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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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Letter from Anna Soubry from the DoH




Dr John Pugh MP

House of Commons


London SW1AOAA



Dear John,

Thank you for your letter of 25 of January to Jeremy Hunt on behalf of your constituent MR Roy Nixon about electronic cigarettes and the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD).I am replying as the Minister responsible for tobacco policy


Currently, any nicotine-containing product (NCP) that claims or implies that it can treat nicotine addiction is considered to be a medical product. However, there are a number of NCPs on the UK market that claim to contain nicotine such as electronic cigarettes, that do not make such claims and which can therefore be sold without safeguards built into the regulation of medicinal products


In March 2011, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) published the outcome of a public consultation on whether to bring all NCPs within the medicines licencing regime. The response to the consultation suggested there was strong support for MHRA regulation, but there was a need for further information. The MHRA is coordinating further scientific and market research before it makes it's final decision on regulation later this year


We want to ensure that an effective regulatory framework exists to protect consumers from any electronic cigarette products that fail to meet acceptable standards for quality, safety and efficacy. Reducing the public health impact of smoking remains a priority for the Department of Health. We do not want to reduce the availability of products that help to reduce smoking but we do want to ensure that smokers have access to products that are acceptably safe and that support smokers in reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke or to quit.


The Government will be reviewing the proposals in the draft TPD carefully, with the ongoing work of the MHRA in mind. The TPD proposals will be discussed by the Member States and by the European Parliament and will be subject to change during this process. This means the legislation is unlikely to be adopted before 2014 or to come into effect before 2015-2016.


I hope this is helpful


Anna Soubry

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I get it!.......I thought for a minute that you actually had a point to prove! I now realise that you just think that you are far better than anyone who has an addictive personality!


You better stay away from the bars in town or your local pub at the weekends, people are constantly self medicating in those places.

Not at all! I don't think I am better or worse than anyone, nor do I have 'a point to prove'. The thread invited views and I offered some. If you disagree, that's fine. I don't really care. For what it's worth, I think most people are addicted to something, whether physically or psychologically. Some people have antisocial habits connected with their addictions, whether it's contantly texting /being on Facebook when in company, or getting drunk, or puffing away on e-cigs. They all make the addict boring, in a social context.

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Not at all! I don't think I am better or worse than anyone, nor do I have 'a point to prove'. The thread invited views and I offered some. If you disagree, that's fine. I don't really care. For what it's worth, I think most people are addicted to something, whether physically or psychologically. Some people have antisocial habits connected with their addictions, whether it's contantly texting /being on Facebook when in company, or getting drunk, or puffing away on e-cigs. They all make the addict boring, in a social context.


Smoking isn't antisocial amongst other smokers. They often go outside pubs and bars in big groups and talk.


Anyway, this thread is about e-cigaretts. You can smoke them indoors, not antisocial at all.

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It appears that E-cigs are now banned on all US carriers.

On my recent visit to Europe I found no airlines that still allow the use of electronic cigarettes. My return through the US confirmed that this is the policy on all US carriers.

Do any airlines still permit their use or is this another nail in the coffin of the E-cig?

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It appears that E-cigs are now banned on all US carriers.

On my recent visit to Europe I found no airlines that still allow the use of electronic cigarettes. My return through the US confirmed that this is the policy on all US carriers.

Do any airlines still permit their use or is this another nail in the coffin of the E-cig?


I suspect it is pretty universal. I went to Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific and they made a point of mentioning the ban during take off announcements. I had the same when I went to Portugal with Monarch and the USA with Virgin. Even Ryanair don't allow you to use them although they sell them on board their flights.:huh::huh:


Amtrack who operate trains in USA & Canada also specifically baen the use of e-cigarettes.

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