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A new class system which one do you belong to.

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Apparently as of today a new class system has arrived .

No longer is there, Upper, Middle and Working class but all sorts of others in between from upper upper [Royalty] to lower lower [tass pots].


From chapter 8 of The Road to Wigan Pier by Orwell, 1937:


I was born into what you might describe as the lower-upper-middle

class. The upper-middle class, which had its heyday in the eighties and

nineties, with Kipling as its poet laureate, was a sort of mound of

wreckage left behind when the tide of Victorian prosperity receded.



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I've always classed myself as an Arthur Daley character,never really thought of a class Ive been self employed for years and been into lots of different thing may be a bit dodgy but nothing illegal,I'le tell you something I would rather deal with people from the Manor or Arbourthorne than deal with some ten bob millionaires up whirlowdale.


Ah yes that old chestnut. You'll probably find that most of the folk up Whirlowdale are in fact millionaires and most of the car dealers on the Manor & Arbbourthorne are screwing motors and ripping off the poor saps that they sell them to..

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Ah yes that old chestnut. You'll probably find that most of the folk up Whirlowdale are in fact millionaires and most of the car dealers on the Manor & Arbbourthorne are screwing motors and ripping off the poor saps that they sell them to..


Are you saying those at Whirlowdale are a higher class of rip off merchants.

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Are you saying those at Whirlowdale are a higher class of rip off merchants.


My dealings with that type of people is they are usually hocked up to the eyes in credit with paying for their fancy cars and houses basically living beyond their means with very little in the way of spare cash they might talk snobby and have a big house but that does not make them any better than me or you ,on the other hand you can deal with the guy on the manor he will say no I cant afford that or yes that's a decent price and pay you,you know what you are dealing with,all this is just my opinion and experience of dealing with different types and classes of people as a self employed man.

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The test is just for fun and is no where near accurate.


You must be right. For the bit about who you know socially I know cleaners but also have mates who are married to scientists, doctors and the like.

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Ah yes that old chestnut. You'll probably find that most of the folk up Whirlowdale are in fact millionaires and most of the car dealers on the Manor & Arbbourthorne are screwing motors and ripping off the poor saps that they sell them to..

You are right they are a set of bankers!

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