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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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The World Health Organization is now saying people should be banned from using them indoors. It also says their use should not be claimed to reduce smoking.


Apparently they "may" be harmful.


They also say they shouldn't be sold in sweet flavours in case children like the taste. I wonder what flavours they would suggest, dung, curry, tobacco?

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The World Health Organization is now saying people should be banned from using them indoors. It also says their use should not be claimed to reduce smoking.


Apparently they "may" be harmful.


They also say they shouldn't be sold in sweet flavours in case children like the taste. I wonder what flavours they would suggest, dung, curry, tobacco?


Strange, I must be the odd one out then ... I quit smoking ten months ago when I started using an e-cig. So did everyone I know come to think of it. :huh:


Not only do I feel better for it and smell better too, I save a fortune on tax (£70 per month) that could be part used to bribe WHO officials to say that e-cigs are dangerous. :suspect:

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Strange, I must be the odd one out then ... I quit smoking ten months ago when I started using an e-cig. So did everyone I know come to think of it. :huh:


Not only do I feel better for it and smell better too, I save a fortune on tax (£70 per month) that could be part used to bribe WHO officials to say that e-cigs are dangerous. :suspect:


I started using a mirage e-cig on the 3rd of June this year after smoking for 25 years and I haven't even been tempted to smoke.

I tried numerous times to stop smoking using other methods but always started again after about 6 weeks.

IMO e-cigs do help you to stop smoking.

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I started using a mirage e-cig on the 3rd of June this year after smoking for 25 years and I haven't even been tempted to smoke.

I tried numerous times to stop smoking using other methods but always started again after about 6 weeks.

IMO e-cigs do help you to stop smoking.


Of course they do, and everyone knows it. Apart from the government who're losing money.

If someone invented a car engine that ran on nothing but water, they'd get some official banning them for being too dangerous ... people may drown in them or something like that, then make a fortune by insisting on retro-fitting ludicrously expensive drivers-side water wings. ;)

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So you are using e-cigs as a nicotine-delivery system instead of cigarettes/tobacco?


... and you choose to say that you have 'stopped/quit' smoking?


Good for you and all others that have improved their personal health as a result.


It doesn't give you any right to mock and denigrate those qualified and experienced professionals that are simply pointing out:


  • you are still addicted to nicotine
  • the long term effects are unknown
  • possible harm to 3rd parties are unknown
  • sellers should not make any 'medical' claims about e-cigs
  • sweet-tasting flavours (just like menthol cigarettes) increase the likelihood of youngsters adopting it as an easier path to nicotine addiction


That's all they are saying.

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So you are using e-cigs as a nicotine-delivery system instead of cigarettes/tobacco?


... and you choose to say that you have 'stopped/quit' smoking?


Good for you and all others that have improved their personal health as a result.


It doesn't give you any right to mock and denigrate those qualified and experienced professionals that are simply pointing out:


  • you are still addicted to nicotine
  • the long term effects are unknown
  • possible harm to 3rd parties are unknown
  • sellers should not make any 'medical' claims about e-cigs
  • sweet-tasting flavours (just like menthol cigarettes) increase the likelihood of youngsters adopting it as an easier path to nicotine addiction


That's all they are saying.


Where is the smoke in e-cig usage ?

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So you are using e-cigs as a nicotine-delivery system instead of cigarettes/tobacco?


... and you choose to say that you have 'stopped/quit' smoking?


Good for you and all others that have improved their personal health as a result.


It doesn't give you any right to mock and denigrate those qualified and experienced professionals that are simply pointing out:


  • you are still addicted to nicotine
  • the long term effects are unknown
  • possible harm to 3rd parties are unknown
  • sellers should not make any 'medical' claims about e-cigs
  • sweet-tasting flavours (just like menthol cigarettes) increase the likelihood of youngsters adopting it as an easier path to nicotine addiction


That's all they are saying.


The only long term effect of me using an e-cig as opposed to smoking cigarettes is that my teeth are turning alarmingly from their lovely brown colour, to a much more unappealing whitish hue. Fortunately, the massive amounts of black coffee I get through are keeping total whiteness at bay for the mean time. ;)


Apart from that, there's nothing dangerous about e-cigs.

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Apart from that, there's nothing dangerous about e-cigs.


That is what you believe, and you may be correct, but neither you nor the rest of the world have sufficient evidence to allow sellers to go around claiming that their products are harmless and medically beneficial.


Leave that to the buyer to make his/her own mind up.


I personally have serious reservations over the creation of an easy pathway for children to access nicotine addiction.

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They (e-cigs, although I hate that name, it sounds so naff) might be safe, but many years ago we thought that smoking was safe, beneficial even. Until they are rigorously tested, some organisations are erring on the side of caution. You can't use them on the bus either.

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