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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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Lack of science, lack of clincal trials.

You believe what you want to

Just stop smoking




Also, it is well documented what goes into tobacco cigarettes, and I know what's in my ejuice (because I make it). Basically it's proylene glycol (used in asthma inhalers since the 1950s) or vegetable glycerine (commonly used to soothe the throat) with nicotine (as toxic as caffeine) and food flavourings.


Sounds a bit safer than tar and arsenic. I'll take the chance.


And I have stopped smoking - thanks to ecigs.


Can't believe I fed the troll, but there you go.

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...soothe the throat) with nicotine (as toxic as caffeine) and food flavourings.


Nicotine is a good deal more toxic than caffeine, but given that you can't squeeze much more than a microgram dose out of an ecig, it's not a risk. Also because you're inhaling it rather than drinking it, you can stop the moment you start to feel light headed. As opposed to caffeine where once you've had one coffee too many, it's too late to do anything about it, and tachycardia here you come.


Nicotine has all sorts of unexpected health benefits too, particularly for the brain.

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The dose of Nicotine is nearer a milligram or 2, hundreds of micrograms in each puff. Still nowhere near overdose risk though, clearly & it doesn't build up, so toxicity isn't problem. Everything is toxic, it's the proportional difference between the effective dose & deadly dose rather than absolute amounts, nicotine is probably safer than caffeine in that sense.


Lots of crap e cigs


Oh dear , you and millions like you have really fallen for this marketing ploy to prise the cash from you that you would normally waste on tobacco.

I suppose it goes hand in hand with wonga, pay day loans, online gambling and bingo, iceland etc.


It's nothing to do with marketing ploys, everything to do with drug addiction & harm reduction, there's little marketing for e-cigs, it's mainly small companies.


Like with everything else there are good e-cigs & bad ones, but big supermarkets only sell the worst, so it's good to know which of the smaller shops are open on Sunday.

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Yep, it's safe ..........


'Safe' would appear to be subjective.


There are known risks which you should balance against what you want out of it.


Vapourisers are a million times better than cigarettes, but it doesn't take away the fact that nicotine (like caffeine and alcohol) is addictive, which can bring along its own problems.


Many would say that the small risk is worth the pleasure, but that does not mean the same as "totally safe".

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