldn't be banned in public places purely on the grounds of the poor example it sets impressionable young minds.


Third, there must be precedents for banning things just because they are naff. Fox hunting, for example.

you don't really know much about this subject do you.




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Because using an electronic cigarette looks like you are smoking an actual cigarette, the BMA is worried that the more people start using e-cigarettes the more it will normalise something that looks like smoking. They have called for the ban on smoking in public places to be extended to e-cigarettes.


Personally, I think this is a bit ridiculous. The BMA want us to try and stop smoking; for some people this is the electronic cigarette is the only method that works.


I think the BMA should be banned. This is their roll call of campaigns


Banning smoking (destroying the pub industry)

Campaigning for taxing fatty foods

Campaigning for taxing fizzy drinks

Minium prices on alcohol.


They are probably going to try and tax fun next!

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I think the BMA should be banned. This is their roll call of campaigns


Banning smoking (destroying the pub industry)

Campaigning for taxing fatty foods

Campaigning for taxing fizzy drinks

Minium prices on alcohol.


They are probably going to try and tax fun next!


I know, they're acting like they're responsible for looking after our health when we get poorly!

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