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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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Having come this far, I don't really want to change from the juice that I've been using from day one. I know a few folk for whom it didn't work out and after talking to them about it, they were experimenting with different brands and flavours. I will stick to the one that has worked for me. At the rate I use it, it costs me about four quid a week if I buy the 30ml sized tobacco flavoured one from Mirage.


I don't kid myself that its harmless, nevertheless, I'm convinced it is a better option than the fags.





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The ecig could be and should be more safe than fags as they can control the substances going down your gullet. Once full regulation takes place it will be seen to be in some senses safer.

I have been supporting people to quit fags, as well as all drug and to manage alcohol addiction ofr years. I did some more training with the NHS quit service this year who are saying that the govt wont put them on prescription as they fear being sued if there is any issues with current research despite common sense telling them that they can be made much safer than cigs.


the down side is that people, kids especially are learning to smoke using these things, just a we learned to smoke with the sweet cigarettes and licorice pipes with the little red tops on.


Kids are now coming into the quit services to go on patches to get off the ecigs. The tech exists so that they could have a programme set into them so that they gradually reduce the nicotine of a set period and then they are harmless nicotine free tools to quit but who would bring to market a device that puts you out of business? Well the tow biggest manufacturers of ecigs are tobacco giants so I doubt they want people to quit.


A bit of good news if you are thinking of quitting. It takes 2-3 days to de a complete detox off nicotine so by day four without a fag you are just dealing with a habit. Most people give up by day 17 because they only focus on the smoking part of the habit not the new ways to deal with stress.


Quitting is easier if you stay away from smokers and change your routines for the first month. Treat it like running the half marathon, a long distance event but by the end of few weeks it will feel normal to taste your food better, have more money and have better health, better sleep etc.


Enjoy the ecigs or enjoy quitting (less than 1 in 5 smoke which is a third of the number when I was a kid-most people take a few tries to quit to have quit successfully, so see it like a driving test, it's waiting for you when you are ready).

Cheers Dave

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the down side is that people, kids especially are learning to smoke using these things, just a we learned to smoke with the sweet cigarettes and licorice pipes with the little red tops on.


Kids are now coming into the quit services to go on patches to get off the ecigs.


How many people, according to your unimpeachable sources, are starting e-cigs having never smoked cigarettes? What proportion of these are children? Is this observation applicable nationwide, and what sampling was used?



Well the tow biggest manufacturers of ecigs are tobacco giants so I doubt they want people to quit.


Which tobacco giants are these?

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Just done a brief search on the machine that knows everything. The story is inevitable. http://blogs.wsj.com/corporate-intelligence/2013/11/18/big-tobacco-begins-its-takeover-of-the-e-cigarette-market/






There is much better info out there but the companies which hold the best research on tobacco are those who will be most affected by the new world order of smoking and so they are positioning themselves, and allying within the healthy product providers.


Re- numbers of attendees. It was a training session where someone asked how has the ecigs affected the quit service?


Reply, fewer people attending but, to paraphrase 'we are seeing people who we have never seen before. We have had a few kids in who have never smoked and want NRT to get off the ecig'.

No numbers, no ages or gender/racial demographics etc, I think the service does not offer treatments under 12 but beyond that it's over to you to get the data.

"12 to 18-year-olds get free nicotine replacement therapy (patches, sprays, gum) on the NHS. Ask your GP for help stopping smoking".


but If you are passing the quit service drop in and see if they are able to give you specifics. Can't comment on if this was/is a national phenomena.


Whilst you are popping in perhaps invest in a programme, they are free and live like a prince forever on the money you save :)

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Just done a brief search on the machine that knows everything. The story is inevitable. http://blogs.wsj.com/corporate-intelligence/2013/11/18/big-tobacco-begins-its-takeover-of-the-e-cigarette-market/






There is much better info out there but the companies which hold the best research on tobacco are those who will be most affected by the new world order of smoking and so they are positioning themselves, and allying within the healthy product providers.


Re- numbers of attendees. It was a training session where someone asked how has the ecigs affected the quit service?


Reply, fewer people attending but, to paraphrase 'we are seeing people who we have never seen before. We have had a few kids in who have never smoked and want NRT to get off the ecig'.

No numbers, no ages or gender/racial demographics etc, I think the service does not offer treatments under 12 but beyond that it's over to you to get the data.

"12 to 18-year-olds get free nicotine replacement therapy (patches, sprays, gum) on the NHS. Ask your GP for help stopping smoking".


but If you are passing the quit service drop in and see if they are able to give you specifics. Can't comment on if this was/is a national phenomena.


Whilst you are popping in perhaps invest in a programme, they are free and live like a prince forever on the money you save :)


I spend about £35 a month on ecigs (fluid, atomisers, replacement tanks). That's £4-500 a year I enjoy spending, and using. And after knocking tobacco on the head, I may not be living like a prince, but there's more spare cash than usual.


The UK's biggest e-cig retailers and founder members of ECITA have nothing to do with the tobacco companies though. The bulk of all nicotine consumed is still via the cigarette.


However, if the tobacco companies did give up making cigarettes, and started producing e-cigs, that would be a good thing. But it ain't happening yet. As the links you provided say, they are starting to in the US, but they still make cigarettes.


In the UK ECITA guidelines already prohibit the sale of E-cigs to under-18s ahead of any government regulation. In fact the govt would be hard pressed to find a more stringent regime for the safety and availability of e-cigs. But of course, until this is embodied in legislation, anyone can set themselves up as an e-cig retailer or even producer. That will change.


The good news is that if e-cigs are coopted by BAT, Phillip Morris [Altria], Reynolds et al - the heavy regulation as a pharmaceutical product will almost certainly not materialise.



But here's the thing we have to face:


We are a species that readily becomes addicted. It's a spectrum, some people become addicted more easily than others, and the spread is quite broad.


Now that we have, through technological means, found a pretty benign route of administration for microgram doses of nicotine, should this addiction be viewed in a different way to addiction to a comparable drug, not only in ubiquity but also toxicity and effect, such as caffeine?


When nobody mass-manufactures cigarettes anymore, should we still be allowed to enjoy our nicotine, given that we don't need them to do so?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just done a brief search on the machine that knows everything. The story is inevitable. http://blogs.wsj.com/corporate-intelligence/2013/11/18/big-tobacco-begins-its-takeover-of-the-e-cigarette-market/






There is much better info out there but the companies which hold the best research on tobacco are those who will be most affected by the new world order of smoking and so they are positioning themselves, and allying within the healthy product providers.


Re- numbers of attendees. It was a training session where someone asked how has the ecigs affected the quit service?


Reply, fewer people attending but, to paraphrase 'we are seeing people who we have never seen before. We have had a few kids in who have never smoked and want NRT to get off the ecig'.

No numbers, no ages or gender/racial demographics etc, I think the service does not offer treatments under 12 but beyond that it's over to you to get the data.

"12 to 18-year-olds get free nicotine replacement therapy (patches, sprays, gum) on the NHS. Ask your GP for help stopping smoking".


but If you are passing the quit service drop in and see if they are able to give you specifics. Can't comment on if this was/is a national phenomena.


Whilst you are popping in perhaps invest in a programme, they are free and live like a prince forever on the money you save :)


Making a mountain out of a mole hill here, aren't we?


The number of 'kids' who start using ecigs without ever smoking a real cigarette must be miniscule, or even none existent! I know for a fact, that if I were 12 and my parents smelt smoke on me, I would rather tell them I tried a friends ecig than admit to smoking the real thing. Sorry, but the numbers of children claiming to start out on ecigs is small in the first place. The number of children who actually start on them will be much, much less.


Also, while 12yr olds starting on ecigs isn't ideal, it's better than hearing stories about 12yr olds taking up real smoking.


---------- Post added 02-04-2014 at 09:03 ----------


Wales could be the first part of the UK to ban the use of electronic cigarettes in enclosed public places.



I don't get this. Why are ecigs still not regulated and tested?


People have stopped smoking, now they want to ban this?!? I appreciate that there should be a time and a place, like not in a restaurant for example.


Too many morons in the world. Too many brainwashed, anti-choice, pro control idiots who want us to live in a sterile box and not touch anything for fear of instant death!


(slight exaggeration, but you get what I mean.............or do you:suspect:, are you one of them?!)

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The report I heard this morning saidthat Wales might be the first part of the UK to ban e-cigs in enclosed spaces because of the risk that e-cigs might start children on the path to smoking.


I don't need to point out the obvious inconsistencies and stupidity exhibited in assumption and reaction, but it's symptomatic of what happens when people get thrown off their high horses.

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