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A new class system which one do you belong to.

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Apparently as of today a new class system has arrived .

No longer is there, Upper, Middle and Working class but all sorts of others in between from upper upper [Royalty] to lower lower [tass pots].

So this has set me thinking what class am I and you. [if you would like join in that is].


Myself I have land, [two allotments] A nice bungalow [corporation] A car [eight years old] Holidays at Mablethorpe. [caravan]. A dog, [lurcher] Three suits [One Barney Goodman 30 years old]. A wide screen telly with sky sports. [on offer til Nov]. I take the Independent newspaper, [well its the I really and only 20 p] I try to sound my hayches and rrrrrs and always open doors for lady's. [No matter what class they are].


So what class am I now have I gone up one or down a couple anyone.

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Your class should be linked to how well you can read, write, and construct a sentence. To be honest though, I couldn't care less what class I am / what class others think I am; there is so much more to life.

Well some of the finest human beings I have ever met could not read or write add to that some who can not hold a conversation very well but are a joy to every one who meets them.

So to me these pals are Top class along with[ may I add] A couple of very rich people I am acquainted with who to be honest are unaffected by their wealth.

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You are working class to the core - allotments, caravan at Mablethorpe, Sky Sports and it's 'aitches' not "hayches" .

The working class were always taught to sound their haitches and rrrrrrrs.

My caravan is also double glazed [some of the lower classes have single glazed windows].

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Well some of the finest human beings I have ever met could not read or write add to that some who can not hold a conversation very well but are a joy to every one who meets them.

So to me these pals are Top class along with[ may I add] A couple of very rich people I am acquainted with who to be honest are unaffected by their wealth.


Can't say I have heard of 'top class'. Not sure what wealth has to do with anything - money does not buy you class, as seen by the various footballers and Z-list celebrities. Also, I did not say that being able to read or write was in any way a reflection of how nice a person is.

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Can't say I have heard of 'top class'. Not sure what wealth has to do with anything - money does not buy you class, as seen by the various footballers and Z-list celebrities. Also, I did not say that being able to read or write was in any way a reflection of how nice a person is.

Well some people have class and some do not no matter who they are.

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Well some people have class and some do not no matter who they are.


Ok, well you aren't really making any valid points here. You were talking about the class system - upper, middle, lower etc. Having 'class' is something completely different.

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