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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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I used to use an asian guy at the bottom of the moor last year when I first started on them as he supplied iBreathe liquids (IMO the best tasting and least harsh) but he got sent packing by what I assume to be his dad who has a bit of an attitude problem, only stocks the cheaper brands that all taste of anti-septic (Given the fact that it's not a fully tested product, anything that tastes funny imo is a no no, who knows what goes into it) and he's also pretty expensive.


So now I use Mirage (They have shops all over the place as well so is pretty handy if I'm out and start getting the jitters when I run out of liquid, they stock their own brand liquids, batteries and vapourisers and are competitively priced. The CE4 vapourisers have recently gotten pretty crap as they seem to burn the liquid quicker than I can inhale it so have upgraded today and trying out a different kind which seems better.


Anyway, I'll stop jibbering on...personally I'd avoid the cheap aftermarket bargain from a pop up shop and buy from somewhere that's established.


Sounds like yours is a cheap vapouriser and has died a death already, you could try washing it with water and burning it off if it's one of the CE4 type that you can't replace the wick but be careful before hand that you don't go to far as you could blow the wick and if it's your only one you'll be reaching for the cigs before the nights out.

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Just to update, i got one of the Kanger Evods Gazza recommended and they are much better that the crappy CE4's. Also bought Some wick and Khanthal wire from fleabay and started replacing my own coils.


Cheers Gazza. :thumbsup:


Nice one :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...
Has any body tried e-cigarettes? Are they any good? Where can you buy them in South Yorkshire or North Midlands? I have recently purchased some e-cigs from the internet and I was not too impressed. However, I recently tried one from a bloke who bought some UK made e-cigs in Chesterfield. They were really good but he can't remember exactly where he bought them! I have called a few shops in Chesterfield:help: but the owners think I'm insane and they have never heard of them. Can anybody help?


Asda sell their own brand, 2 strengths £15 as apposed to £30 anywhere else also replacement tips are£6 for 10 ,instead of £10, on sale in pharmacy section , they are quite good


---------- Post added 14-07-2014 at 17:16 ----------


Wrong on both counts.:roll:


I agree, I smoked for 50yrs,20 a day, decided to stop, got ecig, not had a proper cig for 18mths . I dont miss them at all, I think what I miss most is the whole process, taking cellophane off, silver paper out, taking one out of packet, lighting and that first draw.

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I was at Kelam Island yesterday. Big sign up saying no smoking including e-cigs.


thanks thats interesting I am suprised they are allowed to do that as ecigs are legal,suruley they are the ones breaking the law, I wonder how a court would deal with it if a case was brought against them?

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thanks thats interesting I am suprised they are allowed to do that as ecigs are legal,suruley they are the ones breaking the law, I wonder how a court would deal with it if a case was brought against them?


They'd laugh it out.

In fact it would never reach court.


Owners of establishments can restrict who and what they allow on their premises so long as by doing so, they do not break the terms of their license and national discrimination legislation (race, disability, religion etc.).

Edited by cgksheff
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi can anyone tell me what the shop is called at sheff lame top that sells the e cigs please. Myself and my mum have bought some from a guy who runs his own business on facebook but had problems with our new ones and looking to buy some more new ones elsewhere which aren't too expensive.

Thanks Del.

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