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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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True, I'd be unhappy at someone sat next to me on a plane using that.


Doesn't mean that it's medical evidence that has caused the ban though... Which was the only thing I actually wanted verifying.


Sorry don't know about that..I was just replying to your post... :)

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I'm very pleased that your e-ciggy is getting you unhooked from tobacco. Whether you want to believe it harmful to yourself or others doesn't really concern me. I think they are being banned from public places for a variety of reasons not least because the world has moved on and most folk on airplanes don't want someone next to them vaping over them during the flight. But more to the point these things are largely untested, so whilst I have no objection to you damaging your own health that doesn't give you the right to risk the health of others who may not feel the same. Folk on an aeroplane cannot go outside to get away from your untested fumes.


I think most of the e-cig companies have said that they would welcome any form of regulations. I think this was mentioned in the other thread, but you obviously didn't read it.


If US Airlines have banned the e-cigs, I bet that a big part of the reason is due to the fact that they contain a clear liquid and a heating element. It would be relatively easy to smuggle an explosive liquid onto the plain.


E-cigarettes shouldn't give off any harmful fumes at all, that's a fact! Whether some of the e-cigs out there do contain harmful fumes or not, I don't know. That's why they should be regulated.

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I think most of the e-cig companies have said that they would welcome any form of regulations. I think this was mentioned in the other thread, but you obviously didn't read it.


If US Airlines have banned the e-cigs, I bet that a big part of the reason is due to the fact that they contain a clear liquid and a heating element. It would be relatively easy to smuggle an explosive liquid onto the plain.


E-cigarettes shouldn't give off any harmful fumes at all, that's a fact! Whether some of the e-cigs out there do contain harmful fumes or not, I don't know. That's why they should be regulated.


Correct,its pretty obvious that will be the reason.But if it makes some people happy to moan about harmless e.cigs let em got on with it.

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Correct,its pretty obvious that will be the reason.But if it makes some people happy to moan about harmless e.cigs let em got on with it.


Don't know whether or not it's harmful but do you reckon someone using one of the cigs in the youtube link above would be welcome on a plane..?

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E-cigarettes shouldn't give off any harmful fumes at all, that's a fact! Whether some of the e-cigs out there do contain harmful fumes or not, I don't know. That's why they should be regulated.


It isn't a fact at all. The whole point of e-cigs is they vaporise nicotine. There wouldn't be much point if they didn't. Nicotine is a carcinogen and a highly toxic chemical.

Tests by the FDA in America have found many harmful substances in e-cigs. It seems to me pretty sensible that until they are proved safe they shouldn’t be on the market. But if they are the only folks who should be subject to the dangers of unregulated drugs are those who want to risk their own health. They shouldn’t be permitted to risk the health of folks who have to share an aeroplane cabin with them. It seems the airlines agree.

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It isn't a fact at all. The whole point of e-cigs is they vaporise nicotine. There wouldn't be much point if they didn't. Nicotine is a carcinogen and a highly toxic chemical.

Tests by the FDA in America have found many harmful substances in e-cigs. It seems to me pretty sensible that until they are proved safe they shouldn’t be on the market. But if they are the only folks who should be subject to the dangers of unregulated drugs are those who want to risk their own health. They shouldn’t be permitted to risk the health of folks who have to share an aeroplane cabin with them. It seems the airlines agree.


No it is not,the tar and thousands of chemicals found in cigarettes is.

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No it is not,the tar and thousands of chemicals found in cigarettes is.


I'm not sure it's that clear cut..


"research over the last decade has identified nicotine's carcinogenic potential in animal models and cell culture Nicotine has been noted to directly cause cancer through a number of different mechanisms such as the activation of MAP Kinases."


Snipped from wiki..so willing to be proven wrong..

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I'm very pleased that your e-ciggy is getting you unhooked from tobacco. Whether you want to believe it harmful to yourself or others doesn't really concern me. I think they are being banned from public places for a variety of reasons not least because the world has moved on and most folk on airplanes don't want someone next to them vaping over them during the flight. But more to the point these things are largely untested, so whilst I have no objection to you damaging your own health that doesn't give you the right to risk the health of others who may not feel the same. Folk on an aeroplane cannot go outside to get away from your untested fumes.


When you breath you exhale vapour, do you object to someone sitting next you breathing.


To break down the principle elements what the e-cig contains:-


Propylene Glycol: has been tested extensively since the 1940's and there is no doubt that this is a harmless chemical, a ubiquitous chemical found in everything from the computer you are using now to the toothpaste you used to clean you teeth this morning.


Nicotine: A highly addictive stimulant though no more harmful to your health than caffeine in tea or coffee.


Flavourings: Concentrated extracts taken from fruit and other desirably flavoured items by heating up in alcohol and filtering from the solids just like many food flavourings.


Which bit is going to ruin my health?

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