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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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Out of around 15 people I know that smoked, at least 10 of them now use e cigs, Me and my partner were the first to get one and most of my family and friends have followed on after, all of us have quit, not one of us has failed, I bought my mum one who has tried everything else to give up and for the first time she has gone 6 week without a real cig, the longest ever in 32 years, I am so proud. SO me, my mum, my sister, two uncles, aunt, partner, and many friends have made an easy more healthy switch. I use my e cig proudly, I do not feel or look stupid, I often get asked about it. I get to enjoy vaping and the flavours, save money and I am healthier.


I'm just curious (not looking for an opportunity to be judgemental): are you planning to use the e-cigs indefinitely, or as an intermediate step towards quitting smoking completely?

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I'm just curious (not looking for an opportunity to be judgemental): are you planning to use the e-cigs indefinitely, or as an intermediate step towards quitting smoking completely?


Well as an e-cig user myself. I see it as a stepping stone to being rid of the nicotine habit. However, even if I didn't come off them, and carried on 'vaping', it's no longer harming me, or anyone around me, it doesn't smell, I don't smell, and is infinitely better for my wallet!...So for me, it's a win, win, win situation!

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I'm just curious (not looking for an opportunity to be judgemental): are you planning to use the e-cigs indefinitely, or as an intermediate step towards quitting smoking completely?


I eventually want to stop, but with E cigs I can do it on my own terms, in my own time, I have been stocking up on liquid which go down in strength, I will go down when I feel ready to the lower strength until I am on zero strength, and do not have an addiction to nicotine anymore, I have tried patches, gum, lozenges, zyban and champix and this is the only thing that has worked long term.


At the moment I am enjoying the experience of vaping without the worry so I do not feel there is any rush:D


---------- Post added 13-06-2013 at 10:44 ----------


Well as an e-cig user myself. I see it as a stepping stone to being rid of the nicotine habit. However, even if I didn't come off them, and carried on 'vaping', it's no longer harming me, or anyone around me, it doesn't smell, I don't smell, and is infinitely better for my wallet!...So for me, it's a win, win, win situation!


Agreed 100%

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Similarly they load duty onto fossil fuels, petrol and diesel etc because of the terrible polluting effects and exploitation of a finite resource etc etc blah blah but then somebody comes along and develops biofuels such as those from vegetable oil and suddenly that becomes fair game for the government as well.


The problem there is that fields used for crops and food are being abandoned in favour of cultivating for fuel.





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