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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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I buy mine from a large reputable british company. I also have used sunbeds, and other electrical hair products around my face, with the potential of exploding so I'll take my chances.


Ah well then love that says it all, I mean there's no way sunbeds linked to cancer is there (that's sarcasm). Other than that fag in Florida I've not heard of any facial products that could "potentially" explode.

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Five years ago come October 21st,i was given two years to live if i didn't quit,after dozens of half hearted attempts it finally got home to me that i wouldn't see my missus,children or grandchildren if i continued being a slave to nicotine.

I stopped that day and although i have to rely on manufactured oxygen,i still consider it better than the other option.

I consider myself lucky in that,if i hadn't been given that ultimatum i would have killed myself through my addiction to a foul weed.you and i could be considered somewhat lucky to be given such a wake up call.

I'm full of admiration for anyone that quits smoking and if ecigs help them to do so then i consider it to be by far the less of two evils.

Edited by rossyrooney
E T A. this is in answer to post 33
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Firstly that is 3 years old and it has not being taken further? To add, the pharmaceutical companies are p*$$ed because they have invested billions into the harm of smoking and cessation products but none of them have got links to ecigs, which actually have proved to have worked more successfully than other products.


Not taken it any further!?!???!!!. It has already led to a ban in 6 states and others are considering their position.

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Five years ago come October 21st,i was given two years to live if i didn't quit,after dozens of half hearted attempts it finally got home to me that i wouldn't see my missus,children or grandchildren if i continued being a slave to nicotine.

I stopped that day and although i have to rely on manufactured oxygen,i still consider it better than the other option.

I consider myself lucky in that,if i hadn't been given that ultimatum i would have killed myself through my addiction to a foul weed.you and i could be considered somewhat lucky to be given such a wake up call.

I'm full of admiration for anyone that quits smoking and if ecigs help them to do so then i consider it to be by far the less of two evils.


Oh I didn't say owt wrong I hope your lass quits, but I also hope they are not as bad as being made out. I wish my missus would stop, but she won't; so no amount of me mithering her will do any good. :):)

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Real cigarettes have caused more fires and burns than that ecig explosion in florida. Any electrical or elctronic item carries a slight risk of fire/explosion etc, the chances of them exploding though, are slim. But they do.


That is because they are unregulated and no one knows how well made they are. It may well be that in time types will be approved as safe and beneficial, but at the moment most are just cheap tat that is put togther in Chinese sweat shops with scant regard for any quality control or whether they damage people's health.

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