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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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Yes I take the point that ONS data is normally pretty robust, and I regard it as such too. But I don't understand this discrepancy between UK and rest of the world data showing that e-cig users who have never smoked is higher than they say.


I don't know many school kids and there are no studies of UK school kids take up of e-cigs. There are some from the US which show that over half of lifetime e-cig users who started in High School initiated on e-cigs rather than tobacco. Equally there is data from the US that shows overall tobacco/nicotine consumption in high school kids is increasing where before it was declining. There's no way to know for certain whether the US is predictive of the UK but I guess it probably is.


Well....personally would rather, if someone is determined to smoke/vape it be vaping....I think pretty much it's agreed that it's far less harmful than actually smoking....(I know this from personal experience)....


Let's not forget kids lie!.....hahaha :)


---------- Post added 26-11-2014 at 13:18 ----------


Im sure I read / heard somewhere that they are MORE addictive than fags themselves, Is that true? Have you found them to be?

I stopped smoking using the chewing gum, never tried one of them E-cigs.


I couldn't really say....I suppose it depends what strength you get....presumably the stronger the strength...the more nicotine you intake and so the circle continues.


It's a matter of being selective and having a plan to reduce the strength....I guess if you 'start' on the strongest...it may well be 'well' above the strength you would normally smoke in a 'proper' cigarette...So in that way, it may well be 'more' addictive.


You may well find that if someone selects a strength that is waaay above their 'normal' they simply can't handle it anyway....so it's really kind of self levelling.

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More city councils are considering ban e-cigarettes to youth and in public places! And some of them are talking about adding a tax on these products. I think it is ok to restrict e-cigarette to youth, but the tax on e-cigarette products may increase the price, people may be force to back to tobacco! How do you think about it?

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They work... in as much as an experienced user will get as much of a nicotine hit from an e-cig as from a traditional one. I am not really sure of the 'giving up' thing though. People say that e-cigs helped them give up smoking, but they are still on the e-cigs so whether it helps you kick the habit altogether I am not sure. Most people I have spoken to really seem to get on OK with them though and they are much better than smoking.


One friend of mine went back to smoking as she was cutting down. She couldn't get a liquid with low enough nicotine in apparently.:huh:


She didn't look hard enough, plenty of 0% liquids are available.


Habits are fine, if they're not dangerously toxic. The problem with a smoking habit are obvious. The problems with a vaping habit are less pronounced, by far.

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More city councils are considering ban e-cigarettes to youth and in public places! And some of them are talking about adding a tax on these products. I think it is ok to restrict e-cigarette to youth, but the tax on e-cigarette products may increase the price, people may be force to back to tobacco! How do you think about it?


If they do tax it they're idiots. Addicted smokers need all the reasons going to fight the addiction- the fact that vaping is cheaper than using cigarettes is a substantial reason, taxing directly attacks it.


The councils should focus on public health, not scrounging yet more bits of cash from people who are helping to improve public health i.e. smokers trying to switch to vaping.

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I recently bought a new e-cig and was told they are going to be taxed, how true that was I don't know.


I stopped for 18 months using an ecig 12 months with nothing, like an idiot I started smoking proper cigs again in October, but am in the process of trying stop again.

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After tring many E-cig shops around Sheffield I have found one near the forists on Birleymoor Road that is really smart. The man has all flavours, parts for all e-cig and prices good to. And before anyone asks no I don't work there or own shop and not related. Just giving credit where it's due.

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initially I thought much of the negative news stories about e cigs were just the press scaremongering.


However some of the stuff I have read recently does make me question how safe they are.


A lot of the flavourings used although considered safe for consumption in food it does not mean they are safe to inhale.


There was the case recently where diacetyl was found in e liquids its considered safe in foods but not to inhale after workers in popcorn manufacturing factories who inhaled it became seriously ill.


Are there other flavourings that may in time prove to have similar effects when inhaled?


Also there was only a few weeks ago a report that said vaping damaged cells.


And a Japanese report that found e cigs contained 10 times the amount of carcinogens of normal cigarettes.


I guess we really do not know the full picture at this point as not enough long term research has been done and we certainly know that cigarettes are very bad for you and I would be surprised if vaping was as bad but at present we just don't know the long term effects of vaping.








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  • 3 weeks later...
initially I thought much of the negative news stories about e cigs were just the press scaremongering.


However some of the stuff I have read recently does make me question how safe they are.


A lot of the flavourings used although considered safe for consumption in food it does not mean they are safe to inhale.


There was the case recently where diacetyl was found in e liquids its considered safe in foods but not to inhale after workers in popcorn manufacturing factories who inhaled it became seriously ill.


Are there other flavourings that may in time prove to have similar effects when inhaled?




Also there was only a few weeks ago a report that said vaping damaged cells.


And a Japanese report that found e cigs contained 10 times the amount of carcinogens of normal cigarettes.


I guess we really do not know the full picture at this point as not enough long term research has been done and we certainly know that cigarettes are very bad for you and I would be surprised if vaping was as bad but at present we just don't know the long term effects of vaping.









this is correct, this is why eCloud only use flavours that are made specifically for inhaling unlike the majority of other manufacturers

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